SimVibe (SimXperience)

  • Thread starter the_greeze
That's a good multi-channel receiver mate but it doesn't state 4ohm so you could still run up against it overheating. They usually have circuit protection so if it did struggle it would normally switch off. Something like a Denon would have a decent power supply so it would be more of a safe bet than a lesser make IMO.
I don't know how the demand from a shaker compares to a speaker. I would hate to be the one to say it's fine and something goes wrong :s
Ok,Thanks mate!I think that I will go for 2-3 BKG2 👍
However this link says that it's possible but you have to Connect each pair in series results in a total impedance of eight ohms.
Two primary things are needed.

1) Multichannel Inputs
2) 4ohm rating

Very few new or recent AV amplifers now have "Multichannel" more expensive ones will. Also many amps are now doing 6-8 ohm ratings not 4ohm.

I done lots of looking for 2nd hand purchases last year. While mainly a Yamaha man in the past. One of the most affordable and good quality models with decent amplification @ 100w + are:

Sony STR 1200ES / 2400 ES / 5300 ES

These will easily drive most of the midrange tactile rather well and have a safety protection mode if overdriven.

My advice is to avoid cheapo brands in amps were possible. I had a Skytec PA amp rated t an apparent 1000w which caught fire trying to power the Buttkicker LFE. I do not agree with comments that any ole amp will do as f amplification isn't an important factor. Just because active is not so much audible it is very demanding on amplifers.

Thanks Mr.Latte. you have advised me these amplifiers but here in Israel they are scarce!
Thanks Mr.Latte. you have advised me these amplifiers but here in Israel they are scarce!

Maybe you should just purchase new PA amplifiers like the A500 Greeze uses.
It is well priced even if Behringer have a habit of not clearly stating Stereo RMS figures.

You may need additional cables too.
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Oh, forgot to say thanks earlier on your comments Greeze regards your testing.
Interesting you use the seat for "wind effects" how did that feel compared to just having those with chassis tactile?

I like your layout progress, though wish you lived somewhere close to get a go on that bad boy rig.

Kinda knew an extension for a shifter would be something people would enjoy so nice to read that extensions are working well for some of you.

Still though looking for someone to successfully implement an extension that uses independent isolation to the seat and tune this to utilise (low freq only) to enhance some effects, possibly bumps or engine.

If you or others fancy a go with that would be good to hear back.
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You're welcome! :)

I decided on the "Wind Effects" as the seat is quite isolated from the main chassis (it's on a pivot remember and has a thin strip of rubber between the seat mounting plate and main chassis steelwork) and the effects from the four "Chassis Mode" transducers wasn't very noticeable in the "seat of the pants". It replicates a nice low-end road-rumble...
You're welcome! :)

I decided on the "Wind Effects" as the seat is quite isolated from the main chassis (it's on a pivot remember and has a thin strip of rubber between the seat mounting plate and main chassis steelwork) and the effects from the four "Chassis Mode" transducers wasn't very noticeable in the "seat of the pants". It replicates a nice low-end road-rumble...

I agree, I have 2 speakers head height just off to the side and behind me, the wind effects are most excellent. As for my sound card issue I have ordered 2 GTX 670's 2 GB and found a buyer for my 570's. Simvibe works well in the chassis mode but I can't get the extensions to work. The GTX 670's are only double wide so that will free up one of my PCIe slots.

My advice is to avoid cheapo brands in amps were possible.I do not agree with comments that any ole amp will do if it is 4ohm as if amplification isn't an important factor. Just because tactile is not so much audible it is very demanding on amplifiers.

You got that right, I tried two older amps I have kicking around. An older Kenwood 100 watt RMS and a older Pioneer which is 150 watt RMS. If I tried anything past 20dB it would trip the safety and off they would go. However both of them are 8 ohms. They hardly drove my Aura bass shakers. Connect my Dayton 150 Watt and they shake and bake me just fine.
Power supply is the key when running anything at 4ohms. Most decent amps/receivers can handle 4ohms. I use a Sony 5200es for my chassis mode (4ohm switchable anyway) and an old Yamaha 5630 for extension mode (only running shifter and pedals at the mo).
I keep looking at something like the Behringers but it would mean these are wasted and they're more than adequate. I could buy a CSW and rims for the price of 4 x Behringers ;)
My Earthquake miniquakes are 8ohms and auras are 4ohms.

Anyway, that aside. There was an update to SimVibe today which added some fixes by the looks of it.. Seemed to include things like changing some max rpm settings in engine vibration...however it still didn't fix my GSC 2012 issue of no engine vibration :(

and finally today...thoroughly frustrated trying to get a 10" Lilliput working with my setup. I use an 8" via a shuttle PC which runs my motion but bought this one just so I could make changes to SimVibe on-the-fly. I've installed it and have it as an extension, I can drag stuff to it..but I cannot work out how to get touchscreen working. I've installed the software egalax touch (which I already use on my other screen and it's fine) but I guess I'm struggling because of my multiscreen setup.

Greeze or me :crazy::crazy:
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and finally today...thoroughly frustrated trying to get a 10" Lilliput working with my setup. I use an 8" via a shuttle PC which runs my motion but bought this one just so I could make changes to SimVibe on-the-fly. I've installed it and have it as an extension, I can drag stuff to it..but I cannot work out how to get touchscreen working. I've installed the software egalax touch (which I already use on my other screen and it's fine) but I guess I'm struggling because of my multiscreen setup.

Greeze or me :crazy::crazy:

I feel your pain Steve. I have removed the USB monitors from my setup now as (for whatever reason; thanks to the usual Windows randomness) it used to disconnect then reconnect. Not so bad when I'm using the desktop but pretty ****ing disasterous when I'm in-race (all the screens go black while Windows resets the displays, when they come back, I'm in the wall).

I just Alt-Tab back to the desktop now. Not ideal but nor were the disconnections. I never actually got the Touchscreen working either. Sorry mate :(
It can be frustrating using USB monitors, as Simon mentioned a lot of the issues are from Windows. As far as touch screens go I would say forget them, I haven't heard of anyone getting them to work. I have a 7" Liliput I use for iSpeed and luckily I have no issues with it. To get them to work I need to use windows screen resolution and not nVidia's control panel. The first time I used it I had to wait a good 5 minutes for windows to recognize it. Since then it has worked like a charm. The trick is to turn on all your monitors before you start your PC. Other then that luck is needed to get them working. :)
boo, that's not what I wanted to hear :(
It's such a shame cos I use an 8" lilliput touchscreen for x-sim2 and it's faultless, but I do now use it as my main display on a shuttle PC so I guess that helps.

Anyway, did the SimVibe update help your Impala issue Greeze?
Henk, do you have any issues with the iPad/iphone regards the above.

Personally I would have thought a tablet not only can work well but has all its own benefits including specific apps (ihud etc) over using a USB touchscreen. Also the quality/sharpness of ipad3 is much greater than some older USB touch screens.

I bought a AOC 22" touchscreen monitor a few months back mainly for Sim Commander and only thus far tested in windows (briefly tested but set aside like most my purchases) however it isn't as accurate as the iPads multitouch. If I had a good weekend to my self I could do more comparisons but....

My initial preference is the iPad though.
I dont think I'd buy an ipad just for an extension monitor. I will get to the bottom of the issue.
I use an android tablet for a dash (sli-emu) and it's great but I dont need to interact with it, it just comes on and works :)

My 8" lilliput is connected to a shuttle PC that runs xsim2 and it's flawless, lag-free and accurate, which is important when making changes on the fly in some of the more complex menus of xsim2

I have an 22" AOC touchscreen in a games cocktail table I built and it's 100% accurate. Last night I was messing around with Bing Maps on it..before playing Space Invaders '91 for an hour 👍
Steve I have to question why the heck you don't use SimCommander for your motion and even it has an RPM feature too? Greeze what you using and why?

While I can't agree entirely with some points Berney has said the software seems awesome (not to sound too American) and importantly they continue to update it and they do make a quality cockpit.

Regards the audio amplifier factor thing I have tests coming that will dispel many questions showing actual data from tests. Very easy to take two identical tactile on the same channel and compare using dual iPads or on my iphone 4S with iphone5 collecting data simultaneously from Simvibe.

However Henke I believe will be showing soon from his own build how handy the app I recommended can be used for tactile testing and the benefits/importance of isolation and positioning.
Steve I have to question why the heck you don't use SimCommander for your motion and even it has an RPM feature too? Greeze what you using and why?

While I can't agree entirely with some points Berney has said the software seems awesome (not to sound too American) and importantly they continue to update it and they do make a quality cockpit.

Regards the audio amplifier factor thing I have tests coming that will dispel many questions showing actual data from tests. Very easy to take two identical tactile on the same channel and compare using dual iPads or on my iphone 4S with iphone5 collecting data simultaneously from Simvibe.

However Henke I believe will be showing soon from his own build how handy the app I recommended can be used for tactile testing and the benefits/importance of isolation and positioning.

You cant buy simcommander as a standalone software product.
It's part of the motion bundle which includes the SX3000 module but also comes with the actuators etc. I already had everything so wasn't going to spend thousands buying it all again just for software ;) I did try to buy it ;)

Greeze has a SimXperience motion kit so it comes with simcommander.

As for the tactile testing etc, I'm not a fan of on-going tests and theories because you never end up racing :D I'm happy with my setup, it feels awesome and motion and tactile work in harmony :)

I may get a couple more miniquakes at some time for the front chassis mode to replace a pair of auras..I may even get something like the Behringers just because they look good and would finish the room of nice and neatly.
You cant buy simcommander as a standalone software product.
It's part of the motion bundle which includes the SX3000 module but also comes with the actuators etc. I already had everything so wasn't going to spend thousands buying it all again just for software ;) I did try to buy it ;)

Greeze has a SimXperience motion kit so it comes with simcommander.

As for the tactile testing etc, I'm not a fan of on-going tests and theories because you never end up racing :D I'm happy with my setup, it feels awesome and motion and tactile work in harmony :)

I may get a couple more miniquakes at some time for the front chassis mode to replace a pair of auras..I may even get something like the Behringers just because they look good and would finish the room of nice and neatly.

Ok get ya now.

Trust me I'd love to be at a stage to properly enjoy all my kit. After having a build in limbo for the past 2 years but personally I will get satisfaction not only helping others and to quell "theories" but ensuring I or others can understand more regards the whole tactile situation and more information on how various products may compare.

At least now I have the equipment accumulated to do so and my own aim will be to discover what gives me the best tactile performance possible. So I may as well share that information. I'm more eager to do that now than add motion particularly with what I have spent on audio/tactile in the last 3 years.

Henke has showed me results from early tests and he managed approx 2.5 x improvement from a BK Gamer just from testing different isolation and positioning alone. Look forward to his upcoming reports and his build updates.
Here's the test Rodney mentioned here above.

This is a copy of the PM I send him, i thought post it here to give all simvibe users an insight how big the usage of (simple) isolators can impact the tactile performance.

Hi Rodney,

The whole idea of building a new tactile rig is learning from the experience while building it. That's why i first ordered the pedals stand to do the first tactile testing, so i can used the knowledge to build the seat section.

Remember i showed you the picture with the two isolation options:
Option A: Isolating the pedals/pedals only
Option B: Isolating the whole frame


In my old rig i used option A. With the new pedalstand i went for option B and immediately noticed a reduced tactile feedback and more bottoming out from the BKG2.

So this morning i downloaded the app you suggested 👍 and started to do some testing with a BKG2 only connected to the pedals. This test is performed only on the pedals, but i think it goes about the same for the seat and will answer your question in the simvibe topic.:)

I ran two tests :

Test 1: Isolators under the pedals and under the frame (option A + B)(top row picture)
Test 2: Isolators under the frame only (option B)(bottom row picture)

Since there is no use making a tactile rig without isolators, i did no run a third test without isolators under the frame.

For the test i used F1 2012 and tested three effects:

- Engine RPM
- Gear change
- Road Bumps

I made sure i used exactly the same conditions and for the road bumps test i ran out of the racetrack on the excact same location.

I ran each test multiple times

Here are the results:


My feelings were correct :D

As testing proves the effect in both the Pedals AND the frame is greatly improved by using option A + B.

Adding oprion A isolation to option B also reduces unwanted noises (bottoming out)


That's a fascinating read mate 👍
Thanks for taking the time to show the results.
I'm not sure how easy it would be to add isolation to my rig as my base is solid MDF and of course my seat is on a pivot for motion. Adding isolation to the seat may put undue stress on the actuators...but I think I'll look at options to isolate my pedals and shifter console.
You're welcome steve :)

i was really amazed by the difference and i'm not using expensive ones

Just these 30mm wide and 30 mm high M8 threathed.

Glad you found it useful Henk and nice test my man.
I think it will become rather popular.

Have a play with it, add in the time code setting but we should agree on what speed setting to use it with as well. Err count the blocks per second in time mode to let you see what I assume is the FPS it then reacts too.

Steve, if you have a concrete or tiled floor that isn't such a factor. It is what you do then on-top of the base which should see gains or improvements. If you have a wooden floor then yes it is likely lots of tactile performance will be running into your floor.
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After a frustrating night last night, I did a lot of searching for a resolve to my touch screen issue..and this evening I cracked it..and SimVibe control panel now has it's own position on the Lilliput complete with fully functioning touch capability. It's great cos I can properly make changes on the fly and now I'm starting to get to grips I've also started looking at the Dashboard side of things and it's fantastic. I'll probably keep my SLI-EMU tablet as a digital dash but will use SimVibe on the Lilliput for maybe some telemetry data and a button box combined.
Anyone want to buy my DSD Black Max II (unused lol) for a bargain price ;)

The more I get to grips with SimVibe the more it impresses. To think I whinged about the cost :dunce: ..sorry Berney 👍