Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Thanks @Paulie !
For some strange reasons I'm preforming extremely well this week, good number of MVP or overall great results in high MR rooms, it's a shame I'm not going for any prize of this tournament, I usually score around 1000 ranking pts/sortie, now I'm up to 1200 but I'm sure I can't go for the top 3000 without using stocked fuel and I don't care about the A-10 skin.
Bombers in WBA or Stonehenge are GREAT, just make sure to increase accelleration and max speed!
Nice. Where are you guys sitting in this tournament, I'm hovering in the top 5000 using 5 supplied fuels a day, though I've been slowly slipping as the tournament goes on.
Nice. Where are you guys sitting in this tournament, I'm hovering in the top 5000 using 5 supplied fuels a day, though I've been slowly slipping as the tournament goes on.
rank 3300 with all the 6 sortie/day, aiming to the top 3000-5000, so I can at least get more credits and reports, I'm sure I won't be able to get the A-10 skin without burning some stocked.
Got to use a B-1B Lancer at Weapons Base Assault today, scored something like 42k which was last place on my team. Really struggled at the start as all my team mates raced off and killed the targets before I could reach them, started to get a roll on at the end where I was carpet bombing everything in sight. I was disappointed in the damage power of the bombs, I felt like my F-35 could probably inflict as much damage with standard missiles, I wish the stat bars were more accurate.
One thing I need to research, but if anyone can tell me would be heaps easier! Do the upgrade parts for UGB and GPB affect the performance of the modified versions found on the Bombers?
Got to use a B-1B Lancer at Weapons Base Assault today, scored something like 42k which was last place on my team. Really struggled at the start as all my team mates raced off and killed the targets before I could reach them, started to get a roll on at the end where I was carpet bombing everything in sight. I was disappointed in the damage power of the bombs, I felt like my F-35 could probably inflict as much damage with standard missiles, I wish the stat bars were more accurate.
One thing I need to research, but if anyone can tell me would be heaps easier! Do the upgrade parts for UGB and GPB affect the performance of the modified versions found on the Bombers?
Can't confirm this but if it's a UGB and GPB part then it should not work for MUGB and MGPB, since those are treated like completely different weapons.
Yes, MUGB should work only with the generic Bomb parts (Ammos, Explosive), don't know about MGPB as they are bomba, but technically the bomb version of standard missiles, which don't get enhancements with special weapon parts.
Thanks guys.👍 I'll try and confirm that tonight (with the area damage for UGB part equipped vs without it).

EDIT: Tested and found that the UGB parts will also have an effect for the MUGB on the Bombers, I had increased area parts equipped and the circle was bigger with the part equipped.
One of my work mates got this game today, sortied with him for his first sorties, but it's a shame people out there are still seal clubbing. I used low tier jets like the F-4E on level 5, where some douche came in the lobby and used a Rafale M Vent D'Ange and scored over 90k pts in an 8 player room.
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Thanks for testing the bomb parts out @Paulie 👍. I wonder how bombers will fare in a naval TDM and how it will affect the level of teamwork and coordination in that game mode.

As for seal-clubbing, it can't be helped. The games reward system almost favours seal clubbing in some if not most cases. To be honest when I was a noob and see someone whip out a mid to top tier plane and have them MVP it didn't really drive me away from playing the game, quite the opposite actually. At least now they have the level 4 special raids which should curtail this behaviour a little bit.

Speaking of the new special raids, forced sorties are on so it's time to go hunting for them over the weekend :cool:. I actually need them more than ever. Went from ~1.8 million credits to ~5k levelling my MTD up from level 8 to 10 T_T.
I encountered a lot of seal-clubbers during the NTDM. When they appeared, I usually exit the game or kick them afterwards.
Thanks for testing the bomb parts out @Paulie 👍. I wonder how bombers will fare in a naval TDM and how it will affect the level of teamwork and coordination in that game mode.

As for seal-clubbing, it can't be helped. The games reward system almost favours seal clubbing in some if not most cases. To be honest when I was a noob and see someone whip out a mid to top tier plane and have them MVP it didn't really drive me away from playing the game, quite the opposite actually. At least now they have the level 4 special raids which should curtail this behaviour a little bit.

Speaking of the new special raids, forced sorties are on so it's time to go hunting for them over the weekend :cool:. I actually need them more than ever. Went from ~1.8 million credits to ~5k levelling my MTD up from level 8 to 10 T_T.

I think the Bombers would be terrible on Naval TDM, they would constantly get shot down far too easily.
I've yet to encounter a level IV special raid, and the last level III that I saw was Moby Dick just before Stonehenge was released, and that was a terrible lobby that got a C rank.
I currently have just over $100k in the bank, but I also have nearly 100 stocked fuels still waiting for a worthy tournament.

Tokyo Hard it's the new anti-seal clubber mission:
Sometimes you can't even score an S rank with 6 players!

I can't stand Tokyo HARD, there's a low chance you'll get the S rank, high chance you'll get reward penalties for being shot down and the payouts don't even seem to be increased. Why on Earth would anyone want to be a part of that nonsense?
Little tip for MD: S/MTD with FAEB does the trick to do a lot of damage, you can launch bombs on the Cruisers and destroy everything there's on the body, even engines. Unfortunately it seems that MD, in all forms, is bugged and a lot of times is impossible to get the S rank, they should add some enemy plane, otherwise the players cannot reach the minimum score to get S rank.
I think the Bombers would be terrible on Naval TDM, they would constantly get shot down far too easily.
I've yet to encounter a level IV special raid, and the last level III that I saw was Moby Dick just before Stonehenge was released, and that was a terrible lobby that got a C rank.
I currently have just over $100k in the bank, but I also have nearly 100 stocked fuels still waiting for a worthy tournament.

I can't stand Tokyo HARD, there's a low chance you'll get the S rank, high chance you'll get reward penalties for being shot down and the payouts don't even seem to be increased. Why on Earth would anyone want to be a part of that nonsense?

Regarding the Tokyo HARD, there's a lot of people who get on it..... :crazy: I guess must be the ones on the top 20 on this tournament.
I can't stand Tokyo HARD, there's a low chance you'll get the S rank, high chance you'll get reward penalties for being shot down and the payouts don't even seem to be increased. Why on Earth would anyone want to be a part of that nonsense?
Because it's challenging, that's why :P
But yeah, If there was a tournament I do care I would not be so stupid to enter in a Tokyo Hard room!
Little tip for MD: S/MTD with FAEB does the trick to do a lot of damage, you can launch bombs on the Cruisers and destroy everything there's on the body, even engines. Unfortunately it seems that MD, in all forms, is bugged and a lot of times is impossible to get the S rank, they should add some enemy plane, otherwise the players cannot reach the minimum score to get S rank.
Yeah, I've lost too many S ranks in MDP...
Speaking of MDP, I got a level II one yesterday, did a forced sortie x3 stocked fuels and we managed the S rank, but I only scored 17k pts, some dude in a S/MTD dominated everyone, I guess he was using the FAEB. We did get the S rank though, I got $148k for my troubles.
What angle are you supposed to attack the core from at the end?

I've been really struggling to keep up with people lately, I'm dropping further and further back in to the 1900's after having been in the 2000's, I'm struggling to beat people my own matching rate though.
My YF-23 is now level 7 though, with level 2 HVAA.
What angle are you supposed to attack the core from at the end?
Head on, I think. At least, that's where I remember attacking from. Usually I stay away from the cockpit/core so I don't accidentally hit it with a 4/6AAM while going after the late spawning fighters.
I don't know if this is a bug, or is the enemy AI in B7R better than the ones in Moscow? Because whenever I use an Su-37 in B7R, they usually evade my missiles, do maneuvers etc. but in Moscow, I can kill them easily. Same goes for the red targets.
I don't know if this is a bug, or is the enemy AI in B7R better than the ones in Moscow? Because whenever I use an Su-37 in B7R, they usually evade my missiles, do maneuvers etc. but in Moscow, I can kill them easily. Same goes for the red targets.

I can't say I've experienced it, same same to me.

Edit: Wow, I actually lost a bit of stocked fuel this weekend, started with 99 and ended on 94, I had three level II emergency raid missions (aint nobody passing up forced sorties for that)! Also I had one MDP-I that I was on Supplied Fuel for. My YF-23 is that much closer to level 8 for it as well, and I'm on to researching the LL armour parts just before the B-2A. I'm really not sure the Bombers can be as competitive as I originally hoped though, they're just too slow and ground targets aren't always enough.

Edit 2: Looks like the level 8 upgrade on a YF-23 will cost me $400k, I'd better start saving! Can't remember what I have now, must be over $200k though.
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180 stocked fuel to use for the next tournament, real grind is real :lol:

More than enough fuel for a top 200 plane then :P.

Got another MDP2 this weekend. Have the encounter rates for the lower level raids been increased? Sitting pretty at 900k credits again.

Hope we get a good tourney for Christmas. Inb4 holiday themed A-10 as the tourney prize :lol:.
I got 108 and still can buy the Elite Pack which got 20, I already planned to buy it before or later. I got 14€ and it costs 15€, so I have to add 5€, with the 4 remaining I can still buy 5 units or even the 10+1 if fuel goes in sale.
More than enough fuel for a top 200 plane then :P.

Got another MDP2 this weekend. Have the encounter rates for the lower level raids been increased? Sitting pretty at 900k credits again.

Hope we get a good tourney for Christmas. Inb4 holiday themed A-10 as the tourney prize :lol:.
Pretty sure we'll get the A-10 holiday as a skin (just like the pumpkin F-14) and I still need to drop the jolly rogers!
Got all the collaboration emblems anyway...
The plan is: getting the upcoming Su-37 -Rena Hirose- (unless it's a skin, but I'm sure will be an SP plane), upgrade the glorious Y13 to level 9 and Garuda LVL 9.
Still need to buy the new planes and parts added in the last update and upgrade most of SP weapons to level 5...
Oh, I almost forgot: I'll be testing some loadouts for a even deadly Typhoon, so I can wipe out all the B7R forces easily for more ranking pts so I can keep some fuel.
I got 108 and still can buy the Elite Pack which got 20, I already planned to buy it before or later. I got 14€ and it costs 15€, so I have to add 5€, with the 4 remaining I can still buy 5 units or even the 10+1 if fuel goes in sale.
Despite the cost I recommend to buy the 50+10 pack when it's on sale, you'll always need fuel...
Me too still need to get the F-14D -Jolly Rogers-.
For the skin I may think it will somehow the reward for a "Christmas Holiday Tournament" in one of the 2 next weeks. Actually, this month skin drop is the F-16F one, so I don't think they will put another one for drop, so I may say as tournament reward.
For the fuel, I won't spend all those money for a F2P. Packs and Campaign Ticket ok, they are somehow "Bundles" or "DLCs", but not true Microtransations. Plus, the fuel for me it's just "how much I can push out on the 12h Contracts" as I don't think I will ever intentionally buy fuel just to win tournaments...
+3, No Jolly Rogers for me either, though I did see someone use it.

It was good to sortie with @fatman_5050 last night as well, we got a SHR-II and earned some cash on the same squadron.👍

@Vitocorp and @Louie_Schumii I don't know how you guys can be so far advanced on the research tree and have earned so many special jets in tournaments and have so much cash in reserve and still have so much fuel stocked up. Do you have jobs or any cash left in your real bank account?:lol:
+3, No Jolly Rogers for me either, though I did see someone use it.

It was good to sortie with @fatman_5050 last night as well, we got a SHR-II and earned some cash on the same squadron.👍

@Vitocorp and @Louie_Schumii I don't know how you guys can be so far advanced on the research tree and have earned so many special jets in tournaments and have so much cash in reserve and still have so much fuel stocked up. Do you have jobs or any cash left in your real bank account?:lol:
Gotta admit, I've bought the campaign ticket, the rookie and elite pack and 3x 60 pack (all 3 during the Y13 tournament, fuel sale).
Still cheaper than my ex gf...(I use to spend too much money for things I like)
Research is inevitable if you burn fuel, so it goes pretty natural :lol:
Missed a lot of tournaments, and if I could, I would trade the -stripes- and some emblems for the fuel spent, as well as the -black hornet-. (burned some fuel during the first challenge event as well, dumb move).
My "classic Ace emblem+Sp aircraft collection" is much more restricted so I'm passing this F-16 despite I love falcons, if you play conservative you can stock enough fuel to get some nice rewards without spending tons of money.
The only reason I'm spending money it's because nostalgia, I played a lot with past AC games and it's probably my ex equo all time favourite series (the other is Ratchet and Clank, I grew up with the duo).
Finally, my research is complete for the PAK FA. Now about the amount of credits...let's just say it's quite expensive. :(
What's a Super Flanker UPEO? Never mind I found it

My workmate and I were talking about what they should add to the game next, and we strongly agree on two things, a Mig-31 and a YF-12. The most sensible set for a YF-12 would have to be ECM, HVAA and 4AAM (they had 4 missile bays, though one was filled with electronics in real life). A YF-12 would have to have mega speed but only Attacker-like mobility despite being a Fighter in the game. Makes sense to me!
I want!:drool:

Edit: Just for you @Flaren89 the jet is not only not a Super Flanker (it's a regular special edition Su-37), it's also only for the top 200. It's near identical to the Yellow 13, just slightly more mobility and slightly less stability (who cares in a Fighter?) and defence.
BTW, why is everything Bombers so expensive?:crazy: They're too slow and one dimensional to be that effective anyway. Just finished research on the level 1 MUGB and it's $670k!!! According to our Japanese friends at seesaawiki the level 5 upgrade is $8,947,950!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit 2: Level 5 upgrade on MSOD? $9,490,250 :crazy: :banghead: :crazy: !!!!
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Shame on you Bamco why not top 1000????
I can do this top 200, this Su-37 looks extremely cool plus 6AAM and QAAM!
There's also a good load of emblems, Ouroboros looks great, I just hope to keep some stocked if I decide to do this.
At this time I'll wait for next tournament. If I still don't drop the F-14D -Jolly Roger-, I will be forced to burn everything on it, just hope it got a usefull plane in top 1.000. If I will drop the -JR- in next 10 days I can decide to keep stocking fuel and burn it in another future tournament, and for that time maybe I can look for top 200 with the load of fuel I'll got.