Alfa Romeo is disappeared of the Vision GT list

If they sold their cars in this country, I would boycott. :D

You would boycott a company..from selling real cars here..because they didn't release (or complete) a fantasy car in a game...
If they sold their cars in this country, I would boycott. :D
Start boycotting

You know, since there are 20 more VGTs to be released, judging by the rate of 1 car per month it's gonna take almost 2 years for this project to completely wrap up. I hope by then whatever project Alfa is doing that made them shaft the VGT will be finished, and the designers can spend a little more time to finish the design. By the sketches it looks like it's 50% done already, so it won't take them that much effort to get it finished.

Fingers crossed this isn't the last we are going to hear of Alfa VGT 👍