Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb

Pencil draft. Has been sent to friend and awaiting his opinion.
Thank you.
It's been pretty difficult for me since I'm a beginner regarding shading.

Also using crayola color pencils is TOUGH!! :lol:

Crayola isn't bad, they actually offer good performance for what they cost, they are not exceedingly soft which can be a great advantage when drawing cars, which sometimes require pretty precise work for the reflections and stuff. They also have a nice selection of colors, I used them a lot in combination with Prismacolor stuff back in the day.
Crayola isn't bad, they actually offer good performance for what they cost, they are not exceedingly soft which can be a great advantage when drawing cars, which sometimes require pretty precise work for the reflections and stuff. They also have a nice selection of colors, I used them a lot in combination with Prismacolor stuff back in the day.

That's good info. Thanks.
I haven't tried any other color pencils.

Though I do use art specific graphite and charcoal pencils.

I'm a beginner with pencil selection too. Still getting in the groove.
I drew this last year, but I thought I'd show all of you it now.

Good work! Only point that I can tell you, is it would've been better if you worked a bit more on the hatching of the car.

Nice color pencil technique! Reminds me of my old days ):

Oh man do you like drawing pictures as well?
Oh man do you like drawing pictures as well?

Indeed, and color pencils used to be my favorite hand-held media before turning full-time into photoshop colouring. Look trough my posts in this thread to catch a glimpse of my work. You'll like it.

Heres something that ive been working on

It's cheating if you copy/paste the wheels!! :P
Hand drawn sketch. Scanned into photoshop. Then just the pen and prush tools. I dont have a tablet this was done with mouse..
Your drawing looks awesome, and you should get yourself a tablet. It was one of the best decisions iv'e ever made.

A few drawings i did (drawn using a tablet in Photoshop). I originally posted them in the 'Design a community VGT' thread in the GT6 section, but thought i'd may as well share them here too. They're all slightly unfinished (as usual lol)

The original design brief was for a Kei sized MR, though the whole thing may be starting from scratch again, if we get some kind of green light that PD is interested in the project. (You guys should come and share your ideas/designs and input for the project) Here's the link:

GTP VGT (design loosely translated from the head designers ideas) :

Giga-Kart (my own design i submitted, although it wasn't at this stage of progression at the time) :

The car in the background (both pics), is what i originally submitted. The project founder gave us a very short deadline to submit ideas though, would have loved to submit the idea seen in the pic above.
A few drawings i did (drawn using a tablet in Photoshop). I originally posted them in the 'Design a community VGT' thread in the GT6 section, but thought i'd may as well share them here too. They're all slightly unfinished (as usual lol)

Quick little sketch, will probably finish it off and add detail
Jaguar J12

Dude, as your friend, I'm going to ask you a favour. Please when you post drawings, tag me. These are awesome, the kart is impossibly good.

And also, another favour/a proposal: next time you're kinda wondering what to draw next, do a wheel gallery. Your wheels are mind-bending. You could take several legendary wheels -Torq-trusts, BBSs, Wats, Halibrands, you know what I'm talking about- and make modern renditions of them. I'd pay for that.
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At last, I have finally obtained a digital camera for my personal use!!!
Here are a couple of drawings from when I was around 10-12 years old.




And this is my latest project.


EDIT: oops It looks like the last one is warped a little bit. I assure you that it's not like that at all in person. Oh well, I'll take another picture of it when it is finished! :D
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Here are a couple of drawings from when I was around 10-12 years old.

*massive photos and a whale shark*

so how long ago was that?

Also, we would appreciate it if you could please shrink your photos. We don't need to see 3000px wide images, nor would visitors like the idea of having to load all those large images each time they view the thread. If you don't have an image editor, you can tell your camera to capture your photos at a smaller resolution. Please try to keep it under 1600px (width or height; whichever dimension is larger).

Another way to save space and scrolling is to put your stuff in a spoiler tag.

Thank you!



1 hr, ballpoint pen, drew it just now. Haven't drawn since December. Haven't drawn something decent since who-knows-when.

Mazda Toon Cosmo Sport

1:18 AutoART


Not my photo
I wasn't going to post this since it was literally a quick unfinished 10 minute sketch but @SVX told me too.
