Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
Hey guys, could any of you CSW owners please take some measurements for me? Basically, I would like like to know the distance from the centre of the spline to the base, and also the distance from he front face of the base to the front of the rim mounted on it?

I'm building my rig now before I get it so I would just like to get the right measurements.

On the csr-e the base to center of the steering shaft distance is approx 72mm. And the distance from the front face to the front of the rim is 140mm which could be different on the csw with its quick release but it should be close.
I just read up on the T300RS wheel, it sounds like a good wheel. I then found out about the CPX adapter from @mrbasher so I pre-ordered one of those (just 10 bux to pre-order). It would be nice to use my CSR Elite pedals with the T300RS and the PS4 for PCars and eventually GT7 (I guess :eyeroll:).

Anyway, I wanted to pop in and see if there was any interest in my eKretz modded, fully functioning CSR Elite wheel (with an extra pair of motors and the air pump). Shoot me a pm if anyone is interested.

On the csr-e the base to center of the steering shaft distance is approx 72mm. And the distance from the front face to the front of the rim is 140mm which could be different on the csw with its quick release but it should be close.
Thank you bud :)

I will ask my friend regarding that wheel of yours, he just like me is quite poor really but I will ask him anyway. May I ask why you wanna get rid of a Buhler modded wheel, it´s a very fine tool for SIM racing.
Please tell me I have not missed the 2nd motor order. I'm now the owner of a used V1. I've been waiting forever to pick up a used V1 with intent to mod and then the V2 was announced. I was unsure which route to take until I read a Buhler vs V2 review and did some drunk ebay-ing last night.

I will ask my friend regarding that wheel of yours, he just like me is quite poor really but I will ask him anyway. May I ask why you wanna get rid of a Buhler modded wheel, it´s a very fine tool for SIM racing.

I think Jerome is pretty heavily into the console Sims, so the lack of availability of next-gen console compatibility is a big concern for him.

@Jerome - I'm surprised you aren't getting the V2! Too disappointed with your stock parts reliability problems?
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Hi guys, just bought a CSR E and when I took it apart the back of the belts felt greasy, should I change them? I plan to clean and re-oil the bearings as most of the grease seems to have already escaped.
I am planning to change the rim,(the flat bottom annoys me when drifting) should I look for one that is as light as possible or will it not make much difference.
eKretz have you any kits left? I know its only a matter of time before I will need one!
Hi guys, just bought a CSR E and when I took it apart the back of the belts felt greasy, should I change them? I plan to clean and re-oil the bearings as most of the grease seems to have already escaped.
I am planning to change the rim,(the flat bottom annoys me when drifting) should I look for one that is as light as possible or will it not make much difference.
eKretz have you any kits left? I know its only a matter of time before I will need one!

This information might be transferable -

Another tip - open up your wheel and clean all the dust out. Then loosen your belts and use some acetone and a toothbrush to clean your pulley grooves - get ALL the old rubber out of the grooves. Then do the same to the belts, all the way around the inside grooves. Just use enough acetone to wet the toothbrush, don't apply it to the belt, then scrub the belt grooves with the toothbrush. Allow everything to dry and reassemble and set tensions. This will allow you to run lower belt tensions but still prevent slippage.

This gets everything super clean and won't wear the belts out early like using belt dressing or rubber softening compound.

On the rim, you might want to first work out if you will be switching to the Buehlers. With extra grunt the rim options open up a bit, weight and size wise.

I will ask my friend regarding that wheel of yours, he just like me is quite poor really but I will ask him anyway. May I ask why you wanna get rid of a Buhler modded wheel, it´s a very fine tool for SIM racing.

The wheel is superb, especially with eKretz's improvements. But I don't like racing on the PC because of having to use a KB+M attached or near my rig, I tend to get carpel tunnel (SP?) really bad when I try and navigate around AC and NFS Porsche Unleashed. So using the onboard buttons to navigate the PS4 is a big plus in my book.

I'm not looking to get rich off the sale of the wheel, I would be taking a rather large loss on the sale after you consider the upgrades and spare set of motors too. But I'm just looking to cover the cost of the T300RS (buyer pays shipping).

However, I will want to try out the T300RS first before selling my wheel, so it'd be a few weeks from now before I make my decision.

I think Jerome is pretty heavily into the console Sims, so the lack of availability of next-gen console compatibility is a big concern for him.

@Jerome - I'm surprised you aren't getting the V2! Too disappointed with your stock parts reliability problems?

You nailed it buddy. I'm really not interested in the fanatec lineups and the whole bad motor situation is pretty unforgivable in my book.

I can't find a PM button!?
I have cleaned with toothbrush, but the grease concerned me, didn't want to touch the ribbed side as it doesn't slip much at moment.
Also, is there much difference in csr e pedals and clubsports? I am using a loaned set of clubsports but need to buy my own pedals.

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I'm on the list!
Fair play to you guys on this thread, from the ideas through to the feedback everything is here that persuaded me to take the splash and buy a csre with modding in mind(got a good competition with a mate on xbox360, so needed that!).
Years ago when I lusted over a csre and had a modded ms wheel(with clutch pedal and sequential shifter) I never thought I would be actually building my own metal rig for a proper PC sim! You have all cost me a fortune!! Lol.
Congrats on a great friendly thread!

Yeah me too, who would have guessed the SIM industry would turn out like this a few years back and it will continue to just get better and better I´m sure of it! I absolutely cannot wait until motion rigs became more available at lower cost, I dream about having my rig simulate loss of grip so I can feel it in my body + even smaller G forces depending on technology? To me that´s why the wheel itself is so very important at this stage cause if I cannot afford the motion rig (even DIY at this point is somewhat expensive) now I need the wheel to be accurate and strong yet smooth and let me feel that loss of grip in the wheel. Quality gear makes a lot of difference, the better my gear feels to me the more I drive and I have probably stepped it up 50% since my first G27 wheel and another 50% after Buhler mod.

If I had a simulator like the one in use of for example Infinity Red Bull racing you could bet I would live inside that thing!

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Yeah me too, who would have guessed the SIM industry would turn out like this a few years back and it will continue to just get better and better I´m sure of it! I absolutely cannot wait until motion rigs became more available at lower cost, I dream about having my rig simulate loss of grip so I can feel it in my body + even smaller G forces depending on technology? To me that´s why the wheel itself is so very important at this stage cause if I cannot afford the motion rig (even DIY at this point is somewhat expensive) now I need the wheel to be accurate and strong yet smooth and let me feel that loss of grip in the wheel. Quality gear makes a lot of difference, the better my gear feels to me the more I drive and I have probably stepped it up 50% since my first G27 wheel and another 50% after Buhler mod.

If I had a simulator like the one in use of for example Infinity Red Bull racing you could be I would live inside that thing!


I have 800$ into my DIY 2dof seat mover, Once i have my Traction loss frame setup, Ill have less than 1100$ into the whole Shebang, Comparable setup from the competitor is 5 GRAND!!!!!!

DIY gear is Faster, Quieter and cheaper, DIY Software is FREE and also Supports more than 2X the games as the competitor.

Imo its a pretty easy decision.
I have 800$ into my DIY 2dof seat mover, Once i have my Traction loss frame setup, Ill have less than 1100$ into the whole Shebang, Comparable setup from the competitor is 5 GRAND!!!!!!

DIY gear is Faster, Quieter and cheaper, DIY Software is FREE and also Supports more than 2X the games as the competitor.

Imo its a pretty easy decision.

hey Nick,

did u use wiper motors or proper motion controllers?? which are better in your opinion! :D
hey Nick,

did u use wiper motors or proper motion controllers?? which are better in your opinion! :D

@Nick Moxley do you have a thread describing your DIY? I would be interested in knowing more about it.:)

I used the "motion dynamics" Pgsaw Ebay motor's w/25:1 boxes (im not a big guy 150lbs)

Being a Complete Motion noobie at first this will explain it all and show a few trial and error's in the build.

Any question's feel free to PM or what ever. If you have Any DIY skills this is More than possible when you learn how easy it really is.

"yaw" frame is in the design stage, just trying to decide how i want to mount the motor. Got the 12" 1000lbs capacity lazy susan already on the way.
@Nick Moxley, I second what Cote said my friend please create a new thread about your rig and link here, please..

It´s very interesting stuff for sure, yeah me too have looked into the DIY stuff and suspect that´s the only way to go atm but mainly do to high cost, I mean let´s be honest here if I was a millionaire I would already have the best rig my money could buy. If that rig already exist I would buy it, if not I would have some experts build it for me according to my wishes/specs. :D

Although I´m NOT a millionaire, not even close so have got to be realistic here and think things through thoroughly before I do anything and commit to a project like that. Also I do not have access to work space and proper tools which complicates things but in the future who knows, if your a big boy like myself how cheap could a motion rig like that be built? I suppose it´s a bit more expensive if I need stronger motors etc?
@Nick Moxley, I second what Cote said my friend please create a new thread about your rig and link here, please..

It´s very interesting stuff for sure, yeah me too have looked into the DIY stuff and suspect that´s the only way to go atm but mainly do to high cost, I mean let´s be honest here if I was a millionaire I would already have the best rig my money could buy. If that rig already exist I would buy it, if not I would have some experts build it for me according to my wishes/specs. :D

Although I´m NOT a millionaire, not even close so have got to be realistic here and think things through thoroughly before I do anything and commit to a project like that. Also I do not have access to work space and proper tools which complicates things but in the future who knows, if your a big boy like myself how cheap could a motion rig like that be built? I suppose it´s a bit more expensive if I need stronger motors etc?

Lets continue this over here.
Here are some graphs from Blue028's single Buhler modded CSR Elite that he sent me the info files from and asked me to graph for him:



They look pretty decent, you can compare to my most recent ones here:



Also Steven - I took a look at max velocity and your single motor wheel is running a tad slower max RPM than my dual motor wheel. Thought I ought to let you know,since we had discussed that. It's interesting that you perceived othewrwise - must have been placebo effect or whatever. Just goes to show how your feel does not always reflect reality.
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Looks pretty good, should look a tad better too once I eliminate the belt slip and some other minor things but even now I'm pretty happy with it performance wise (still need to fish scale it too)

It must have been a dodgy set of twin buhlers I had from the get go then because they were really slow, noticeably slower than now. Can't wait for the new set to arrive and get them going too
Oh, wasn't aware of that, definitely must have been then. The belt slip shouldn't make a whole lot of difference - I thought it would too, but when I checked mine after working on that when mine was slipping, the graphs looked virtually identical - the belts don't really slip when there's nothing (hands) holding the wheel from moving.