Guess That Car/Track/Song- Spec 2.0 Edition

  • Thread starter Stephan
Dodge Challenger RT '70
Pontiac Firebird TransAm(From DRIV3R)
Plymouth AAR Barrel Pack Cuda
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Its gotta be the Challenger if he's talking about Driver San Francisco and John Tanner. Possibly it could be also
My car riddle (Must not get @rallymorten or @GranTurismo916 to answer it right! :scared:):

You're at a neck and neck tie to first place. Remember, first placers get a supreme prize after the GTC span ends. I am currently not against you, 'morten or Atongo. I am against RCG17 and FilipinoGtUser1. :)


Honda Life Step Van' 72. A 1,000,000 mile guess away from expected :lol:
You're at a neck and neck tie to first place. Remember, first placers get a supreme prize after the GTC span ends. I am currently not against you, 'morten or Atongo. I am against RCG17 and FilipinoGtUser1. :)


Honda Life Step Van' 72. A 1,000,000 mile guess away from expected :lol:
Nope. You're about 9739.59 km (6051.90 miles) off rather... ;)
Resume E.T.
P.S. When does the so-called GTC/T/S span end?
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Nope. You're about 9739.59 km (6051.90 miles) away rather... ;)
Resume E.T.
P.S. When does the so-called GTC/T/S span end?
Until sparky cease to exist, none of us will make a GTC thread in future GT forums or yet until GT cease to exist. :D

Ford GT
Toyota Supra RZ '97
Merc 190 Evo Touring Car
Tommykaira ZZII
Aston Martin DB9 '06
Until sparky cease to exist, none of us will make a GTC thread in future GT forums or yet until GT cease to exist. :D

1. Sparky will always exist. :P
2. Why don't we set up a limit, for example, 5500 posts for now, until another guy takes it over. 💡

3. Don't be so greedy! :lol:

4. It's perhaps a 99.999625367099% chance that Sparky will not leave this forum. :dopey:

5. It's impossible for GT to quit. Or cease to exist. By then, the Playstation would've hit PS25 onwards, which is a far long time from now.:sly:

6. That message sounds seriously creepy. Because you are predicting great forumers (or LFA fans) and a great game to end closely :scared:
1. Sparky will always exist. :P
2. Why don't we set up a limit, for example, 5500 posts for now, until another guy takes it over. 💡

3. Don't be so greedy! :lol:

4. It's perhaps a 99.999625367099% chance that Sparky will not leave this forum. :dopey:

5. It's impossible for GT to quit. Or cease to exist. By then, the Playstation would've hit PS25 onwards, which is a far long time from now.:sly:

6. That message sounds seriously creepy. Because you are predicting great forumers (or LFA fans) and a great game to end closely :scared:
Lol, im still the OP of this thread and I forgot, @MrUnknown, your forty days is up so you'll be moved to time keeper spot while I resume my mod activities. Anywho, announcement:
An update will be made so no one will guess for tomorrow because an update will be made. Also some features will be added and some revision of rules will be made to optimize the thread plus adding two new officers which will be revealed after the update. Also the title will be changed.
We hope for your cooperation thank you.
Several bullies say to him..

"Hey Lardo, where are you going in your Lardo Car, Lardville!

(S24, Dangers on a train)
4hr limit is passes. my riddle is valid!

Track Riddle.

"Drivers will fear of and step silent, and probably some spectators might scar their lives too."