[PS3]The Last of Us

  • Thread starter gtone339
If there are people dumb enough to hand over their money for it, and there is, why shouldn't ND make it? They make games for profit don't they?
I've not played it yet so this is good for me, But my mate is going to buy it again which i'm not too sure why really unless you love online
There's no point in removing something popular that's already there. You may not like the multiplayer, but a lot of others do. If you don't like the multiplayer, just don't play it.

Sure. But at least they could remove the 🤬 annoying online trophies?
I hate it when developers tag on some crappy multiplayer. I hate it even more when they "force" me to play it to get all the trophies.
@Jawehawk should developers base their games solely around what you personally like? The majority of people I've talked to really enjoyed the mutliplayer in The Last of Us and it is silly to complain about something that is entirely optional in the first place.
@Jawehawk should developers base their games solely around what you personally like? The majority of people I've talked to really enjoyed the mutliplayer in The Last of Us and it is silly to complain about something that is entirely optional in the first place.

Well, the majority that I've talked to thought little of the multiplayer, and it's silly to complain about people who dislike multiplayer trophies in games that first and formost are single player games.
I have to go with Jawehawk on this one, myself I never thought much of the multiplayer, neither did anyone I talked to about it. A main issue I saw was the lack of infected. Didn't have the same feel to the world.
I've made my opinion know about the multiplayer, I loved it. I think the words bad, horrible, whatever else are overused nowadays. Was the multiplayer truly bad or just not to your liking? Was it unbalanced or did it not perform well technically? What made it 'bad' in your opinion? I found it to require strategy and teamwork otherwise it could be frustrating. Not everyone's cup of tea but that's what they were going for though. Personally, I had some of the most intense multiplayer moments I've experienced on any game in TLOU. I also found after a good match people were decent sports on both sides versus the human scum found on COD and other games. If you didn't have good teammates, didn't communicate, or wanted to work by yourself though, I could see not enjoying it because of the way they designed and intended the game to play. Rambo's need not apply for TLOU multiplayer. The game I compare it to is SOCOM: Confrontation, a game that get's a bad rap because it shipped in a bad state but ended up being a great team based multiplayer game.

Anyways, yeah if/when it's released on PS4 I will happily double dip for a game that is in my top 2 of the last generation. I will play through Survivor + again and I'm sure spend plenty of time of the multiplayer again. Some may say I'm a fool for buying it again, I say if I enjoy it it's money well spent.
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I don't know about you, but no one nor game has ever "forced" me to obtain trophies.

If you want to obtain all of the trophies, which some of us do, you're forced to play through the multiplayer. Surely, that isn't exactly the right way to go about it in what is predominantly a singler player game.

I hate the multiplayer because it is overly simplistic. It's not very different from the likes of CoD, and in a game that contains infected, leaving them out of the multiplayer shows just how little time they actually spent on it. I could've thought up this multiplayer in 5 minutes... As could most, if not all of you.
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I like it because it's one of the very few online shooters that place a large emphasis on stealth. I had a friend that hated playing it because he rushed and always died. I told him to play slowly and cautiously and he enjoyed it a lot more.

Regarding Infected in multiplayer? It can't work. Nope. Uh-huh.
Benson Russell held a presentation at an expo I attended last year, and he spent a good few minutes talking about the AI and the models in the game. You may not notice it in game, but there is never more than 7 hostile AI at one time. This includes Hunters, Infected and Fireflies. Russell noted that this was the maximum amount of models that the PS3 was able to support due to memory. (Other examples hindered by memory were the absence of male and female clickers at any one time, the lack of female hunters in single-player, and the same models used for both Infected, Hunters, David's men and Robert's men.)

You couldn't really include Infected as a Horde mode, because seven runners isn't really a 'horde'. You also wouldn't be able to add them into Factions, because you already have eight people battling it out. The PS3's already been pushed to its limits. I hightly doubt it could do any more.
If you want to obtain all of the trophies, which some of us do, you're forced to play through the multiplayer. Surely, that isn't exactly the right way to go about it in what is predominantly a singler player game.

I hate the multiplayer because it is overly simplistic. It's not very different from the likes of CoD, and in a game that contains infected, leaving them out of the multiplayer shows just how little time they actually spent on it. I could've thought up this multiplayer in 5 minutes... As could most, if not all of you.

If you want to obtain all the trophies you have to complete every part of the game, since multiplayer is obviously part if the game I'd argue it wouldn't make sense to exclude multiplayer trophies from the trophy list.

As far as the multiplayer not being very different from the likes of CoD as the developers not spending time on it, I suppose we'll have to disagree there.
If you want to obtain all of the trophies, which some of us do, you're forced to play through the multiplayer.

When then you have no other choice if that's your goal.

Surely, that isn't exactly the right way to go about it in what is predominantly a single player game.

That's your own little idea - your own "rules". Last of Us isn't your game. If a game has multiplayer, it can have trophies pertaining to that. There is no rule stating you can't physically add trophies for it. If a game has a tutorial mode, trophies can be awarded for passing it as there are no rules stating you aren't allowed to do that either. Hell, there can even be a trophy for viewing all concept art for all I care. There's no rule objecting against that either! Do you now see why I think trophies have little value?

Again, acquiring trophies is entirely optional. That means you either will suck it up and obtain the multiplayer trophies, or don't. If you need to complain, talk to ND.

If it upsets you that much that you, a trophy hunter, simply cannot accept playing on multiplayer for personal reasons that do not affect other players, why don't you complain to Naughty Dog?
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That's your own little idea - your own "rules". Last of Us isn't your game. If a game has multiplayer, it can have trophies pertaining to that. There is no rule stating you can't physically add trophies for it.

It's my opinion. Never said anything about it being a rule-set that all developers must adhere to. But that Last of Us is predominantly a singler player game is a fact. hence why much more work was put into it, and why it is critically acclaimed for its single player, not it multiplayer. If you like the multiplayer, then good on you.

Again, acquiring trophies is entirely optional. That means you either will suck it up and obtain the multiplayer trophies, or don't. If you need to complain, talk to ND.

If it upsets you that much that you, a trophy hunter, simply cannot accept playing on multiplayer for personal reasons that do not affect other players, why don't you complain to Naughty Dog?

I don't need to take my opinions to ND. This is a public forum, and as such, I can express any and all opinions as much as I desire as long as I do not break the AUP. You'd do well to keep that in mind in the future.

Also, little tip for you. You don't represent every single other Last of Us player out there. So saying that this is not a problem for anyone but me, is pretty much a baseless arguement. Some dislike it. Some are fine with it. One thing we all have in common is that we're entitled to our own opinion on the matter, and can share those opinions as much as we like.
I don't need to take my opinions to ND. This is a public forum, and as such, I can express any and all opinions as much as I desire as long as I do not break the AUP. You'd do well to keep that in mind in the future.

I'm just saying if it's that much of a concern to you, ND oughta know what you think. Telling us won't change their minds.

And you are equally free to have your say about trophies just as I. Trophies aren't mandatory thus why I'm trying to point out the silliness to have such an issue with multiplayer trophies. To use your own words, predominantly doesn't mean entirely, and that means if there is room for trophy acquirement in other departments of the game, then there's no stopping devs from making it happen. I think it's silly to make a fuss over something IMO so small and uncontrollable, and again, if it bugs you that much,you can just skip those set of trophies. Make an exception.
AOS- I am making an exception in the way that I' not going to sit though 30+ hours of multiplayer to get the trophies.
As for the complaint being silly. I completely see your point. And if I could stop being all OCD about minor stuff like this, I would. But it really isn't that simple. I can choose not to do it (as I have), but it'll continue to bug the hell out of me.

And ND really doesn't care. It's too trivival for them to care, and even if it wasn't some trivial problem, they'd probably still neglect it on account of it not having anything to do with more profit. Something that for some time now, seems to be their sole focus.
I wonder how this is working for them, since apparently all they care about is earning a profit.

What are the thoughts of PS3 TLOU owners on this?

I might consider it depending on price. I think all the DLC is included in the PS4 version if I'm correct?
What are the thoughts of PS3 TLOU owners on this?

I might consider it depending on price. I think all the DLC is included in the PS4 version if I'm correct?
Price was $59.99 on the PSN Store; Abandoned Territories, Left Behind and Reclaimed Territories will all be included.
???? Odd comments.

More like roars of a mad man really. But i'm happy with that news. I've completed Tomb Raider on ps3 and Definitive Edition on PS4 both 100% platinums. Last of us on PS3 I've played many times and i love it. So imagine my happiness :) now.

GOTY sony_! someone did bad choice buying XboxOne_!
What are the thoughts of PS3 TLOU owners on this?

I might consider it depending on price. I think all the DLC is included in the PS4 version if I'm correct?

Here's my thought:

Even though NaughtyDog is aiming for 1080p with 60 fps for the The Last of Us - PS4 edition, I want a comparison between the 2 versions before deciding on it and I still have my original copy of the last of us on the PS3 as a physical disc copy.

I am still keen on a sequel or their current project, UNCHARTED PS4. :)


Anyway, here's the announcement trailer (PS4)





Release date:

Summer (June) 2014​
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Might be funny to you and it's good. But i loved Tomb Raider Definitive Edition so i know what to expect from already GOTY x 200 game. Haven't played DLC yet so this new remastered version will came with it.

Anyway ill swap my ps3 copy for Dead Space 3 and have piece with my collection. PS4 bring it on_!
I'll rebuy on PS4, the only games I kept on PS3 were TLoU and GT6, with TLoU coming to PS4 it just means I'm that little bit closer to freeing up some space under the TV by moving out the PS3.

Favourite game of last game with a fantastic story I'm happy to play again.