SimXperience - Buttkicker Mini LFE (SE) Simvibe Edition

  • Thread starter Mr Latte
Is the noise/issues with BK Mini LFE's and SimVibe more related to what they are attached to?
I assume many are fixing them to metal framework either directly or with metal brackets. Is the same issue/noise apparent if fixed to MDF bases?
Steve, I think the issue is two-fold; one is definitely mounting related as you state, the other is that the pistons are very easily 'overdriven' leading to impact on the casing of the BK itself and require careful tuning to get the best out of them.

The fact that the SE editions feature acoustic foam that looks (I may be wrong; don't shoot me anyone) handcut and installed and of varying sizes, will lead to performance differences between units (as Henk is experiencing). I'm not ragging on Buttkicker or SimXperience, just sayin' :)

If the foam was factory-cut and installed (and therefore consistant), I doubt there'd be any perceivable difference.
Steve, I think the issue is two-fold; one is definitely mounting related as you state, the other is that the pistons are very easily 'overdriven' leading to impact on the casing of the BK itself and require careful tuning to get the best out of them.

The fact that the SE editions feature acoustic foam that looks (I may be wrong; don't shoot me anyone) handcut and installed and of varying sizes, will lead to performance differences between units (as Henk is experiencing). I'm not ragging on Buttkicker or SimXperience, just sayin' :)

If the foam was factory-cut and installed (and therefore consistant), I doubt there'd be any perceivable difference.

If you are asked to develop a low cost solution to mainly reduce the noise and you provide a solution which then the customer in this case "SimXperience" then agrees they are happy with that is what we have.

Their has been no proof whatsoever shown of factual data regards how Simvibe is indeed faster, more dynamic than what movies, games or indeed music demand from a standard tactile unit. Yes their are differences in how the audio is collected/generated but the output is also controlled by the users settings and sound-card channel volumes.

Is it all part of the marketing? Simvibe is unique, you need this unique re designed product that has undergone extensive testing and has been specifically produced to provide a better performance than other tactile products.

Here we are only a few weeks from its release and already I have been directly told he is rejecting the current option and moving onto something else. Well why if this product was so extensively tested?

I see a quick solution hastily done to make a few bucks. Yes indeed this product will reduce the noise and your right it depends as two owners have already received varying results probably due to factors of the glue used and the amount of foam on individual units differing. Also seeing this new revelation their is no point even doing a review on performance now as their is no assurance of consistency currently with how this "modification" is being done.

What is the best performing tactile unit with Simvibe, how to achieve that is still an interesting question. It is a different one though than what is the best we can get for approx $99 - $150 per unit and allows lots of them to be sold.

I had planned doing reviews of all tactile available but judging by this thread reactions really their is little point. Besides the real professionals and answers are available at i-racing. :)
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Am I missing something about this.
The price of the SE edition from Simxperience is $95, the price on Buttkicker Direct which would be the RRP by all accounts is $109. The UK price of a Mini LFE is around £95..
...I have been directly told he is rejecting the current option and moving onto something else...

So are you saying that the Buttkicker Mini LFE SE Edition is going to be phased out? If so, where did you get this info? 'Directly told' by whom; Berney or Buttkicker or..?
So are you saying that the Buttkicker Mini LFE SE Edition is going to be phased out? If so, where did you get this info? 'Directly told' by whom; Berney or Buttkicker or..?

I cannot answer that as I do not know his full intentions.

Ask yourself however how you can promote a product ridicule a guy looking to highlight findings about it or possible short comings with it. Do your best to make what he says irrelevant and continually back the product your selling.

Yet you have previously, personally told that same guy the product you currently are selling/advertising is for being "rejected".
To those of you without an agenda and not stuck in a strange world where you need to try to prove youself a tactile guru with every post, even if it means contradicting your previous ones....we are beginning an alpha of some new features and concepts. I will reach out to you via other means. PLease do not PM me on this forum. I have requested my account closed.

This should be a blessing for you Rodney. You can continue to try to convince people that you're a tactile guru in a venue where few know better.

And your lies continue, no one here rejects the SE and nothing was ever said or planned to move onto something else. You are simply full of it as usual. Not really sure why the attacks or false agendas other than perhaps your strange need to be show yourself as a tactile guru despite an obvious lack of practical application based experience.
To those of you without an agenda and not stuck in a strange world where you need to try to prove youself a tactile guru with every post, even if it means contradicting your previous ones....we are beginning an alpha of some new features and concepts. I will reach out to you via other means. PLease do not PM me on this forum. I have requested my account closed.

This should be a blessing for you Rodney. You can continue to try to convince people that you're a tactile guru in a venue where few know better.

And your lies continue, no one here rejects the SE and nothing was ever said or planned to move onto something else. You are simply full of it as usual. Not really sure why the attacks or false agendas other than perhaps your strange need to be show yourself as a tactile guru despite an obvious lack of practical application based experience.

Well I guess you won't mind me forwarding your own PM then.
We also did not post here comments from a Buttkicker representative prior to even this review being done on their advice if choosing between each unit.

Calling people a liar is rather strong and no need for it neither...

You had the chance to come clean on the differences, you had the chance to post several times accurate data you claim you got from extensive testing. You failed to do both of these so "You" have provided nothing to back up your claims.

My advice to you on the next product is try to go a bit further than adding in just a bit of foam.
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Actually I think the best decision is to ensure that you cannot obtain future products which would preclude you from posting lies about them. At this point, I think X-Sim might be a good idea for you.
Actually I think the best decision is to ensure that you cannot obtain future products which would preclude you from posting lies about them. At this point, I think X-Sim might be a good idea for you.

Wow calling your customers a liar is one thing
Threatening them is just another.

Why don't you just leave it, is a bit of foam that special or so important?
Yes, I do suggest that you've created a thread full of lies and would respectfully request that you purchase elsewhere in the future with regard to hardware and software as indicated in the refund email issued to you.

And as I've mentioned many times, we rejected all existing transducers and requested changes from each to make them more SimVibe compatible. We do NOT reject the SE as stated above. It's the only transducer that presently performs well on our sims. I'm not sure why you single out ButtKicker, perhaps there is more to your agenda than meets the eye.
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Was still editing my post when these replies came in so I'll repeat:

And as I've mentioned many times, we rejected all existing transducers and requested changes from each to make them more SimVibe compatible. We do NOT reject the SE as stated above. It's the only transducer that presently performs well. I'm not sure why you single out ButtKicker, perhaps there is more to your agenda than meets the eye.

@Rodney - There isn't much more to discuss. If I were you I would start learning X-Sim.
You obviously enjoy it all...

Your PM does not give that impression but I guess your sticking by your guns.
Really this thread highlights a question of why some of us even bother wasting the little free time some of us have.

I wonder how you'd prevent a secondary account already setup from working from a different location that is registered under a different name?

Your attitude shows a rather biter side.
I guess if I want to use your software I will do so.

For the record again their is no agenda just finding the true differences between these two products, how it was implemented.

To that extent the thread achieved that goal.
The only thing this thread has done is reinforce to me the opinions of about a dozen people who sent me messages and PM's to warn of your ignorance. But I guess in your world, it's not possible to see the error of your ways which is why this is a recurring problem for you in most online interactions. I think you would do us both a favor to spend your money elsewhere.
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After reading these posts for the last few days I decided to check the prices on the buttkicker site and the mini lfe is selling for $109 and on the SimXperience it sells for $95, so I fail to see how they are charging a premium. If the product is quieter and performs better than why are you so compelled to take it apart (with your precious free time).

Berney do yourself a favour and stop replying to this guy, he seems to spend all his time playing with transducers and posting half baked scientific conclusions than actually enjoying the products and god forbid do some actual racing.
Latte your a real ASS. We have a developer come here answer questions and give advice on his product and your dumbass wants to start and argument with him. For what so you can say you know more than he does about his product. Guess what you dont. Why dont you do the community a favor and just move your dribble to your site where you have your fantasy cockpit build. Or is that no longer around for lack of attention.
Almost afraid to post here again LOL :)


Just started with Forza Horizon this morning

Great game :gtpflag:

Terrible tactile feedback.:grumpy:

Al those nice Forza 4 effects are gone and they have done a "cody"

Which actually means they've done the same thing as in all the codemasters games, very loud menu, starting and flash effects. These effects give the you the "hurricane" effect on your transducers and having them bottoming out.
All you tactile users know what i'm talking about.

So this morning i switched my BKG2 with two Mini LFE SE and the result is much better. I'm able to run at higher amp levels with less "hurricane noise" at the start of a race.

Today i'm gonna replaced the two mini LFE under my seat with the mini LFE SE.

No testing though.......

Just plain having fun in Forza Horizon :D
Good news Henk :-) I'm looking at it as I would a new 911, It may not look any different but it performs better lol
That's interesting Henk 👍 I'm glad SE Editions are performing better than the standard models. I have said before that the end result is what's important so it looks like they're working out okay, which is good news.

I'm still a bit disappointed with their roll-out (i.e. the roughly cut and installed foam) but hopefully these issues will/can be resolved at a manufacturing level. :)

I'm certainly going to mod a pair of Mini LFE's myself with some acoustic foam and see how they feel.
I ordered four of them an will see what happens shortly. I found them on the iracing forums and this thread pretty much comes up first when googling some information about them.

I love this one quote, without having plugged it in to an ampifier yet :)

' Based on inspection so far it does seem that this "SE" version offers very little over the standard product in anything relating to real differences or performance gains.'

I dont care what its like inside as long as it performs, hopefully in a week I will be up and running. The simple solution is usually the best.

Mr Latte, it may not be apparent to you that in many engineering problems the solution is often simple and minimal.

If you want expensive with little change then go talk to an F1 team, tiny little expensive changes that you would no doubt say 'gives no real difference or performance gains' - The F1 team on the other hand would have the experience and be happy that the change met their goals.

I hope the next review will have you turning on the equipment before the big bombshell.
Just started with Forza Horizon this morning

Great game :gtpflag:

Terrible tactile feedback.:grumpy:

Al those nice Forza 4 effects are gone and they have done a "cody"

Which actually means they've done the same thing as in all the codemasters games, very loud menu, starting and flash effects. These effects give the you the "hurricane" effect on your transducers and having them bottoming out.
All you tactile users know what i'm talking about.

So this morning i switched my BKG2 with two Mini LFE SE and the result is much better. I'm able to run at higher amp levels with less "hurricane noise" at the start of a race.

Today i'm gonna replaced the two mini LFE under my seat with the mini LFE SE.

No testing though.......

Just plain having fun in Forza Horizon :D

Henk, thanks for all your work and your commitment to the members here. I am sorry for my previous outbursts but enough of all the nonsense that has been poisoning our site.

My personal experience with tactile has been at least 2 years now and all of it was auditory until SimVibe arrived. My experience has always showed that console tactile was inferior to the PC. Admittedly I do not or have not used console tactile since the release of GT5 and the Forza Series.

Do you think there will ever be telemetry tactile for the console? and do you think there will ever be something like SimVibe for the consoles. I am more so interested in iRacing ATM over any console game but I am always interested in other open opinions. :)
Well, I just read through this entire thread. For someone who is new on here, what I see is Mr Latte exposing something we weren't meant to see. If I'm correct, opening the Buttkicker voids the warranty. So apparently they marketed this 5 minute modification as something completely new thinking a person would never discover it's crudeness. You can't honestly think this glued on chunk of foam is something that took engineers hours upon hours to come up with? Please! This is more in line with what a handyman would come up with in their garage.