So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
A day like any other... Missed college and went to work.


A girl was hit dead right next to me on my way home. I was merging into the main road when I heard an impact on my left. The body landed on my lane in front of me, good 50m from the impact point. Several other drivers rushed to the scene but knowing the circumstances, the answer was pretty obvious...

Called the emergencies, told them what happened, said a few words to some reporter. Screw this ****. It's one thing to hear about such accidents on the news, the internet. When you have a dead, crimped body land in front of you, it does make you think.

Damn :/ That's the kind of stuff you'll never forget. Just try to keep your mind on other stuff for the moment.

Got fibre optic watched youtube in HD

That's not the only thing you streamed in HD.
A whole of week of midterms is done, only one left, messed some of them up though, hopefully have enough left in the tank for the last one as it has been a dreadful week.
My day is only about to begin, but it's going to be a good one. For once, I'm taking the weekend off GTP to go watch traditional, good ol' stand up comedy in the capital city! :dopey:

Of course, I can be pretty damn funny myself (@neljack can confirm), but I just sometimes prefer getting a good laugh out of other people's jokes for a change. ;)
Spent the whole day in bed watching TV and sleeping. There's still a lot of booze in my system but the shakes have stopped.
Feeling pretty down but I know it's the depressant effect of all the beer.

Not a great day but not too bad either. Unremarkable is the best way to sum it up.
Dark.... went to visit a friend at 4:55. Came out five minutes later....

I present to you:

5 P.M.

GAHH!!! Why are people being such a-holes this week! Seriously one of the worst weeks I've had in quite a long time. Culminated in a spectacular scene of road rage this morning with me versus this jerk. So I was behind an 18-wheeler on a 2 lane road this morning, with too much on-coming traffic to pass. We all know it takes semi trucks a long way to get up to speed. The guy behind be obviously wasn't informed of this and he's just absolutely going nuts over it. He's tailgating me, literally inches off my bumper and trying to pass at every opportunity he can. The problem was, there weren't any real opportunities, and before I knew it he's in the oncoming lane, right next to me, trying to pass, with a car heading right towards him, so he just cranks the wheel to the right, obviously choosing a collision with me as the better choice than a head-on with someone else. I nail the brakes and he dives in front of me, barely missing me, the on-coming car, and the back of the semi!! Well, by this point I was livid. A terrible week, and I woke up in a bad mood. I'm not saying what I did was right. But as soon as I could, I passed him and brake-tested him with all my might, literally hoping he would crash into the back of me. Yes it was wrong, and I'm mad I let myself get to that point. But what happens next is even more unbelievable. The other driver, realizing I mean business, pulls out his smart phone and starts recording me! We pulled up to a traffic light, he gained a lane so he was next to me, and of course words flew between us. But the whole time he was recording me, saying this like, "i got you man, you're mine, you're DONE you crazy ****" and so-on! Like all of this craziness was completely my fault!!! I mean, what?! I can't, I don't even..... I'm just shocked. So there you have it folks, look for a video of me on Youtube having it out with an idiot maniac.
2 days worth of hangover to deal with today but the weekend was great so it balances out.

Now waiting on my breakfast which should be arriving soon; I love KFC delivery.
Been a slow day. Everytime I tried to get down to work, a distraction would pop up. Went on like this all morning through noon, so I called it quits.

Looked at some engine swap kits, and engines and transmissions, some suspension kits, some rims. Nothing special.

Keep getting trampled by everyone I willingly call 'friend'. So yeah.
What a long day today... Woke up at 7am, and moved some unwanted persons out of the house until around 6pm. Then had to go pick up a "new" refrigerator and that was a pain to install. My dad and I had to take the doors off to just get it through the front door! Afterwards, finally ate some wings (thank God, been starving all day) and put together a "new" entertainment center for the living room. We have the TV set up now but we still need to get couches and dishes among other things. It's 11:32 and am just now getting some time to really unwind. Just the way I wanted to spend my weekend, slaving like a dog. The best part is, I get to do it all again tomorrow!
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👍, had pizza today!

Did some work on my car port

Visited my neighbours

Enjoyed the sun and the still pretty high t° for this time of year. Not too high though but it was very nice to be outside.
As with every Monday, I had a morning in school. 2 lessons means getting up at 6:30 AM to get my bus.

The bus is miserable. I don't talk to people on it, and all you hear is the squawky year 7s saying stupid things (See signature) and sharing out foul smelling foodstuffs with each other, and the year 10s who think they're cool.

Can't wait to get a new phone so my headphones actually work.

That aside, had English where I found my language investigation is on a solid A right now (can't get A*s in sixth form) and its on language change in F1 commentary so I can sit there, watch F1 and call it research. Also had media, Gamemaker Studio lesson. Went quite quick.
Woke up entirely too early, ate too much for breakfast, hit the pool, watched TV in the hotel room waiting for my wife and son to get back from his appointment, had lunch at a Meh Mexican joint, went to the MOA, bought new boots for work, hit the pool again and now waiting for pizza to be delivered.

Pretty damn good day. :D
Pretty good, until I decided to give myself a headache by looking at all the red tape in order for me to import a car into Canada.

If it's not from the U.S. or Mexico, 6.1% duty fee, and 7% tax plus GST, PST, PPT, GGT, FFT *making stuff up now*....

On top of ALL that, you get charged with a myriad of 🤬 "claims".

Here's one:

"If your car has air conditioning, working or not, $100 fee."

You have to have your car cleaned and inspected BEFORE you ship it, and then they have the gall to inspect your vehicle for "contaminents like soil" under the Canadian Food Crap 🤬, and then they charge you for it!!!

You never asked for it in the first place! It's going to be in a 🤬 container!! Sealed!!

Then you get handling/duty fees when the workers haven't even touched the damn thing. (RoRo - Roll on, roll off)

Oh, and if your car fails inspection twice, YOU have to export it within 45 days, or have it destroyed....

A mint Hachi-Roku and '80 Datsun Skyline are sitting in Japan waiting to be bought. The taxes and all that crap would bring the entire ordeal to about $40k.

Oh and I LOVE how the Ministry of Transportation tells you "If you feel you are overwhelmed by all the red tape, hire a broker"



Importing a hunk of metal SHOULD NOT be this 🤬 tedious and time consuming!!


Day could've been better.
A good day for me. I won a tablet as part of a staff prize at Maplin Electronics, though it was an ex-display model. I also worked, saw my girlfriend for a couple of hours and did some commentary later on.

Oh, and I made some business cards as I am visiting the Autosport International Show in January with media access.

So I accompanied my mom to go look for Christmas presents. We ventured into this gift store which sells all kinds of crap, and by crap I mean crap - bootleg stuff. That is when I saw the most perfect Powerpuff Girls plush. It didn't look weird or awkward like all the other bootlegs they have there. It. Was. Perfect. I instantly grabbed Bubbles, then Buttercup but to my horror, they do not have Blossom. It's all or nothing for me so I had to leave them there. I am sad.