SpinTires - The Ultimate Off-Road Challenge (Demo)

  • Thread starter digiprost
Having read through the thread.. the demo can be modded? I also noticed the game is on sale on Steam currently as well, but my game budget got spent on GTAV for PS4, so I can't purchase the game now.

Edit: Price on Steam is same as amazon.com, which is likely where I'd purchase it from when I'm able to.
Having read through the thread.. the demo can be modded?

Yeah and it plays very similar if not the same as the full release minus the objectives and extras, the driving though seems the same.

One word of caution though watch that you don't click on the wrong download button on their website, there is currently a malvertising ad which will put malware on your computer. DO NOT click on the ad that says DOWNLOAD!!!!
You have to click on the lower mirror 1, 2, or 3 (as they call it) the top ones aren't moddable.
I think I downloaded the demo that isn't moddable, so I'll have to look into that. I've also got adblock on my browsers, so those malicious fake ads aren't going to be an issue. 👍
I'm a bit conflicted, on the one hand I love that is in the game now, but I would rate it poorly, maybe 4 out of 10. At least it doesn't feel like its going to destroy a wheel like Gran Turismo's rally mode can.

Overall it feels light and at times there's very little if any resistance (like when parked) and the depth or number of parameters that are input into the FFB seem fairly limited. There's no in game adjustments either so you'll have to adjust from your profiler.

With that said though I've thoroughly enjoyed it, especially with the FFB turned up to 124%, that made me sweat. Being able to shift with an actual shifter is also very nice along with having a gas and brake pedal that allow for much better controll.

I'm not sure if you'd still be into playing tonight, but I'd love to have some more folks on my friends list who at least play the game.

EDIT: I cant seem to find you on steam, Are you "Thekitten" on steam maybe? it looks like it might be but its hard to tell with steam.

Here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheKittenPow

I might get on in 10min or so.
I've also got adblock on my browsers, so those malicious fake ads aren't going to be an issue. 👍

Oh, so thats an issue on my end? I thought it was their fault for letting those ads get hosted.

Also I think i need to take back what I said before about the FFB being a 4 out of 10, just because the wheel get light when stopped I shouldn't ding it. It's likely just that way to make life a bit easier when stuck.
Anyway I should have said 6.5 out of 10.

@TheKitten I sent a friend request, you just need to accept it, I'm HumboldtEF on steam.
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Anyone still play this? Im setting up windows on my mac because my pc is too old to play it. Id love to play with people from :gtpflag:
Anyone still play this? Im setting up windows on my mac because my pc is too old to play it. Id love to play with people from :gtpflag:

I bought it like two months ago. I was really impressed with the physics and the graphics! It is a really good game, but you can't help to feel it has something missing. Later I bought Euro Truck Simulator 2 and never went back to Spintires, even though I know they are completely different games.

The new update is funky.

I heard they messed up the camera even more. Haven't tried it.
The new mud is horrific, and the added twigs/sticks are really really annoying. To counter this I modded my game and made it much more fun:


Bumping this as just bought it in the Steam sale. Loving it so far, though some of the controls are a little abstract (took me a while to realise I didn't have to be in the vicinity of another truck to switch to it, just double-click it in the map screen), it does seem harsher than the old demo too but I would think persistence is rewarded, and luckily I am quite persistent and patient :)

Started on the "Flood" map which was perhaps a bad plan, but I did at least make it over the main flooded area before damaging my truck irrepairably.

One noob question, I've used the winch a few times but it's not totally clear what it actually does, is there some way to reel it in? I still feel I am basically relying on the engine to get out of the situation, not feeling the "pull" of the winch once I've hooked it to something. Works fine helping another truck out of mud but again, only by dragging, not winching them in.

EDIT: Just realised it's the left shoulder button, not sure how I missed that!
I'm not sure you're supposed to be able to do this :lol:

This ended about as well as it could have. At least the truck didn't flip!
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I've added the Swamp Monsters mod :D extra power, increased ride height, bigger tyres and extra grip. It's so much fun, I love the big jumps you can do on the Plains level.
One thing I find sneaky but kinda fun is how upgrades are often available from the get-go, playing "Coast" now and was a while before I realised you can put chains on the old truck's wheels, fatter tyres on the big 4x4 truck with the crane, and a utility pack on the roof of the UAZ jeep (though it gets a little top-heavy). At the moment I am doing a grand job of flipping a couple of trucks or damaging them irrepairably (often in a river) then doing a ton of to-ing and fro-ing with the remaining truck to fix them. But it's fun!
I don't have much time to play the game myself, which is why I ended up modding it. I like to be able to go for a quick blast without getting stuck!

Here's the last delivery I made:

That'll teach me for going so fast....

I might actually make a 'stunts' video with these mods on.
I don't have much time to play the game myself, which is why I ended up modding it. I like to be able to go for a quick blast without getting stuck!
That made my day haha. I haven't played in ages , might fire it up tonight :D
Having completed The Coast after 16 hours of play (just one return to garage very early on), felt a nice sense of achievement and carried that into The Hill, which I found a fair bit harder (just too many steep hills and too many logs and sticks all over the place), probably spent a good 8-9 hours before getting well and truly stuck and throwing in the towel.

The sad thing is, I don't really feel like trying it again now. I know it seems to be the trend lately to have no real save function and only save your current position, but I'm really not relishing unlocking the garage and probably all the cloaks all over again, just to likely shed my load again or get wedged somewhere :(
So having completed all the maps in the full game, presumably modded maps and vehicles still only work with the demo version? Do any of the modded maps have some kind of objective?

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