The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Care to post the finished article when it's done? Can't watch the stream atm.

Need more down smash.
The newest Gundam ( Gundam: G no Reconguista) seems alright. First few episodes are taken lightly and the MS's are very humanoid in design. No as square-ish but very rounded
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When I saw "seven" and "riding", I thought Asuna was in trouble again.
Oh wow, one never realised that Shaft did those anime shorts for Kid Icarus Uprising.
I thought something was in the water when I noticed Palutena head tilting...

Since 27 Oct 2010, I've listened to Gundam Seed's ED2 River 89 times. It took nearly 4 years to rack up that number. That's 0.061 listens/ per day.

Since 17 Apr 2014, I've listened to Macross Frontier's insert song What 'Bout My Star? @Formo 54 times. That was accomplished in 6 months; 0.3 listens per day.

I find it amazing I've been that hooked to a corny pop song for that long, and I still love listening to it today. To be fair though, I rarely scroll back to the older songs I added to iTunes, and I usually stick with whatever is the latest on the anime track playlist. River doesn't get old though.
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Me gusta Gundam Seed's second opening. Also Seed Destiny's op 4. I like Seed's op 3, but only on the first ep it first showed when Kira deeboed Freedom, cause maximum hype!!!!! Glad Sunrise stopped flagging the Seed openings on Youtube, btw.

Damn. Seed Destiny op 2. High and Mighty Color needs love.

Edit: Going on a nostalgia trip. Have the Seed and Seed Destiny HD remasters.
I can't even tell what it's about. It seems like Arararararararararagi's VA is doing the robot though.
"Gargantia with a female lead?" Gee I sure hope not, Gargantia became an unintelligible pile of trash after episode 8.

It also seems like more animes are starting to adopt this weirdo animation style with the 3D modelling. Karen Senki was produced by the Taiwanese, so I wasn't surprised by that. So I hope that this manages to look as good as Arpeggio of Blue Steel while still maintaining a nice plot.

@The Vanishing Boy Read a few reviews, heard it was meh. Not going to take time out of my schedule for it.
@Not_A_Guest -> The reason it was 'meh' too most people is simply it was too short (only 12 eps). And a lot of people keeps on comparing ANDM to Onegai Teacher, on which it had some similarities.


-> I've watched both, I even have the Onegai series DVD collections. The difference between the two may be that ANDM has the suspenseful twist, but Onegai was laid out better.


BT -> I am now watching this one, 7 eps in a row now!


^ I haven't watched an Ecchi series for a while now. So please forgive me.

-> And I can't get this song out of my head!!!

@The Vanishing Boy Seems like you just watch a bunch of mediocre stuff to me (excluding Henneko). Sorry :/

It wasn't about any similarity or length (as nice anime like Bakemonogatari and Henneko are only twelve episodes long themselves), but maybe it just didn't stand out in the competitive rom-com market.
It also seems like more animes are starting to adopt this weirdo animation style with the 3D modelling. Karen Senki was produced by the Taiwanese, so I wasn't surprised by that. So I hope that this manages to look as good as Arpeggio of Blue Steel while still maintaining a nice plot.

That reminds me, I saw a GIF of a 3D-modeled model train crashing into someone's boobs. I think it was in Rail Wars. :lol:
-> ...
@The Vanishing Boy Seems like you just watch a bunch of mediocre stuff to me (excluding Henneko). Sorry :/
^ I only watch 'mediocre' stuff simply because I'm going to be a future manga-ka and I'm trying to dig out some common mistakes in some storylines, it also applies to the mangas I read too! And also whatever fits my mood too... :P

It wasn't about any similarity or length (as nice anime like Bakemonogatari and Henneko are only twelve episodes long themselves), but maybe it just didn't stand out in the competitive rom-com market.
^ Not to to bash anyone here at TGAT, but I find Bakemono, Angel Beats, and Madoka not the greatestepicawesone as many would claim IMO. But don't get me wrong, I've watched countless rom-coms here and there... ;)

-> Well, thats just personal preferences. And I'm also aware that I'm the oddball anime fan here in TGAT. :sly:
Bakemonogatari sucks. I only watch it for the music and Ararararararagi's abs. And the diggers. And the Madagascar. And the really smooth animation in the later bits. Damn that animation was smooth. And it has nice colour palettes. But otherwise it's terrible in every imaginable way. Most of the stories are either pointless, repetitive, or never actually seem to go anywhere; the script has a tendency to veer off into extremely lengthy monologues about stupid things; the depiction of many of the female characters is downright pervy and misogynistic (not to mention that they always mysteriously need Ararararararararararararararararagi to help them out? How come there aren't any guys who need his help? Where do I get my Ararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararar-ararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararrarararrararrarararararararrarrararararrarararararrarararararrarararararararararrarararararararaararararararararararraraarrararararararrarararararararararararararraarraarrararaarraarrarararararararararrarararararararararrararaararararraararararraarrararaararararararraarrarararararararrarararararararraarrararaararararaarararrararararrararararararraraararrararararararararrarararararararrarararararararrararaaararararararrararararaarrararararararrararararaarrararararaaraararaaaaarararrararararrraraarrararararararrarararararararrararararararragi yaoi shipping? EH?); and sometimes it uses awful looking CGI (Not the worst or unique in that regard however). Also, the OST is nice, but it could do with slightly better production. Sometimes it sounds a tad tinny. Anyway, Monogatari sucks, but the little kid who died was funny until they died.

Madoka is nowhere near as good as I or anyone else who has watched it thinks it is. It's just Star Wars with magical girls combined with German folklore ancient Greek mythology and... OK, the story is generic, but everything else is frying amazesolbergs! Madoka is like the second best anime of all second best animes of all time.

Anyway, I need to watch The Count of Monte Cristo at some point.
...Ano Natsu ain't no mediocre thing.

You saying it is one?
As far as I can tell, it is. Whatever. I honestly wouldn't watch it even if I knew it was amazing, perhaps just for that reason itself.
I didn't mean that Bakemono was a rom-com, but I meant to say that it was good. :/

@DK That's why I stopped watching Rail Wars.
@Roger the Horse Downhill Dino knows it.
@The Vanishing Boy I guess that's good to hear. New ideas and preferences only means good things.