Update v2.16 Discussion, Memories and more (with Poll)

  • Thread starter bman1984

Did you update to v2.16?

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I'm probably one of the few people that didn't play online hardly and I had the game since day 1. It was hard to find a room that wasn't "drag racing" or "dirty NASCAR". Does this update remove any cars?
I think the x2010's are removed from new car dealer.:boggled: I was wrong they have to be unlocked.:cheers:
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I also still remember the evening in Dec '10 when my PS3 arrived with GT5 very clear. The closest thing I had played at that point was GT4 on PS2. I remember how I was amazed at the XMB interface and waiting for GT5 to install challenged my patience. My very first race was in Arcade Mode, in the GT-R '07 on Cape Ring. I was amazed at the graphics, the physics, the loong banked loop on Cape Ring, heck even the sounds, coming from GT4. I didn't take part in any of the GT5 hype before release, I didn't really bother it up to that point which in retrospective helped a lot to make the game feel great to me. Everything was new and surprising and amazed me back then. In comparision my first day on GT6 was a big letdown, I barely remember the clunky Clio tutorial lap.

I'm still on 2.14 because I want to keep my hybrids. GT5 online has been dead for me since 2.15 was released so with GT6 online I'm pretty much over it by now, although I still miss GT5's community stuff and its much more stable online lobbies.

Yea, not to brag, but I have yet to see anybody with as ridiculous of a game save as I have.:crazy: I know of you from GT5 and you are the closest one that I know of. 👍 I really enjoyed putting that save together and its one of the things I miss in GT6...online trading, collecting stuff, and just otherwise being a "pack ratt" (pun intended :lol:) of cool and unusual items. I also have an awesome list of unpaintable cars from GT5

I even had all the paints that you didn't receive from certain cars when buying them, see linked thread above. Like I said, my save is the Ultimate GT5 save. It was a lot of work putting it all together, but it was also some of the most fun I had with GT5. Met a lot of cool people in the Market Place in my time there from the beginning and a lot of good times were had there also...really missing it in GT6. So, here is my shout out to the Market Place and all the good times I had there.....R.I.P GT5 Market Place, it was a great ride. :bowdown: :cheers:

Isn't it stupid to be proud of your save when anyone could recreate it with a save editor? I mean, no offence, I see you enjoyed trading as part of gameplay and collecting things the legit way might feel rewarding, but when you're proud of "rare" tickets and paints that are simply rare because the only way to obtain them is through save editing, I don't see reason to be proud. Yes, someone might have sent you a McLaren paint chip, or a unique car ticket only few people have, but that ticket/chip has been put into a save through modding. So you could as well insert (all) other items through save editing instead of spending weeks or months in the Marketplace forums and dealing with the clunky trading limits.

Don't get me wrong, I modded my GT5 save and cars, and I used to be proud of things like the mileage on some of my cars, but as soon as save editing was popular these achievements were pretty worthless.
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I also still remember the evening in Dec '10 when my PS3 arrived with GT5 very clear. The closest thing I had played at that point was GT4 on PS2. I remember how I was amazed at the XMB interface and waiting for GT5 to install challenged my patience. My very first race was in Arcade Mode, in the GT-R '07 on Cape Ring. I was amazed at the graphics, the physics, heck even the sounds, coming from GT4. I didn't take part in any of the GT5 hype before release, I didn't really bother it up to that point which in retrospective helped a lot to make the game feel great to me. Everything was new and surprising and amazed me back then. In comparision my first day on GT6 was a big letdown, I barely remember the clunky Clio tutorial lap.

I'm still on 2.14 because I want to keep my hybrids. GT5 online has been dead for me since 2.15 was released so with GT6 online I'm pretty much over it by now, although I still miss GT5's community stuff and its much more stable online lobbies.

Isn't it stupid to be proud of your save when anyone could recreate it with a save editor? I mean, no offence, I see you enjoyed trading as part of gameplay and collecting things the legit way might feel rewarding, but when you're proud of "rare" tickets and paints that are simply rare because the only way to obtain them is through save editing, I don't see reason to be proud. Yes, someone might have sent you a McLaren paint chip, or a unique car ticket only few people have, but that ticket/chip has been put into a save through modding. So you could as well insert (all) other items through save editing instead of spending weeks or months in the Marketplace forums and dealing with the clunky trading limits.

Don't get me wrong, I modded my GT5 save and cars, and I used to be proud of things like the mileage on some of my cars, but as soon as save editing was popular these achievements were pretty worthless.

You have your reasons to be proud, and I have mine. Don't try to belittle me just because I may have done things a little differently. I spent many a day sending out 200 plus items to people without asking for anything in return. If you feel butthurt because of the way I went about things, that is not my problem, get over it. Calling what I did stupid is a sure sign of immaturity...grow up. Yes, I am proud of the things I have on my save, so what. Do you see me knocking anyone else because of what they choose to collect or how they got it, no, you don't.

P.S. And yes, a lot of what I got on my save, I got the hard way, before any editors were even created. Day by day, item by item, I acquired a lot of what I have legitimately and the hard way.
to be proud of your save when anyone could recreate it with a save editor?

Not everyone can do that... and taking extra time to make everything "just right" is something few people bother doing these days. How many people have the hidden cars from GT2 slapped on a random chassis compared to those who took time to build them to real world stats as they would have eventually appeared in game? Some people are just more detail oriented than others and that makes all the difference. That's why you don't see very many who have taken the time to build such a game save for themselves... they don't have the aptitude or the patience to do so. (let alone w/o an editor)

A persons attitude has more to do with having a good time than what someone else may be doing.
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Don't get me wrong, I modded my GT5 save and cars, and I used to be proud of things like the mileage on some of my cars, but as soon as save editing was popular these achievements were pretty worthless.

What is the point of cheating it removes the challange and the fun in a game.
What is the point of cheating it removes the challange and the fun in a game.
What if you complete the game 100% and want to collect all items rather than throw the disc in the trash?
A persons attitude has more to do with having a good time than what someone else may be doing.
One could just as easily have others send you the same items as get them from an editor.
What is the point of cheating it removes the challange and the fun in a game.

What challenge? Challenge to find someone on the Marketplace Forums who offers the items you're looking for?

I guess it's more valuable to some to collect everything instead of things they actually want and will use, but if it's really just that I don't see why you would go through all the trading hassle in GT5's case.

You have your reasons to be proud, and I have mine. Don't try to belittle me just because I may have done things a little differently. I spent many a day sending out 200 plus items to people without asking for anything in return. If you feel butthurt because of the way I went about things, that is not my problem, get over it. Calling what I did stupid is a sure sign of immaturity...grow up. Yes, I am proud of the things I have on my save, so what. Do you see me knocking anyone else because of what they choose to collect or how they got it, no, you don't.

Yawn. Bunch of insults, nothing more? Got no arguments to counter?

P.S. And yes, a lot of what I got on my save, I got the hard way, before any editors were even created. Day by day, item by item, I acquired a lot of what I have legitimately and the hard way.

Yeah, I get that, but you talk about your save like it's something special or unique when it's not really. A virtual collection of items takes minimal effort to recreate, hence being proud of it in the way you talk about it isn't right in my view.

Like I said though, I have tickets I can almost guarantee nobody else has, except maybe one or two other people. That's not including the few tickets I made myself and never got around to making them public. :sly:
you can't be the top dog all the time there my friend. :) I'm pretty sure I hold all the cards on this one, like it or not. :cheers:

Again, not bragging, just extremely proud of what I've been able to accomplish here....you know, the whole talk the talk, walk the walk thing. 👍
What challenge? Challenge to find someone on the Marketplace Forums who offers the items you're looking for?

I guess it's more valuable to some to collect everything instead of things they actually want and will use, but if it's really just that I don't see why you would go through all the trading hassle in GT5's case.

Yawn. Bunch of insults, nothing more? Got no arguments to counter?

Yeah, I get that, but you talk about your save like it's something special or unique when it's not really. A virtual collection of items takes minimal effort to recreate, hence being proud of it in the way you talk about it isn't right in my view.

It is something special...to me. Don't be a hater dude, move on, I don't need your jealous crap. And if you weren't jealous or being a hater, you would have never brought it up in the first place. I collected what I did and I'm proud of what I have, if you don't like it or it doesn't sit well with you, well then too bad. I don't condemn other people for how they played the game and I don't expect to be belittled for how I played the game. Now get off my nuts and move on.
So I guess everyone has a similar game save since it's so easy then?
I know I can't do it and it would take me quite a while regardless.
Someone feeling good about themselves doesn't bother me any.
So I say good for them and to keep going, why feel offended?
Carry on wayward sons, there will be peace and will be fun. :)
So I guess everyone has a similar game save since it's so easy then?
I know I can't do it and it would take me quite a while regardless.
Someone feeling good about themselves doesn't bother me any.
So I say good for them and to keep going, why feel offended?
Carry on wayward sons, there will be peace and will be fun. :)

Thank you, at least someone gets it. 👍
So I tried putting in GT5, just to see things for one final time and it just stays stuck with the GT5 logo on the screen. Is that supposed to happen?
I can't believe that the Car Delivery was closed! It wasn't on any other announcement! I bet that PD is trying to make all of us angry...:nervous:
GT5 has that sort of "glowy" effect on the lighting in morning Nurb, here's a nice example:
Nürburgring Nordschleife.jpg

Sorry if I'm kinda off topic, but anyway...
My racing car dlc pack is uninstalled, it's not in the list in game not in my download history but the cars from it are in my garage (as they should be) yet I can't use them as the dlc needs to be reinstalled.

And I had bought that dlc.

Not happy.
My racing car dlc pack is uninstalled, it's not in the list in game not in my download history but the cars from it are in my garage (as they should be) yet I can't use them as the dlc needs to be reinstalled.

And I had bought that dlc.

Not happy.
Comes with GT6, which makes it pretty worthless anyway.