WWRC - Nightly Racing

Northern Ontario
Worlds Worst Racing Club


This "club" is for those of you who just want to have some mildly competitive racing lobby, with a relaxed environment (what ever that means). Basically, I will be hosting a lobby as long as humanly possible every night (3pm - 9pm).

The races will be determined on the spot, but will usually consist of 450pp, 550pp, 620pp, Formula Gran, and what you brought.

The tracks will usually be custom tracks (see bottom "*" more info), or voted official tracks.

The set limits will usually be no assists other than ABS. Tires will usually be Limited to Sports Soft, or racing medium. Hybrided cars are allowed, as long as they are within the limits/requirements.

Races will usually be between 3 - 10 laps with a good Free run before hand to lean the track.

If you would like to join, just look though the "race for fun" section for "WWRC Racing" Or you can send me a friend request to St3alth_Frenzy to be able to join the lobbies at any time / practice on the custom tracks. :gtpflag:

For the custom tracks. I like try to be as realistic as possible, but still make the tracks difficult and fun. Currently I only have 20 tracks, but each has its own uniqueness and line. Some are as short as 1200m or as long as 9000m but still share hard work to make the best track. usually I am rambling by now, so I will just say; I work hard on my tracks.
Hey guys, just letting you know that I will have a open lobby today from 1pm Ct (right now) until 4pm. the lobby # is: 1472 - 4711 - 0038 - 4890 - 8172