

For those who are risking their lives, just for the pleasure to be P1
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Excellent album 👍 and a nice tribute for, as you say, "those who are risking their lifes, just for the pleasure to be P1".
@JockeP22 Massive thanks! It's been a while since I was regularly updating it though. I have to dig a bit deeper into my archived stuff, to find more photos :D
@jontikis Yup, I totally share your passion about the history of this sport. It's quite clear from having browsed this album that you appreciate all the different kinds of categories within motorsport, and so do I. I got into F1, MotoGP and NASCAR as a teenager and later also started following touring cars, endurance racing and other forms of bike racing. My old man is more into drag racing but I got the motorsport bug from him.
@JockeP22 In general, racing is beautiful in many ways. We should feel grateful for loving something so special like this and, personally, I do feel grateful 100%. And so are you, I think :D :cheers: :cool:

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