◆ SNAIL [THE LOBANARO LOUNGE] No longer runningPS4 

  • Thread starter aerolite
Hey Steve put me down as tentative for tonig... oh wait :banghead:

Sad to see you guys close up shop for summer. If you're free Sundays you know where to find us! I was hoping the SNAIL vs Lobanaro rivals event would've sparked your interest in re-joining by now :ill:

See you guys down the road!
Hey Steve put me down as tentative for tonig... oh wait :banghead:

Sad to see you guys close up shop for summer. If you're free Sundays you know where to find us! I was hoping the SNAIL vs Lobanaro rivals event would've sparked your interest in re-joining by now :ill:

See you guys down the road!

Love to. Just do me a favor and shoot me some credits or experience or whatever so I don't have to waste a lot of time buying lame cars like the Clio (Europe's Pinto).

Hey Wankers....I hope you all remember that the Lounge is closed for the summer.
What I am going to do is open a party about 7:30 est. and horse around on ACC. If you have the game join in, nothing serious, we’re all still learning the game. I do suggest that you get that golden 99 number on the TR scale so you can join larger rooms. This goes for David, ya goomer, playing wreckfest when you could be building points......HOW DARE YOU MON.
Hope it was a good night, whatever you guys raced. That being said and akin to what I said above -
Why don't we plan nights around 'plain old AC' right now. I think more of us have it, we don't have to deal with some 'TR scale' to actually play the game, we as a group haven't raced it yet and it had a bunch more types of cars than ACC.
Just do me a favor and shoot me some credits or experience or whatever so I don't have to waste a lot of time buying lame cars like the Clio (Europe's Pinto).

Sheesh, millennials these days just expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter :rolleyes:

You earn credits everytime you complete a race, whether it be offline or online. I've never had to grind for credits in order to have enough to buy whichever cars were using for the Sunday combos. In fact I only have 2% of the campaign mode completed since I've had the game. If you have 2 rubber bands you can speed up the process of earning credits by letting the game do it for you for an hour while you do something else. Plenty of guides on Facetube for it.

And don't forget GT7 is right around the corner, maybe

Sheesh, millennials these days just expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter :rolleyes:

You earn credits everytime you complete a race, whether it be offline or online. I've never had to grind for credits in order to have enough to buy whichever cars were using for the Sunday combos. In fact I only have 2% of the campaign mode completed since I've had the game. If you have 2 rubber bands you can speed up the process of earning credits by letting the game do it for you for an hour while you do something else. Plenty of guides on Facetube for it.

And don't forget GT7 is right around the corner, maybe

Yup, damn millennials want everything, they can't even drive a car they have to shift or steer without assists.

The reason I didn't compete in the SNAIL/Lobanero showdown was that exactly - I didn't want to take the time or rubberband the controls or whatever to get the necessary points. I tried firing up GTS to do so, and was so bored within minutes I shut it down and went to PC2. Same with Wreckfest, I just don't have the time or patience to sit though mind-numbing exercises to gain points and experience. PC2 did it right- you need to gain reputation (if you want), but that doesn't stop you from enjoying any aspect of the game, cars or tracks.
Having to pay for DLC cars annoys me, but not as much as having to earn virtual money or points to enjoy the features of a game.

I just have a different philosophy. Same with controllers - you are fine with it and excell at a controller. I don't have the skill and it seems like sacrilege to me for a racing sim - it ruins my experience.

We'll see where it all goes...Truly hope to race with you again Chris (or at least watch you drive away from me...).
Me, I’m not gonna poo poo on GT7 till it’s been out for a bit.....I do have my fingers crossed they took out the blah feeling in the cars that Spurt had. If PCars 3 sucks, GT7 might be the answer.
On that note, I have a guy picking up my PC tomorrow for a major overhaul to be ready for MS Flight Sim 2020. I’ll probably be racing on it as well, but still have the PS4 for playing with the regular guys. I would miss you Wankers too much.
Me, I’m not gonna poo poo on GT7 till it’s been out for a bit.....I do have my fingers crossed they took out the blah feeling in the cars that Spurt had. If PCars 3 sucks, GT7 might be the answer.
On that note, I have a guy picking up my PC tomorrow for a major overhaul to be ready for MS Flight Sim 2020. I’ll probably be racing on it as well, but still have the PS4 for playing with the regular guys. I would miss you Wankers too much.

Come to the darker side!!
Me, I’m not gonna poo poo on GT7 till it’s been out for a bit.....I do have my fingers crossed they took out the blah feeling in the cars that Spurt had. If PCars 3 sucks, GT7 might be the answer.
On that note, I have a guy picking up my PC tomorrow for a major overhaul to be ready for MS Flight Sim 2020. I’ll probably be racing on it as well, but still have the PS4 for playing with the regular guys. I would miss you Wankers too much.

If we all get PCs, Monday nights might end up looking like this...
Wreckfest is a bust for tonight......sorry fellas, but I’m really digging ACC on pc.....GT-4 cars and all. Anyway, that’s what I’m doing tonight. The novelty will pass in a day or two.
Wreckfest is a bust for tonight......sorry fellas, but I’m really digging ACC on pc.....GT-4 cars and all. Anyway, that’s what I’m doing tonight. The novelty will pass in a day or two.
I'l probably break down and buy it soon. I like AC, and haivng some close racing is way more important than doing lonely laps in my favorite cars.
I'l probably break down and buy it soon. I like AC, and haivng some close racing is way more important than doing lonely laps in my favorite cars.

Waiting on ACC will cost you an extra 15 bucks for the dlc. Us early adopters laugh in your face.
Who's laughing now the last patch broke multiplayer.:ouch:
Hey Bear, stop sniffing the girls........you like like Joe Biden.

The @yogi bear was there! ↖️
Actually Smokey the @yogi bear
was a disaster. Preventing all forest fires all the time prevented small fires from clearing away brush, so when fires finally did get a foothold they became raging wildfires like nothing seen before.

View attachment 943816
I learned about this in one of my classes. The phrase now is "only YOU can prevent Wildfires". The original campaign was actually too effective. People were so concerned about fires that there was major public opposition to prescribed burnings, which are essential to a safe and healthy forest. This is still experienced today, because people don't realize that fires are natural and sometimes need to be started and controlled for the health of the forest. Funny how one of the only successful environmental PR campaign was too successful and is causing issues even 50 years later lol.
Is this the new one? If it is send me an invite please

Jeez, Smokey packs his own hose. Looks like Michelle Obama with sweat pants on. Lol.

Tomorrow I’ll host a regular Assetto Corsa room, ya’ll are welcome. 7:40 est....... there will be no bitching, complaining or whining.....or else.

Wa wa waaaaaaaa.
Jeez, Smokey packs his own hose. Looks like Michelle Obama with sweat pants on. Lol.

Tomorrow I’ll host a regular Assetto Corsa room, ya’ll are welcome. 7:40 est....... there will be no bitching, complaining or whining.....or else.

Wa wa waaaaaaaa.
I should be there if we still have power -gonna be a windy night.

BTW, did you frame that picture of Michelle she sent you when you wrote that love letter?