GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 103 : Extra! Extra Track! Read All About It!

  • Thread starter Sjaak


GTP_Race Admin
The Netherlands



GT5 Week 103 : Extra! Extra Track! Read All About It!

Hotlap Event in GT Mode Practice


Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01


Tsukuba Circuit

:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

Race Details:

  • Mode: GT Mode Practice
  • Track: Tsukuba
  • Car Type: Standard
  • Make: Suzuki
  • Model: GSX-R/4 Concept '01
  • Laps: Hotlap

Vehicle Specifics:


  • Power: 220 HP (After Oil Change, Added Parts and Full Break In.)
  • Weight: 588 kg (Use of Ballast and Ballast Adjustment is Optional)
  • Weight Reductions: Stage 3 Weight Reduction.
  • Engine Modifications: Not allowed. Stage 1-3 and ECU/Chip Tuning verifiable by checking redline on HUD.
  • Intake Modifications: Sports Intake Manifold, Racing Air Filter
  • Exhaust Modifications: Racing Exhaust,Sports Exhaust Manifold, Catalytic Converter: Sports.
  • Turbo or Supercharger: N/A
  • Drivetrain Modifications: LSD, Clutch, Flywheel, Driveline upgrades all allowed.
  • Oil Change: Required
  • Skid Recovery Force Aid: OFF (Those Found using this Aid will be DQ'd) - Be Careful - The Setting for This Aid is Whatever You Used Last - Be sure it's set to 'Off'
  • Other Aids (Traction Control, Active Steering, and ASM): Optional
  • Transmission: Fully Customisable Transmission Allowed
  • Suspension: Fully Adjustable Suspension Allowed
  • Aero: Allowed
  • Tyre Type: SportsMedium (S2's)
  • Grip Reduction on Track Edge: Optional
  • In Event Tuning Settings: Optional - NOTE: Any tuning gimmicks that offer an unfair advantage are not allowed. These would be things like the Subaru Toe Bug found on GT5 Prologue.
  • Tire Wear and Fuel Depletion (New for Spec II): OFF - Your Replay must show a full fuel tank and unworn tires.


Race Specifics:1

  • The event MUST be run using your GTP_Tag Account
  • The use of the clutch that is found on the G25, G27, and other high end racing wheels is strictly prohibited.
  • All surfaces are track
  • No Contact with walls or other objects. Any contact with walls, no matter how minor, will result in a DQ.
  • Red and White Rumble Strips, and Tarmac, are Track Surface.
  • This includes faded/worn Red and White Rumble Strips
  • Green Painted Concrete is not Part of the Track
  • The Light Brown Surface to the outside of the Rumble Strip on the Left Side of the Track before the Start Finish Line is Not Track.
  • See examples below. Those who use these runoff areas without keeping at least 2 wheels on Tarmac or Red and White Rumble Strips will be DQ'd.

Left Side of Track Near Start Finish Line



Inside of Turn 2



Left Side Exit of Dunlop Curve (Turn 3)



Race Specifics:2

This week we are going to use the extra part of track of Tsukuba.

Not for the first time,we have done it before,aug 2007 WRS GT4

Take a look at the pictures where the extra part is located:





Steward's Comments:

This week we use a standard car,the Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01.
It can be possible that racers do not own this car.
There are several ways to become this car for this wrs week.

-Ask for one,racers can send the car to your account.

-Borrow,racers on your friendslist will set this car online.

-Win it ,B-Spec Extreme,Formula GT: prizecar = Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01 (S)

-Buy one,currently the Suzuki is on sale in the OCD.

Have some fun in chasing the tenths and enjoy the extra track this week.
Oh,and if you have time to spare,share some nice pics with us.

Viewing your T1 & T2 Lap Time Splits:

  • You need to make sure you save the 'Save Best Lap Replay' (ghost replay), not the 'Save Replay'.

  • To view your best lap replay, go to 'My Home' and watch the replay from there using the 'Replay Theater' option.
  • While Viewing Your Replay, Choose the "Live Timing Monitor" To View Your Sector Times
  • To post your T1 and T2 Splits, simply post the sector times that are shown in the live timing monitor.
  • The WRS Fetchbot has been updated and will now add your splits together!


Save best lap / ghost replay icon


Standard Clean OLR Rules:

  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track
  • No contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • If you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind,these are relaxed races and we are experienced racers, we know what times can be done,and we can read your mind.We will know.
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Save your best lap/ghost replay

Thread rules:

The following information cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on MSN or via other private conversation methods

  • Lap time
  • Any information which can be used to infer laptime

The following information can be discussed in this thread

  • T1 and T2 times
  • Any settings discussion.

Number of splits: 2

The posting of settings is encouraged, but it's certainly not mandatory. We respect anyone wishing not to post settings, so please do not publicly ask someone to post their settings, they will if they want to.
It is however expected for splits to be posted if you're taking part.



All submissions must be sent by PM (Subject title: GTP_WRS Week 103 Submission ) to (WRSFetchbot):

  • Please submit your time in the following format on a single line:
    Time: X'XX.XXX
    (Example-) Time: 1'10.100
    [*]Users can ask the bot for the current submitted time by sending a message with the body: "get entry"
    [*]Users can delete their submitted time by sending a message with the body of "remove entry".
    [*]If multiple times are submitted, only the last submission will be counted.
    [*]Please include in your submission PM your final lap time
    [*]The deadline is Monday, February 11 11:59pm GMT
    [*]If you are unsure of the deadline try this site. Beware of the US Daylight Savings Time Change, don't cut it too close.

Why Use GMT?:

GMT is World Time and the basis of every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the centre of the time zone map. GMT sets current time or official time around the globe. Most time changes are measured by GMT. Although GMT has been replaced by atomic time (UTC) it is still widely regarded as the correct time for every international time zone.

Time verification:

Save your ghost replay and keep it at least a full two weeks after the event's deadline:

  • Racers, named by the OLR Admin staff, (if any) will be required to submit a replay for verification
  • Any submitted time is subject to a time verification request
  • When a time verification has been requested, the concerned racer must provide the correct replay within seven days of the request
  • Failure to do so will result in the removal of the unverified submission from the results table
  • Video replays are not accepted as a form of verification


Good luck, :gtplanet:
OLR Team
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Power: 220 HP (After Oil Change, Added Parts and Full Break In.)
Weight: 588 kg (Use of Ballast and Ballast Adjustment is Optional)

I bought one from the OCD and after doing all the allowable upgrades and oil change - but before driving - I'm at 220 HP. Should I use the engine limiter to achieve 220 HP after break-in?

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I bought one from the OCD and after doing all the allowable upgrades and oil change - but before driving - I'm at 220 HP. Should I use the engine limiter to achieve 220 HP after break-in?

It probably doesn't need break-in when buying it from the OCD then.
With a ticket the car start with 166 bhp.
A OCD car starts with 172 bhp.

My Suzuki was also on 220 bhp when I bought all the upgrades.
Bob ran 40 laps on Daytona and the hp stays 220 bhp.
Haven't tried one of these in a while, thought I'd give this one a bash.


And I'm in the lead... for now. I imagine I'll be overtaken for good before the day is out. :D
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5 quick laps, stock settings. Off to tune it :)

You sure you went the right way in T2, Matthew? :scared: :dopey:


New bit of the track is sweet, love sweeping through there! Lovely combo, Sjaak 👍

Aero: 20
Transmission: see update in next post

LSD: 10/20/10

See update in next post

2nd gear is a bit crazy, 3rd gear on exit settles is nicely. Quick first try at a setup.

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And I'm in the lead... for now. I imagine I'll be overtaken for good before the day is out. :D
No-one will ever overtake you with those splits Matthew... :P You have to take the kink in sector 2 - its to the right after turn 4. 👍

Quick try to see what is on our hands next week :)

You too Frank. ;)
No-one will ever overtake you with those splits Matthew... :P You have to take the kink in sector 2 - its to the right after turn 4. 👍

You too Frank. ;)

WOW, didn't see that one comming :) Thanks Chris for pointing out...

I guess I now know what the tittle stands for :D
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Using millross's tune with a default transmission set at 30 kmh below default top speed.
@millross: those transmission settings of yours were totally unattainable for me. You said left/right trick. I assumed that was top speed min / final gear max?


Tried GTCR's tune with a 5/15/5 LSD

13.859 13.808 13.708 13.809
19.689 19.786 19.933 19.360
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Using millross's tune with a default transmission set at 30 kmh below default
@millross: those transmission settings of yours were totally unattainable for me. You said left/right trick. I assumed that was top speed min / final gear max?


Final gear max, max speed min. I should have said right/left really! :sly:

Last ones for me for today...probably :lol:


Minor tweaks to setup:
Full aero
LSD 10/18/10
Transmission: 3.845, 2.850, 2.425, 2.030, 1.721, 1.475 (4.750) max speed top 135
Suspension 13.0/13.6, dampers 4/4, arb 6/6 camber 2.0/1.3 0.00/0.00 toe
BB 5/3

Use 3rd gear on exits where possible, but 2nd for deceleration on the tight turns. 4th gear thru the new part.

Have seen quite a lot of 5s in sector 1 and I think there's a little bit with a more precise exit of the 'new' part. Otherwise, not a great deal of time left already....but that's Tsukuba for you ;)

Interested to see what times the heavy hitters in D1/D2 come up with!
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No-one will ever overtake you with those splits Matthew... :P You have to take the kink in sector 2 - its to the right after turn 4. 👍

Oh drat, I missed that. :dunce: Thanks for the reminder Chris.

I'd better get back out there...

EDIT: Here's a couple of early splits to flush out the invalid ones:

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I can beat my t1 every time, with a best of .504 but can't keep up with that t2. Love this car.

My tune

Max aero

Gears. Move final all the way left. Set top speed to 143 mph. Then set these.


lsd 7/15/10

Brake 2/2

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I think we had the same thing happen in week 97; a car bought from the OCD does not require a breaking.

I would love to participate this week for no other reason than the extra kink that's being used. I've always wanted a reason to use it but I just have no time anymore to compete this week. Good luck everyone!
Check the OP, there's a new bit to drive round in sector 2 :) 18.5 is not possible without going the traditional route I don't think!
Oh crap I completely forgot about that switchero. May someone delete my entry?
@millross: those transmission settings of yours were totally unattainable for me. You said left/right trick. I assumed that was top speed min / final gear max?

I think I forgot to set them in the right order. I 'attained' them now :dunce:

Oh crap I completely forgot about that switchero. May someone delete my entry?

Just edit your post and remove them ;) I think 'fetchy' will get the message.
Better T2 and T3....but too much rust in the seat.


Using some of Chris' settings [blue font] from Week #20 at Suzuka...except rear toe.


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Extra, Extra, Read all about it. ;)

I'll give it a try tomorrow, I'm still finding tenths with the Audi.
Attention! Barons setup is better than mine! :bowdown:

Made 3rd and 4th gear slightly shorter and changed final drive to 3.025, hope you don't mind!



Still a bit in t2 and t3 to find....
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Its nice to be using the different layout but its harder than I first thought to keep the pace up through there. Great start Baron and Matt 👍 Not sure I'm going to be able to keep ahead for long looking at your best sectors. Still working out a setup I'm happy with - differential settings are more important than usual with this machine... the transition between on and off throttle is crucial so you don't throw the car off balance in the exits.

Anyway, some splits:


Not going to be making significant gains from this I don't think. Seen couple of 13.4s and 19.0s but the last sector is the meal ticket here.
Wow, everyone is flying out there.

Glad the tune is useful to some of you. I'm not gonna get back to this for a day or two, I hope I don't fall too far.
Im stupid and cant read.....

read post below:dunce:
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