The Apple Thread

  • Thread starter Robin
2. Headphones with Lightning connectors instead of aux. I love Apple products, but I'm not a huge fan of the idea of headphones that can only be used with Apple devices. And whether lightning-to-aux adapters will be available remains to be seen.

Say your going to make an outlay on a good pair of headphones, as you said I want to be able to use them on everything... not just my iPhone. So again more adapters to loose!

I don't understand what driving their desire to remove it, as far as I can tell size restrictions were not an issue. Was Jonny Ive having nightmares about the bottom of the phone not looking symmetrical or something?! :lol:

It seems like purely a business move. They take a cut from officially licencing products and this now means they can get much more money from the 3rd party headphone market that they never got before.
It seems like purely a business move.

Spot on. Apple are in the business of making money pure and simple. If they can get rid of something which doesn't make any money for them and introduce an alternative which does then they win.

They obviously tried to cover the fact by saying it was for other reasons.

Personally I don't have an issue and I've been looking at the B&W P7 Wireless headphones anyway so if in the future I want to listen to my music on the go I can either use a dongle or Bluetooth.

As for the phones themselves I have no huge desire at this time to upgrade from my 6plus. I'll wait for iOS 10 and a few weeks of people having them in hand before I make a choice to upgrade. I have no love for the Jet Black version as it looks like a finger print magnet and could get grubby and marked quickly which would de-value it. Unless Apple did a burnished blue colour I'll stick with silver.
I don't understand what driving their desire to remove it, as far as I can tell size restrictions were not an issue. Was Jonny Ive having nightmares about the bottom of the phone not looking symmetrical or something?! :lol:

Honestly, it kind of bothers me the bottom isn't symmetrical :lol:
They obviously tried to cover the fact by saying it was for other reasons.
So you have reason to believe those other reasons are fake? So they could have added the other new stuff (e.g. the new home 'button', bigger battery, taptic engine, etc.) without removing the audio jack?

I mean, it's still a business decision (adding new features vs taking things away), but I doubt the main reason was to force users onto additional costs. Especially since they throw in an adapter that allows you to not spend any additional money (which at the same time also costs Apple money).

That said, I'm still quite happy with my iPhone 6s, not trading it up for this one. Though the 7 Plus with the dual camera is tempting. :D
So you have reason to believe those other reasons are fake? So they could have added the other new stuff (e.g. the new home 'button', bigger battery, taptic engine, etc.) without removing the audio jack?

I mean, it's still a business decision (adding new features vs taking things away), but I doubt the main reason was to force users onto additional costs. Especially since they throw in an adapter that allows you to not spend any additional money (which at the same time also costs Apple money).

That said, I'm still quite happy with my iPhone 6s, not trading it up for this one. Though the 7 Plus with the dual camera is tempting. :D
Well, just look at the bigger Plus model. Virtually the same specs as its smaller brother, so in theory they could at least make room for a headphone jack or 2nd lightning port on that one, right?

And how long are they going to be including these free adapters as standard? Are they gonna stop doing it as soon as we get to the 7S? And how much of the "cost" of these free adapters is going to be made up through people having to re-buy them after they get lost?
So you have reason to believe those other reasons are fake? So they could have added the other new stuff (e.g. the new home 'button', bigger battery, taptic engine, etc.) without removing the audio jack?

I don't have any reason to believe they're fake reasons, however I do think Money had more to do with it rather than features and design.
The new 7 looks absolutely stunning in jet black. Looks leaps and bounds better than the 6/6s and reminds me of the iPhone 4 and 4S.

Shame about the lack of a headphone jack though. I would love to upgrade to a 7 but the need for wireless headphones (or the annoying Lightning-3.5mm adapter) is really putting me off. Maybe in a few years I'll be able to graduate to wireless headphones (earbuds).
I heard about that :lol: It's like when they said the iPhone was now waterproof through an iOS update and people started dunking them in water! Apple buyers... :rolleyes:

Or the one where if you dropped it, the vibration motors would make sure the phone landed on the back and not the LCD.

But then again Xbox has its share.
I remember the "Hack" one could do by tweaking a developer line that "enabled" Xbox 360 support.
Doing the hack bricked the console

But with the iphone ones are done each year when a new iphone is released and one would assume that people would not fall for these random things.
Or the one where if you dropped it, the vibration motors would make sure the phone landed on the back and not the LCD.

But then again Xbox has its share.
I remember the "Hack" one could do by tweaking a developer line that "enabled" Xbox 360 support.
Doing the hack bricked the console

But with the iphone ones are done each year when a new iphone is released and one would assume that people would not fall for these random things.

Yeah but there are plausible and downright implausible ones. Hacking an Xbox to do something is more plausible than drilling a hole to magically create a headphone socket :lol: A whole extra level of gullibility!
Yeah but there are plausible and downright implausible ones. Hacking an Xbox to do something is more plausible than drilling a hole to magically create a headphone socket :lol: A whole extra level of gullibility!

But who would you listen to the company that makes a product or some video on the internet.
But who would you listen to the company that makes a product or some video on the internet.

The biggest problem is that world does indeed listen to videos made by random people on the internet, vlogging is now the de facto method of fact finding for a huge amount of people.
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There's generally been about a year between new iPhone releases but I wonder if for the 7, there will be a S version coming out early next year.
And it just might have one change a headphone jack.

If there is enough of a backlash maybe, as I sighted before the voice controlled only proprietary cabled iPod Shuffle... the next generation back came all the buttons!
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Apple has had so many hardware controversies over the years from batteries, aerials, bending cases and cracking screens. I think they make them way too fast on the production line and they aren't assembled properly. To be fair other manufacturers have had similar issues but Apple I think really rushes their design and production to a point where corners are cut. Also the phones are too thin considering what's inside.
I got a chance to see the 7 at Apple and I have to say the new home button is really putting me off. The way the bottom of the phone vibrates is very weird to say the least.