Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
DiRT3 - Smelter v1.20


changelog v1.10:
- added HQ texture skin and CSP updates by @Mike08

changelog v1.20:
  • fixed several mis-aligned guardrails
  • several shaders updated to PerPixel Normal Map
  • other shared adjusted
  • some holes fixed
  • modified water feature causing a bug with sidmarks/SurfacesFX
  • track surfaces.ini now complies with SurfacesFX standard, and surface frictions adjusted
  • sound added to metal bridge
  • various things you wont notice

:: DOWNLOAD v1.10::

:: DOWNLOAD v1.20 ::
DiRT3 - Smelter v1.20

changelog v1.20:
  • fixed several mis-aligned guardrails
  • several shaders updated to PerPixel Normal Map
  • other shaders adjusted
  • some holes fixed
  • modified water feature causing a bug with sidmarks/SurfacesFX
  • track surfaces.ini now complies with SurfacesFX standard, and surface frictions adjusted
  • sound added to metal bridge

unpacking lod there is this file dtm_c180_carbon not this one dtm_c180_carbon.dss
the old version does not give errors
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1. Download the RAR package and extract the contents to /steamapps/common/

so that the folder F1_92_93_Leaderboard is directly in steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python <- folder. Make sure you don't accidentally create /steamapps/common/assettocorsa/python/F1_92_93_Leaderboard/F1_92_93_Leaderboard double folders.

2. Install the Futura Md BT Bold Italic font. There is that font in the leaderboard package.

Make sure that font is also in the /assettocorsa/content/fonts folder. It should be if you extracted the package to your /assettocorsa folder.

2. Go to Content Manager - Content - Miscellanneous - Python Apps - And check F1_92_93_Leaderboard active

Make sure to make other leaderboards inactive.

3. Now when you start the game in practice, move your mouse pointer to the right corner to click the icon that shows all apps. Click the desired 92_93 Leaderboard app visible (three of them and HALO hud) and move them to desired areas on the screen with keeping the left mouse button pressed. Press F9 to get rid of the AC default leaderboard display.







Screenshots from my 1992 Custom Championship with amazing ASR cars. If you want to try it, check out the track download links in the video description. The cars are pay mod and naturally I can't offer that download.

That season has sparks and adjusted mandatory pitting (20-25 lap races). Tracks are Shin's 1992 tracks and all layouts and schedules are 100% accurate.

These vintage F1 seasons in AC are my labour of love as I'm passionate/obsessed with classic F1. Trying to make them better and more realistic any way I can with my feeble modding skills.

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Released : Metalmoro MRX Duratec P3
3D Model Car :Riza
Texture Update : F302 (rework)
Skins: Riza
3d work: F302
Physics: Peugeot905
Light Options via ext_config.ini: Round Lights and LED
hope u enjoy the Car
ps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.2.5-preview1
have fun!
To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simply
drag'n'drop archive to Content Manager

Fix :
View attachment 1410392View attachment 1410393
Thanks for this really interesting looking mod. Unfortunately, I am getting a quota limit alert from Mega. Is it possible to upload this somewhere else? Thanks for any help!

Eh... I see That Guy at ACTK already has it... should I just use that one?
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regarding my skin creating questions, can u someone maybe post the wireframes & shadows for the 2016_suit_diff and helmet_2012?
Open car in CMshowroom/show driver/click on driver suit till outlined(works only on that first page ),click 3 dots next to txDiffuse/click Calculate AO.

It will be all white but it will have sparco raised letters on it.The Normals dds is raised there as well.Photoshop them out if you dont want those sparco elements on your suit.You can raise the resolution before Calculate AO.Once rendered,save as png to use in Photoshop.(save button in the lower right corner)
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Thanks for this really interesting looking mod. Unfortunately, I am getting a quota limit alert from Mega. Is it possible to upload this somewhere else? Thanks for any help!

Eh... I see That Guy at ACTK already has it... should I just use that one?
Quota limit is you have downloaded too much, use MegaBasterd to download without limits
My version of Pacific Raceways is basically ready for release, but I have a bit of a moral dilemma. When I was asked about 7 months ago if I could update the track, I got the copy I began working from off of @Breathe track list thinking it was a free track. I have recently come to learn that the copy I started with was an update to the paid mod track from Sim Traxx. So in theory, I have been modding a paid track mod which means technically I can not release it. Now mind you, pretty much everything has been changed from the Sim Traxx version which by all accounts was kind of unfinished, but it's still not right to use any part of a paid mod without their permission. And I doubt they would give me permission since they are trying to sell their version.

So for anyone who may have been interested in my updated version, you will have to be patient while I work through what to do. Eventually I will probably say F--- It and release the track because I would hate to leave this one unreleased. I think it turned out really well thanks to a lot of help from some of the better track makers we have. But it still wouldn't feel right to do so.


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My version of Pacific Raceways is basically ready for release, but I have a bit of a moral dilemma. When I was asked about 7 months ago if I could update the track, I got the copy I began working off of from @Breathe track list thinking it was a free track. I have recently come to learn that the copy I started with was an update to the paid mod track from Sim Traxx. So in theory, I have been modding a paid track mod which means technically I can not release it. Now mind you, pretty much everything has been changed from the Sim Traxx version which by all accounts was kind of unfinished, but it's still not right to use any part of a paid mod without their permission. And I doubt they would give me permission since they are trying to sell their version.

So for anyone who may have been interested in my updated version, you will have to be patient while I work through what to do. Eventually I will probably say F--- It and release the track because I would hate to leave this one unreleased. I think it turned out really well thanks to a lot of help from some of the better track makers we have. But it still wouldn't feel right to do so.

View attachment 1410968
View attachment 1410969
Can you just release the edited files as an addon? Or as an extra layout (Pyyer style)? Would rely on users having the original circuit, but honours the concerns you’ve mentioned above.
question, is there a "car" that only shows me the driver model? i wanna create a driver suit but i dont know another way to see the driver than sitting in the car

and also i have several files but ingame they wont work because in most cases its or so. but can i make it work with just the
(remove the .txt so u can the dds file) just saying, lol)
To show only the driver:
driver model 1.png
Can you just release the edited files as an addon? Or as an extra layout (Pyyer style)? Would rely on users having the original circuit, but honours the concerns you’ve mentioned above.
I could, but I would have to figure out a way to do it that wouldn't alter the original. I guess I could give all my kn5 files different names because some of them use the same names as the original track. Or at least I think they do. I don't actually own the paid Sim Traxx version so I can't honestly say whether they do or not.

What would make that an odd way to do it is as I said above, everything has been altered. There might be one kn5 file that is still the same (i'd have to check the date stamp to see if it still says 2020), but every other one has changed. So in reality, you wouldn't need the original track. You could download my addon, put the folder in the AC track folder by itself and the track would work. There wouldn't be a need for the original unless there is that one unaltered kn5.
I could, but I would have to figure out a way to do it that wouldn't alter the original. I guess I could give all my kn5 files different names because some of them use the same names as the original track. Or at least I think they do. I don't actually own the paid Sim Traxx version so I can't honestly say whether they do or not.

What would make that an odd way to do it is as I said above, everything has been altered. There might be one kn5 file that is still the same (i'd have to check the date stamp to see if it still says 2020), but every other one has changed. So in reality, you wouldn't need the original track. You could download my addon, put the folder in the AC track folder by itself and the track would work. There wouldn't be a need for the original unless there is that one unaltered kn5.
Hope to see it in whatever form in any case :cheers:
My version of Pacific Raceways is basically ready for release, but I have a bit of a moral dilemma. When I was asked about 7 months ago if I could update the track, I got the copy I began working off of from @Breathe track list thinking it was a free track. I have recently come to learn that the copy I started with was an update to the paid mod track from Sim Traxx.
Never trust the Great Deceiver.


Jokes aside, many of Sim Traxx tracks have been leaked. And I wonder if they have license rights for the real world tracks they are selling. Kudos to you for thinking through the moral dilemma. Follow your heart, Frodo.
but that doesnt shows me then the driver with my suit, i now simply use the movable driver in cm showroom

and also is here some maybe able helping me creating chrome skins for f302´s clk dtm? i tried so many things and but still unlucky and chaotic to follow everything what i need to do for that
I think you cen replicate chrome with the color map or shine map. txmap or something.They are usually a pinkish red color.The rgb color channels each represent a shine factor.If all the channels are maxed out the image will be white.The mostest shiny,reflective a surface can be.
Usually just under txDiffuse in CMshowroom.

I could, but I would have to figure out a way to do it that wouldn't alter the original. I guess I could give all my kn5 files different names because some of them use the same names as the original track. Or at least I think they do. I don't actually own the paid Sim Traxx version so I can't honestly say whether they do or not.

What would make that an odd way to do it is as I said above, everything has been altered. There might be one kn5 file that is still the same (i'd have to check the date stamp to see if it still says 2020), but every other one has changed. So in reality, you wouldn't need the original track. You could download my addon, put the folder in the AC track folder by itself and the track would work. There wouldn't be a need for the original unless there is that one unaltered kn5.
Offer to let them try to sell your upgraded long as you can do what you want with it as well. :D
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My version of Pacific Raceways is basically ready for release, but I have a bit of a moral dilemma. When I was asked about 7 months ago if I could update the track, I got the copy I began working from off of @Breathe track list thinking it was a free track. I have recently come to learn that the copy I started with was an update to the paid mod track from Sim Traxx. So in theory, I have been modding a paid track mod which means technically I can not release it. Now mind you, pretty much everything has been changed from the Sim Traxx version which by all accounts was kind of unfinished, but it's still not right to use any part of a paid mod without their permission. And I doubt they would give me permission since they are trying to sell their version.

So for anyone who may have been interested in my updated version, you will have to be patient while I work through what to do. Eventually I will probably say F--- It and release the track because I would hate to leave this one unreleased. I think it turned out really well thanks to a lot of help from some of the better track makers we have. But it still wouldn't feel right to do so.

View attachment 1410968
View attachment 1410969
Honestly these guys deserve no respect, they ported stuff without author's consent, did it with it but didnt respect their wishes or vision and still owe money to some trackmakers that worked for them. Also their tracks are paid but none are finished and if you want the updated version you have to pay again so i think no one will judge you
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Yas Marina Update pack
1.Yas Marina 2009 update

·Update based on acu_abudahbi
·New texture
·New Lights adjust to newly CSP (CSP 2.5 recommend)
·Wider surroundings mesh what is friendly to helicopter camera

2.Yas Marina 2021 all layout update
·Update based on yas_marina_2021_all_layout I updownload last year
·Fix many mesh bugs
·New texture
·New Lights adjust to newly CSP(CSP 2.5 recommend)
·Delete the airliner may cause CSP bug
·Wider surroundings mesh what is friendly to helicopter camera




Download link:
Delete old version before installing new.

Next mod preview: Sepang updated


  • Screenshot_bmw_m4_gt3_acc_yas_marina_2009_7-11-124-12-40-28.jpg
    108.1 KB · Views: 10
  • Screenshot_f_extreme_2016_sepang_27-10-124-0-37-52.jpg
    126.9 KB · Views: 10
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My version of Pacific Raceways is basically ready for release, but I have a bit of a moral dilemma. When I was asked about 7 months ago if I could update the track, I got the copy I began working from off of @Breathe track list thinking it was a free track. I have recently come to learn that the copy I started with was an update to the paid mod track from Sim Traxx. So in theory, I have been modding a paid track mod which means technically I can not release it. Now mind you, pretty much everything has been changed from the Sim Traxx version which by all accounts was kind of unfinished, but it's still not right to use any part of a paid mod without their permission. And I doubt they would give me permission since they are trying to sell their version.

So for anyone who may have been interested in my updated version, you will have to be patient while I work through what to do. Eventually I will probably say F--- It and release the track because I would hate to leave this one unreleased. I think it turned out really well thanks to a lot of help from some of the better track makers we have. But it still wouldn't feel right to do so.

View attachment 1410968
View attachment 1410969

Sim traxx can suck an egg for all I care, they are the scummiest track modders.

Release it dude, it'd be a massive improvement over their never finished stuff anyways.
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