Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Language barrier, i need a pic, but i think i know what you're talking about ;)
Between the "stop" signs, if that's visible! It's pretty obvious when you're driving though!


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Alright, I'll not touched it any further but it is in a good place. Decals aren't 100% accurate but I won't bother, it's not my mod anyways lol

List of things fixed / altered :

  • Edited windows so decals could be painted on them. Resulted in 10 texture files but not my problem :)
  • Driver names on the right windows
  • Added Peugeot Lease decals in lieu of Sevel
  • Removed some Michelin logos
  • Added Kronos logos here and there
  • Moved the Peugeot 806 badges (these were too low compared to the real car)
  • Removed the AutoTrader plaque inside cockpit
  • Added external_glass to cockpit_hr (am I ACTK/EASY ? Oh crap...)

KN5 provided due to the changes

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Are you able to work out why the dirt/smudges on Cyril Cherry internal windscreens always looks like little hard-edged semi-transparent stickers when driving into the sun?
All of his cars have this effect on the dirt layer and it always looks very bad compared to the more naturally blended Kunos method that most mod cars use.
He's doing something wrong when creating his windscreen DDSes, but I'm not quite sure what.
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Between the "stop" signs, if that's visible! It's pretty obvious when you're driving though!
Looks like what @Masscot was having issues with, a little upper in the thread! For me it's often a sharpen setting or a LOD set wrong in CM (Extra FX sharpen, AMD fidelity CAS extra sharp, or track LOD set to more than 100%).

But with the SmartShadows issues lately, i would just ALT-tab and play with the settings live until you find the proper setting
Maybe stupid question so pardon me but is the Kunos GT40 and the GT40 MK1 of the latest WSC pack the same car (I think about to delete either the kunos or the bazza one, for disc-space reason)?
Not at all a stupid question. The Kunos car represents chassis P-1075, built in 1968 specifically as a JW Automotive car. (I know there are a million liveries, across the years, but...Kunos intent was :))
AFAICS, the WSC car represents an amalagam/average of the GT40's during 1966-1967. Of course there are small developmental differences. The 66-67 cars were mostly 289 (4.7 litres) whereas P-1075 had a 302 (5-litre) Westlake engine.
P-1075 was famously, the first double Le Mans winner to use the same chassis at both attempts.
These differences might be irrelevant to some, but maybe not to you :)
It was worth trying, but as soon as I remove the pctm version, the ACL stops working...
Strange, you have copied all the 4 tvr_*.kn5 files. It should work.
Check if the folder structure. It should be like this


and inside it you shoul have the modded lods.ini file
This statement makes absolutely no sense and is factually illogical, are you trolling?
Half trolling. I did discover a few tracks where the grass fx seemed overscaled (trunk sized on the overgrown ones, or completely out of proportion, and out of where they should be), and with all the latest small bugs we encountered i though it was worth sharing the solution rather than play with the grass fx settings for half an hour like i did.

For the actual coding madness that lead to it, it's out of my range.
Maybe stupid question so pardon me but is the Kunos GT40 and the GT40 MK1 of the latest WSC pack the same car (I think about to delete either the kunos or the bazza one, for disc-space reason)?

Basically, WSC one is the 66-67 car and Kunos one is the 68-69 car. I would recommend keeping both, as a future WSC mod may use the latter version with the wider tyres and the larger engine.
Strange, you have copied all the 4 tvr_*.kn5 files. It should work.
Check if the folder structure. It should be like this


and inside it you shoul have the modded lods.ini file
I can’t check anymore because I binned it, but yes, that is exactly how it was.
Basically, WSC one is the 66-67 car and Kunos one is the 68-69 car. I would recommend keeping both, as a future WSC mod may use the latter version with the wider tyres and the larger engine.
When Bazza Showed off this preview for WSC69 Pack (
there isnt any GT40 68-69 But at the same time We are seeing Pasta2000 Make the Alfa Tippo, and Legion Posting the Chevrons so who is to say if it will or not feature a 68-69 GT40 and other Late 60s Protoypes :)

a belated happy new year.

After i installed CSP 0.2.7p1 today, an orange square appears in the top left during races or trackdays. With Mouse over the square: "a delay in data stream from the server".


However, there are still no delays or anything similar.

training or hotlaps works fine . no orange square appears.

If i go back to CSP 0.2.6p1, the message doesn't appear.

Can anyone imagine where this could be coming from?

btw, a second PC - same problem.

Thx - Rob

a belated happy new year.

After i installed CSP 0.2.7p1 today, an orange square appears in the top left during races or trackdays. With Mouse over the square: "a delay in data stream from the server".

View attachment 1419362

However, there are still no delays or anything similar.

training or hotlaps works fine . no orange square appears.

If i go back to CSP 0.2.6p1, the message doesn't appear.

Can anyone imagine where this could be coming from?

btw, a second PC - same problem.

Thx - Rob

I have this too, I assumed it was the fuel light!
Oh.. & if someone finds a solution for the "ghosting stripes" on tarmacs, please post the solution! It drives me crazy, to the point that i can't play the game! Thanks!
Ive been changing every setting I possibly could thinking it was something I didn't realize I messed with causing this. it must have been in the latest 2.6 updates...I just downloaded 2.7, Im gonna test and see if it has went away.
Between the "stop" signs, if that's visible! It's pretty obvious when you're driving though!
Thats the self shadowing issue we have been talking about.Also called shadow acne.Its not supposed to be there and it didnt use to be.

I am already rolling back to 0.2.3. version 0.2.6 is replacing ALL the pitcrew elements with whatever textures my current car has.Even the cars with pitcrew textures of their own. sad noise :confused:
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anyone know how to "fix" the motion blur artifacts and the ground going above the tires? Is the ground a track issue?
Usually it's the Blur in ExtraFX. You can try to keep it under 5% with 50-60% of noise. With the "tunnel" blur shader in the latest pure, i deactivated it in ExtraFX completely.

Some cars are more sensitive to it than others, but it really messes up with shadows/tires when you follow an opponent.

For the tires going into the ground it's pretty common, depending of the tracks. I always assumed it was related to the road physical mesh being under the actual road texture. Track modders here will give you a proper answer.
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XAP Formula E 2024-2025 Steering wheel for VRC Formulña Lithium 2023


I started this like a month ago but I'm full of work and I refuse to leave it stored for no reason, so why no share it as it is right now? I know it's **** but it will make the job.

Next add-on will be Indycar new 2025 Steering wheel, the Cosworth MK3

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Taking advantage of the 24 hours of Daytona (are coming), here are 2 skins of Daytona 1968 (Beta, whoever wants to improve it), of the Corvette C3 (AC Legends) to keep partner number 31 company (pack by Bazza).


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Got an example? Shadows all appear normal to me on quick examination.
I used to see it all the time with fence post and stuff but now that you ask Its not there anymore.This may be the reason for the self shadowing with it enabled.Before you needed it enabled to have a proper connection to the object.But if something changed ,now the same setting is causing self shadowing but objects no longer need it enabled.
Too close and you get shadow acne,too far and objects are not connected to their shadows.(shadow bias? I guess)

It looks fine now with it disabled.I will take it FTW.
Not doing a full track update for this because it's easy enough to enable as a skin if you want to. Maybe one of these will make it into the next full track update if there ever is one.

Two haybale skins for my Spa66 track to make the bales look better, IMO. The first one (Haybales) uses the default texture but makes it look more detailed. The second one (Haybales2) does the same as the first but gives a more yellow appearance to the hay. You can see the difference in the attached pic. The bale closest to you is the default look. The next closest is the Haybale skin and the rest are the Haybale2 skin. Just download the attached zip file and enable the skin you prefer in CM.



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