Vaccinations thread.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
If it wasn't illegal, I'd be shipping cases of ciggs daily to Australia. I'd start my own shipping company.
Our ciggs start at $3.50. Damn...

It being illegal hasn't stopped it being a booming business of late.
Shipping them in that is.
You do realise that 70% of that is tax, right?
Yeah, I know how to read the post I quoted.
My $4.80 pack is almost $15 in NY. Same pack, same price from the manufacturer in NC. Taxes suck don't they.

Another reason I'm not exactly in favor of legal cannabis... But that is another subject.
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Italy's cabinet approved a law on Friday obliging parents to vaccinate their children against infectious diseases as politicians spar over a spike in measles cases.

Children up to six years old will now need to be immunized to be eligible for nursery school, and parents who send their children to school after that age without vaccinating them first will be liable for fines.

Vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox and meningitis, which were previously only recommended, will now become mandatory, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said.

"The lack of appropriate measures over the years and the spread of anti-scientific theories, especially in recent months, has brought about a reduction in protection," Gentiloni told a news conference in Rome.

The law will also oblige inoculation against polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, whooping cough, and haemophilus influenzae type B.

Italy's Higher Health Institute warned in April that a fall-off in vaccinations had led to a measles epidemic. The United States warned visitors to Italy about exposure to the potentially fatal disease.

The institute has recorded some 2,395 measles cases so far this year compared with some 840 in all of 2016 and 250 in 2015.

The website of the European Commission, the European Union's executive, says it encourages all member states to "ensure that as many children as possible receive the main childhood vaccines".

It's still a theory. And it really only deals with anti-bodies. The human immune system is a whole lot more complicated.
So what?

This is an opinions forum. People who you look down on because you think you are smarter than, are also allowed on this forum. This is not an argument forum. Bully!
So what?

This is an opinions forum. People who you look down on because you think you are smarter than, are also allowed on this forum. This is not an argument forum. Bully!
So what?

Don't use a word if you don't know the context of it, and certainly don't try and use it as the central point of an argument.

Also don't try and play the victim cards, your track record in the site is not good and shenanigans like this will not be tolerated.

Be under no illusions the staff do not see you as a positive contribution to the site, and you do not get to determine what conduct is acceptable or not.
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It's still a theory.
Yes, it is. A theory, not a proven scientific fact.

This is not an argument forum.
Actually, it is. You need to build an argument - a case. You cannot expect to enter the forum, offer up an opinion and have people accept what you say simply because you're expressing an opinion. If you aren't resilient enough to have people pick your arguments apart, you have no business being here.
If you aren't resilient enough to have people pick your arguments apart, you have no business being here.


From the guy whose excuse for not providing evidence for his argument was that those he was discussing it with would be "unfair".

I would have been happy to provide evidence if I felt that the people critiquing it would have been fair and balanced in doing so. Given that nobody sought to critique the evidence that was provided before I entered the conversation, I didn't have much confidence that people would be fair and balanced.
From the guy whose excuse for not providing evidence for his argument was that those he was discussing it with would be "unfair".
Gettin' all tuff like. Seems to be a thing at the moment.

I see your hypocrisy and raise you a sexism.

* It's not really proper sexism, but I still think it's an amusing crack in the politically correct veneer.
How about everyone keep to the topic at had and play the damn ball and not each other?

Not actually a question, but an instruction for those who don't fancy a holiday from GTP.
It's still a theory. And it really only deals with anti-bodies. The human immune system is a whole lot more complicated.
Huh? The concept of herd immunity has next to nothing to do with antibodies and the immune system - it is an epidemiological phenomenon. Sure, the 'herd immunity' threshold varies slightly by disease, but that is outside the scope of this conversation. We are talking about diseases that are very well understood and have very efficient vaccines (get the jab -> ~100% coverage).
Huh? The concept of herd immunity has next to nothing to do with antibodies and the immune system - it is an epidemiological phenomenon. Sure, the 'herd immunity' threshold varies slightly by disease, but that is outside the scope of this conversation. We are talking about diseases that are very well understood and have very efficient vaccines (get the jab -> ~100% coverage).
Every site has a resident conspiracy theorist, being a big site we have a few.

@x3ra is our Anti-Vaxx one (good chance he will refute that description, but if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck..........).
It's been a long time coming...... Da da daaaaaa!

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children.

Peer reviewed. What do think?

on a side note:
It's a tiny study, based on anecdotal evidence publishing in a ''pay to publish" site that isn't even listed on SJR, and isn't peer reviewed.

That's what we waited for.......

Oh and it's been retracted, twice....
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It's a tiny study, based on anecdotal evidence publishing in a ''pay to publish" site that isn't even listed on SJR.

That's what we waited for.......

Oh and it's been retracted, twice....

In addition to the pre-established reasons for this being a poor "study" it fails to take account of the obvious; Neuro Developmental Disorders are diagnosed. Vaccinated children are more likely to be exposed to a diagnostic environment than non-vaccinated children, without a full health/development screening of every child in every group of the study (which didn't happen here) no conclusions can be drawn from diagnosis rates. As it is the diagnosis information in this report is anecdotal and in many cases based on each parent's own diagnosis/memory.
People should be literally thankful for modern medicine and its technology. Some People are like we dont need vaccines we have natural immunity. Oh really I wonder what happen to the people who died from the black death, measles, chicken pox and other diseases. If we have natural immunity how come it failed to stop these kind of diseases.

People are living long today is thanks to advancements in medicine. The conspiracy theories of vaccines are stupid I betcha most get their sources from youtube with the x files music playing in the background.
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In addition to the pre-established reasons for this being a poor "study" it fails to take account of the obvious; Neuro Developmental Disorders are diagnosed. Vaccinated children are more likely to be exposed to a diagnostic environment than non-vaccinated children, without a full health/development screening of every child in every group of the study (which didn't happen here) no conclusions can be drawn from diagnosis rates. As it is the diagnosis information in this report is anecdotal and in many cases based on each parent's own diagnosis/memory.

Since you find it so easy to dismiss this study as fiction. Maybe you can find a study that examines whether people who have received vaccines are healthier than those who haven't.

And if there isn't one, then maybe you'd like to explain to me why.
In addition to the pre-established reasons for this being a poor "study" it fails to take account of the obvious; Neuro Developmental Disorders are diagnosed. Vaccinated children are more likely to be exposed to a diagnostic environment than non-vaccinated children, without a full health/development screening of every child in every group of the study (which didn't happen here) no conclusions can be drawn from diagnosis rates. As it is the diagnosis information in this report is anecdotal and in many cases based on each parent's own diagnosis/memory.
Since you find it so easy to dismiss this study as fiction. Maybe you can find a study that examines whether people who have received vaccines are healthier than those who haven't.

And if there isn't one, then maybe you'd like to explain to me why.
I don't know whether you actually read the post you're replying to but without a full study of the health and development of each child it's impossible to say for sure that the vaccinated children are healthier or sicker than unvaccinated ones and whether this was caused by the vaccines or not.
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Since you find it so easy to dismiss this study as fiction.

I didn't say that but go ahead and quote me if you can find it.

Maybe you can find a study that examines whether people who have received vaccines are healthier than those who haven't.

And if there isn't one, then maybe you'd like to explain to me why.

We don't have an "Abstract Request For Sources Thread" and that's a real shame because you could have done with one for that request.
Since you find it so easy to dismiss this study as fiction.
No, peer review did that, which is what happens when you make **** up and try and pass it off as fact.

Maybe you can find a study that examines whether people who have received vaccines are healthier than those who haven't.
Vaccines target specific things, no magical 'health' vaccine exists, so.....

And if there isn't one, then maybe you'd like to explain to me why.
....stop making argumnets to the absurd.