Beating TXR0

  • Thread starter 4 BANGA

Does anyone know how to race all of the wanderers in this game. I find wanderers all the time, but I can't race them. I heard that the number on your license plate determines who you can race, and I can't figure it out. I've already beaten all of the 13 Devils, and 12 Zodiacs, even White Carisma, but I can't race the wanderers that keep popping up. Can anyone help?
This site is called GTPLANET everything here is about GRANTURISMO. sorry, maybe if it was GRANTURISMO related i would know. sorry.:rolleyes:
Look, don't get on here trying to act smart. In case you haven't looked lately, there are people out there with threads to games other than GT3 GENIUS! So don't say anything to me unless you said something to anyone else out there. ;) :P :D
Hey man look calm down. I didnt mean my last post the way it looked. I looked at it and said dang hes gonna look at it wrong. Anyway, are there any other games you might want help on? I have never heard of that game. By the way......WELCOME!
TXR0 is a good game, but I ran into the same problem as you. I did a quick search a while back and found this:

Check the Wanderer's Requrements FAQ. Without this, it would take YEARS of playing to get most of these guys! The day #, time, car type, mileage, even mods will affect who will race you. This guide should help you if you've just got the Wanderers left. Also, remember to check their profiles to see where they race. And good luck with #400, he's FAST. I still beat him though... :)
Gamfaqs is a great site. You'll need to put a great deal of mileage on one of your cars as well (ignore anything that says every car must be over a certain mileage, it's a lie) The best way is to race a race, and when you win while it's in autopilot you don't hit any buttons. Just let the autopilot go. Let it run for a few hours every day, and before you know it you'll have tons of mileage.
Tokyo Extreme is a great game although most mags gave it only a so so review. Probably because they did not see how much depth there was to it. You not only have to drive but do calculations as well. I played it through completely 3 times and then made up a short version to avoid having to put tons of miles on for one or two cars. I play till I beat the white charisma, my last try was 62 days. Hope the next version comes out soon. Best car to start with is the Mitsubishi for $14,700 and when I win enough money I buy the Viper but only when I can buy all options.

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