Cars WITHOUT cockpit view in GT Sport

  • Thread starter TomBrady
Aston Martin.

I might be imagining it but I'm pretty sure I saw the Aston Martin with a cockpit design ( or maybe some other car they didn't bother modeling).

Those concepts were legit concepts though, these GT vision cars were purely for the game and are frankly garbage for the most part and drive garbage. The issue wouldn't be so bad if the car list was so thin.
In the video that plays after you bought it in GT6 they designers talk about the interior and how proud they are of it, I remember being pretty exasperated when I got in the car and it had no interior.
Yes. There are many without cockpit views. I've said it before and I'll say it again...this is more like Gran Turismo Prologue 7. It's a total disgrace to have inconsistencies such as this. I think they were either still occupied with GT6 or just didn't care.

Also I totally agree about the Vision GT cars. Who flipping cares about VGT? I've never even looked at the videos. Why are they even being made? When the idea was introduced in GT6 ( or was it 5?) I scoffed. Never even gave it a second of my time. Right to Career Mode without hesitation.

I've made my mind up. I went back to Gran Turismo 6 and it felt like home again. The car list is just heavenly. So I'm not playing GTS until they update it with content and fix the inconsistencies. Scrap all the other stuff and give us a legitimate career mode along with more cars that are fully featured. That's mandatory! I didn't pay 60 dollars for a prologue.

Good riddance

You act like the missing cockpits are laziness from PD. They're not. It's laziness from the manufacturers. PD can't just slap a cockpit view on a car design that doesn't legally belong to them.

And please go and play GT5 Prologue since you clearly have forgot what a prologue is actually like if you'd make the absolutely ridiculous claim that GT Sport is like a prologue. Also while you're at it, take a look at the car and track lists of GT1, GT3, and GT5. The only one GT Sport has less content than is GT5, but GT5 was slammed for not being well polished enough. Complete opposite story for GT Sport as people are marveling at its level of polish in case you haven't seen the latest digital foundry video comparing GT Sport and Forza 7

In the video that plays after you bought it in GT6 they designers talk about the interior and how proud they are of it, I remember being pretty exasperated when I got in the car and it had no interior.

I also just watched a video of it on youtube and there was no cockpit strangely. I could've swore I saw one in the dealership too. It looks like there's an interior to me but I guess not. Unless the video was of a previous version but I don't think it was, it was uploaded today.
And please go and play GT5 Prologue since you clearly have forgot what a prologue is actually like if you'd make the absolutely ridiculous claim that GT Sport is like a prologue
Very much seems like one. Seems like it's a taste to keep people's appetite ready for something larger down the line.
Complete opposite story for GT Sport as people are marveling at its level of polish in case you haven't seen the latest digital foundry video comparing GT Sport and Forza
Huh I could have sworn that the video pretty much said both are looking pretty great while both have strengths and weaknesses with the design choices they made. Didn't really sounds like one was really blowing out the other going off what they actually said.
Very much seems like one. Seems like it's a taste to keep people's appetite ready for something larger down the line.

Huh I could have sworn that the video pretty much said both are looking pretty great while both have strengths and weaknesses with the design choices they made. Didn't really sounds like one was really blowing out the other going off what they actually said.

No but they absolutely did say that the level of polish of GT Sport is far beyond the level of polish of GT5 had for its day. They mentioned it multiple times.

It seems insane to me that this is still an issue in a game with so few cars... also, Mercedes AMG VGT has no cockpit, so why would you put it in a single player challenge and highlight it?

That's a great point. Highlighting it seems an even dumber move than allowing these manufacturers to get away with not designing interiors for a video game that features cockpit view.

But as I've always believed about Gran Turismo, it is very much Kaz's simulator. And yes, he is the director so of course it would be, but we are reminded of it when things like concept cars being allowed in the game without interiors is still happening (and FYI if you're not sure what I mean by that, Kaz doesn't use cockpit view, he uses bumper camera. I'm implying the GT series "issues" with car interiors occasionally not being there has something to do with his driving preference. Also, it seems to affect the car list quite a bit and feature set (like scapes for example, not that I don't enjoy it)), Again, he is the director though so it is understandable.
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No but they absolutely did say that the level of polish of GT Sport is far beyond the level of polish of GT5 had for its day. They mentioned it multiple times.
That changes absolutely nothing of what is said lol. They commended both games rather equally, giving some edge to GTS, although not a blow out or even closer. They found weakness and strengths in both titles and show how comparable they are too each other.
That changes absolutely nothing of what is said lol. They commended both games rather equally, giving some edge to GTS, although not a blow out or even closer. They found weakness and strengths in both titles and show how comparable they are too each other.

Did you even read what I wrote? When did I say Forza wasn't polished or that GT Sport blew out Forza in the comparison?

I said people are marveling at how polished GT Sport is. I also said GT5 and GT6 were not nearly as well polished for their time period, something that Digital Foundry pointed out multiple times.

Never even brought up Forza beyond mentioning the subject of the video.
Did you even read what I wrote? When did I say Forza wasn't polished or that GT Sport blew out Forza in the comparison?
You said they were marveling at the level of polish on GTS, yet in the video they equally talked about both games. You're putting the picture of only one, I'm just introducing the other you leave out :).
You said they were marveling at the level of polish on GTS, yet in the video they equally talked about both games. You're putting the picture of only one, I'm just introducing the other you leave out :).

Which is completely irrelevant to the point I was making that GT Sport is extremely well polished.

Sounds more like you got defensive.

"Huh I could have sworn that the video pretty much said both are looking pretty great while both have strengths and weaknesses with the design choices they made. Didn't really sounds like one was really blowing out the other going off what they actually said."

You were arguing with something I never even said to begin with, not simply "introducing the other" I "left out".

They are a total joke. Especially when they make up such a large portion of the content. No real sim racer wants anything to do with fake cars.

"no real sim racer wants anything to do with fake cars"

And he said I was claiming to be an authority :lol::lol:
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Which is completely irrelevant to the point I was making that GT Sport is extremely well polished
I agree, both games look phenomenal. :)

You brought up the video, I'm just expanding on it.

"no real sim racer wants anything to do with fake cars"

And he said I was claiming to be an authority :lol::lol:
Well you certainly did in your response to him, acting as if what someone else said pertains to him.
Cars I've driven that don't have a cockpit view.

  • Mercedes VGT
  • Mercedes VGT Racing Series
  • Peugeot VGT (Original one from GT6)
  • Peugeot VGT Gr.3
  • Mitsubishi VGT
  • Toyota SF-R Race Concept
The only complete joke is the idea of being interested in cars but not being interested in ones that are totally unique and go extremely fast and/or are great to drive just because they're concepts.

So in your mind, someone can't claim to be interested in cars if they aren't interested in cars that aren't real, only exist in videogames, and have performance characteristics that in many cases would be impossible in the real world? Well I guess I mustn't be a a true car fan to you then. I'm not interested in VGT, they're pretty much all just silly Hot Wheels cars to me, so I guess spending 1000s of hours working on and studying cars, the time spent racing, and my entire childhood spent watching motorsport, all counts for nothing if I'm not praising silly unrealistic cars powered by lasers...

Sounds like you're just crying about people not liking your favourite toys mate, grow up.

Sounds more like you got defensive.

The irony of you writing that right after chucking such a massive hissy fit at people who don't like GTS having so many silly, overdone, and fake cars, is just priceless.
So in your mind, someone can't claim to be interested in cars if they aren't interested in cars that aren't real, only exist in videogames, and have performance characteristics that in many cases would be impossible in the real world? Sounds like you're just crying about people not liking your favourite toys mate, grow up.

The irony of you writing that right after chucking such a massive hissy fit at people who don't like GTS having so many silly, overdone, and fake cars, is just priceless.

Right. Offering a different point of view = hissy fit.

As if it was me that accused someone of making things personal for disagreeing with me and not someone on your side of the debate. Now that's the irony.
Polyphony Digital is not obligated to design interiors for vehicles whose manufacturers did not include any official information or schematics.

They should put that fine print into the opening movie somewhere.
Right. Offering a different point of view = hissy fit.

As if it was me that accused someone of making things personal for disagreeing with me and not someone on your side of the debate. Now that's the irony.

Mate, I read all your posts, and the wording and general tone of it is someone chucking a massive hissy fit as soon as anyone disagreed with him.

Also, I simply replied to the person who got all upset and defensive of their favourite toys. I don't give a **** what anybody else said to you, so stop trying to lump me in together with anyone you're already arguing with.

Again: Grow up...
It all comes down to the manufacturers providing the designs for the interiors, but even so, it's still disappointing that some cars still don't have interior views. If PD wanted to be thorough about it, they would have told the manufacturers to design interiors for them in the first place.

The Vision Gran Turismo cars aren't everyone's cup of tea, but they are still spectacles from a design perspective, and they are one of numerous parts that make Gran Turismo unique. So I think they deserve to be in the game.

Regarding the Mercedes Vision Gran Turismo, an interior design does exist, since it had to be completed for the new Justice League film as Bruce Wayne's civilian vehicle.

But alas, the devs will probably be focused on other things, so the cars without interiors may forever be without interiors....

Quite frankly, I think the game has bigger problems to sort out....
Polyphony Digital is not obligated to design interiors for vehicles whose manufacturers did not include any official information or schematics.

They should put that fine print into the opening movie somewhere.

True but personally, I would remove those cars from the game until they do so I understand why some people aren't happy about it

Quite frankly, I think the game has bigger problems to sort out....

Such as? (honestly curious)

If I had to narrow it down to one thing, the lack of open wheel cars and lack of car variety in general would take the #1 spot. Which is why I'm actually very thankful for the Vision GT cars that do have cockpit view because they're practically the sole source of variety in GT Sport. Well, them and the Group X class in general.
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Yes. There are many without cockpit views. I've said it before and I'll say it again...this is more like Gran Turismo Prologue 7. It's a total disgrace to have inconsistencies such as this.

Ever think that maybe they didn't get sufficient access to the interiors in order to scan and render them in-game? You know some concept cars don't even have interiors while others are usually dismantled or locked up shortly after?

It's also entirely possible that the blame is with the manufacturers, they are, from experience very "forgetful" and selective, usually reluctant to and full of 'gate-keepers' or individuals who for whatever reason completely forget or just think it's not worth their time despite how much it might be within the company's interests.
Right. Offering a different point of view = hissy fit
The only complete joke is the idea of being interested in cars but not being interested in ones that are totally unique

Oh don't pretend like you both weren't also pretending to be authorities on the matter when you called into question "who drives them?"
I especially like this one, because you through a hissy fit just because he liked a post, pretending like it was actually him that said that.

And if you really preferred to drive real cars over pretend ones, you wouldn't be playing a racing sim

you're not being honest here claiming you "prefer real cars over pretend ones".

And please go and play GT5 Prologue since you clearly have forgot what a prologue is actually like if you'd make the absolutely ridiculous claim that GT Sport is like a prologue

So yeah, very much looks like a hissy fit, but it actually

Sounds more like you got defensive
as well.
Remember, when the M4 was released in GT6 it had no interior until a patch updated it. Here's hoping that it happens to the rest of the VGTs
You seriously would want to axe content from Gran Turismo Sport of all games?


I see your point. But I feel that those cars are not up to the otherwise extremely high standard the rest of the content in GT Sport are up to.

Though I'm not gonna pretend like my bias isn't another factor. My bias being the fact that I only use cockpit view and of the cars that do not have cockpit view, I only mildly enjoyed driving 3 or 4 of them out of the 10 or so listed (their variants included) (though would definitely enjoy the 3 or 4 of them A LOT more if they had a cockpit view).
Ever think that maybe they didn't get sufficient access to the interiors in order to scan and render them in-game? You know some concept cars don't even have interiors while others are usually dismantled or locked up shortly after?
Ever think that, PD, having initiated this program, would have full access to these things? I mean, why wouldn't they? They also should have been competent enough to make sure the plans they had went through. This should be as much if there issue as it is the manufacturers.

t's also entirely possible that the blame is with the manufacturers, they are, from experience very "forgetful" and selective, usually reluctant to and full of 'gate-keepers' or individuals who for whatever reason completely forget or just think it's not worth their time despite how much it might be within the company's interests.
Sounds very doubtful that the whole staff from PD and these manufacturers just "forgot" and if it was a waste of time then they wouldn't be in the project from the get go.
Ever think that, PD, having initiated this program, would have full access to these things? I mean, why wouldn't they? They also should have been competent enough to make sure the plans they had went through. This should be as much if there issue as it is the manufacturers.

Sounds very doubtful that the whole staff from PD and these manufacturers just "forgot" and if it was a waste of time then they wouldn't be in the project from the get go.

Easier said than done is a massive understatement hear, car manufacturers are hard work.
If a car has no cockpit does it mean it doesn’t work in VR either?

And are all cars with a cockpit accessible in VR?

(I don’t have VR right now but I might consider getting the revised PSVR that will launch soon)
3 (4?) years after Vision Gran Turismo was unveiled, and seemingly nothing has changed in regard to these back-and-forth arguments... When do we reach the point where we agree to disagree?

Who drives VGT cars???
I assume people who bought GTS are going to be driving a VGT car at some point. I mean, there is literally no way to complete the campaign mode without driving one.
If a car has no cockpit does it mean it doesn’t work in VR either?

And are all cars with a cockpit accessible in VR?

(I don’t have VR right now but I might consider getting the revised PSVR that will launch soon)
I think most are VR compatible. I don't have an official list to go by, but you can look at videos to see.