Changing GT4 days to any number.

  • Thread starter sucahyo
I don't know if anyone already post the way to change days or not. but here is my version.

Days in GT4 stored as number started from 256FD5, so to get desired days:

days we want = 256FD5 + days

if we want to set days to 1000 then:
days we want = 256FD5 + 3E8
days we want = 2573BD

To get the address, get Max day code. This is Max days for GT4 NTSC, gameshark :
28BB91D6 0C10780B

Using maxconvert, convert it to raw:
20A17AB8 002596E6

Change the value to the previous value to set days to 1000:
20A17AB8 002573BD

Create a gameshark code with maxconvert:
25531C76 BEAC90DC

If you use this code, your days number should change to 1000.
would that change the used cars too?
If it did,then it would be easy to get the special black cars.
Yes. When I change the days of my fresh savegame, it give me a lot of new track button to click.
When I set days to 693, Mazda 11S shows up (one of rarest cars according to Famine list).

If we set day to 694 we can buy 2 black car:

What about codebreaker codes.
I don't have max days code for codebreaker. I'll post when I find or figure out one.
Hey everyone. Can anyone help me do a code for Gameshark Broadband Enabled? I went through this walkthrough to try and get my days to go back to day 1.
This is what I tried:

if we want to set days to 1 then:
days we want = 256FD5 + 1
days we want = 256FD6

I went through all the conversions and came up with 25C31C74 B7A490D6.

Maybe I messed up something or did it for the wrong version..not sure. I'd appreciate any help.
hey! Nevermind on the day 1 thing!! I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured it out going by a day 693 gameshark code i saw earlier somewhere. 20A17AB8 00256FD6 works!! yay! It's just as if ya started from scratch but ya still have all of ya stuff like licenses and all arcade tracks. Ya diary is back to day 1 too and clean except it keeps just the last entry that ya already had...not too shabby. Can't believe I just said that!:)

I left off the last step and it works!

days we want = 256FD5 + days

if we want to set days to 1 then:
days we want = 256FD5 + 1 (day 1 in hex)
days we want = 256FD6

To get the address, get Max day code. This is Max days for GT4 NTSC, gameshark :
28BB91D6 0C10780B

Using maxconvert, convert it to raw:
20A17AB8 002596E6

Change the value to the previous value to set days to 1:
20A17AB8 00256FD6
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