Comics! With the lines, and the drawings! And the talkings!


Be Fearless
Hammerhead Garage
I'm bored. No, really; I am. I have no assignments due and an entire weekend to kill, so I'm toying with venturing into the realm of webcomics. Problem is that I've exhausted my supply of my favourites, and I'm looking for recommendations.

I'm not talking about crap like Ctrl + Alt + Del, Nuklear Power and Cyanide and Happiness; I need something good. Personally, I'm a huge fan of Least I Could Do by Ryan Sohmer and Lar de Souza, and their side-project Looking For Group, but there's only so many times I can read the archives. Both are very well-written and exceptionally well-drawn, so I've probably set the bar really high on this one. Although LICD is a little adult in nature (the protagonist is modern-day Cassanova), you seriously should check it out.

Any ideas on where to begin?
An entire week to kill? Why not get off your computer, go outside while the sun's still sharing its warmth with us humans, and read a book? I mean, an actual book! I'm only being sarcastic because, well, I checked out that Least I Could Do link, and closed the tab after reading three or four strips. Up the ante my friend. Challenge your mind.
ANDERTON!?!?! Where've YOU been!?!?

I'm not a follower or fan or addict, but I was exposed to some seriously cool anime a couple years ago. I know, you're thinking laaaame, but the artwork involved in some of these series is breathtaking, and this is coming from someone who goes to art school...

Like I said, I can't recommend anything, but take a look, who knows; maybe you'll surprise yourself.
Try to make it as surreal as possible. If it isn't skewed in some way shape or form, it probably won't hold my attention.
A personal favorite of mine is XKCD, but of course, it isn't for everyone. Also, Dinosaur Comics are great as well.

There is something out there for everyone, but I usually enjoy those quirky internet comics that aren't afraid to go off on some randomly exquisite dive into the rationality of mankind all at the expense of pop culture and a slight dusting of geeky awesomeness.
An entire week to kill? Why not get off your computer, go outside while the sun's still sharing its warmth with us humans, and read a book? I mean, an actual book! I'm only being sarcastic because, well, I checked out that Least I Could Do link, and closed the tab after reading three or four strips. Up the ante my friend. Challenge your mind.
A) I would go out and enjoy the sun. If only it were actually there, and not hidden behind all the really thick black clouds that are currently depositing water on us, and have been doing so for the past three days.
B) Give LICD time. You have to go from the very beginning.