COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
It's quite simple @Danoff... for some people, it's solely about not letting anyone tell them what to do - even when it is for their own (and everyone else's) benefit.

There is a paradox at play here though... the more we may wish for life to return to something like normal, the more abnormal things we have to do to make that even a possibility.

A harsh reckoning awaits those places and communities that are unwilling to adapt.

I'm glad to say that the people of Scotland, by and large, have made a considerable amount of effort to adapt - and, paradoxically, things are starting to feel a bit more like normal.

Unfortunately, however, there are still quite a lot of people who aren't getting the message - and it is these people who are risking plunging the entire country back into what is nothing like normal - and for what? Because they object to wearing a mask for a few minutes in a shop or on a train??

It's so incredibly selfish and self-defeating.

I can definitely feel my respect for others diminishing. I think this is how you turn into a cranky old person. I just can't believe people are so... clueless and delusional. But, religion exists so, that's on me I guess.
The sad thing isn't that people aren't wearing masks, it's that those who are wearing masks are not covering their noses while wearing the masks. Just like they ran the commercials telling people how to wash their hands, they should (and should have months ago) done the same thing showing people how to wear masks because it is laughably sad.
The sad thing isn't that people aren't wearing masks, it's that those who are wearing masks are not covering their noses while wearing the masks. Just like they ran the commercials telling people how to wash their hands, they should (and should have months ago) done the same thing showing people how to wear masks because it is laughably sad.
It's crazy that rich and supposedly educated people are seen all the time on TV talking one sentence then adjusting their mask 'cuz it slipped down. Their masks may look great in static, but fail the mission instantly when put to real world use. Their hands are a blur to and from toggling and adjusting the stupid mask. Maybe it's a joke to them. Obviously they either don't take it seriously, lack any discipline, or are just plain ignorant despite their high status as TV reporters, race car drivers, team owners, etc.
It's crazy that rich and supposedly educated people are seen all the time on TV talking one sentence then adjusting their mask 'cuz it slipped down. Their masks may look great in static, but fail the mission instantly when put to real world use. Their hands are a blur to and from toggling and adjusting the stupid mask. Maybe it's a joke to them. Obviously they either don't take it seriously, lack any discipline, or are just plain ignorant despite their high status as TV reporters, race car drivers, team owners, etc.
You been watching any MLB? So frustrating to watch the mask show there.
"There's a miracle cure". Where's the proof? "It's right there, they said it works". Who's they? "I don't know, but I saw them say it works, amazing cure". The BBB though, shows you have a manipulative history. "The BBB is fake news, you can buy them off, they're corrupt."

A man after Trump's heart.
"There's a miracle cure". Where's the proof? "It's right there, they said it works". Who's they? "I don't know, but I saw them say it works, amazing cure". The BBB though, shows you have a manipulative history. "The BBB is fake news, you can buy them off, they're corrupt."

A man after Trump's heart.

Indeed, just an unending string of fallacies.
Why is that dude on a TV? oh boy.. why to waste everybody's time? I guess because that is the content the viewers/audience want to see, no other reason possible?
Anyone want some snakeoil?

First, I must admit, I have two sets of Giza Sheets. They are very high quality. I bought them during a 2 for 1 promotion

One set was damaged during packaging at the factory.

I called their support number, and the lady I spoke with was definitely a Minnesotan.

They sent me out a new set of sheets, along with a return label for the returned sheets.

About the video and the cure, I know nothing about that.


And for @Scaff, ref: his response to my last post, who thinks for anything to be correct it needs to be peer-reviewed. I wonder if anything peer-reviewed has ever been wrong, or whether something not peer-reviewed has been correct? I suspect there are more than one example of both.

Quoting this as your most recent flop, but I've been reading your posts for weeks.

Everyone has been quite cordial with you and allowed you to speak your piece. I'm tired of watching you disregard people going to considerable lengths to educate you over some very basic facts while you dig your heels into the dirt and plug your ears.

Stop this, man. Wear a god damn mask. It's not a ****ing infringement of your liberties and in my view if something so petty is a sticking point you're willing to endanger the lives of others over, then, quite frankly, **** you.

If one thing has come to light for me throughout this whole pandemic situation, as clear and total a truth as I think has ever been realised, it is thus;

There are some people in this world so utterly self centered, and so utterly uncaring for their fellow man, that they would condemn them potentially to death, for the sake of not looking like a bit of a nob while they walk around the supermarket.

I prescribe you this truth; you do not deserve the efforts others have made to educate you, nor the kindness of their hearts, but deserve only that same contempt you hold your fellow man in, returned to you twofold.

Get a grip.

I had a chance to read this study this morning published by the CDC:

Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among COVID-19 Cases in Workplace Outbreaks by Industry Sector — Utah, March 6–June 5, 2020

It's a pretty good insight into why we might be seeing minority communities hit harder by COVID than white communities. I figured it had to do with the jobs people worked, but it's nice to see some actual evidence of it. Essentially minorities tend to work more in service-focused jobs with less telecommuting options than whites. As a result, they have more of an interface with the public and are at a higher risk to contract COVID. I know here in Salt Lake we've seen the Hispanic community hit especially hard and it's been a source of debate among social media warriors. They've said that Hispanics are just more likely to get it so as a white person they didn't need to worry as much. I think what this shows is that on a genetic level, your race has little to do with it and it's more about culture than anything.

Purely anecdotal, it does make sense to me. On a team of nearly 30 people, which I'd say is a fairly standard office job, I work with two Hispanics and 28 whites. Across the board, I'd say my office is roughly 90-95% white with a handful of Asians, Indians, Poloneysians, and Hispanics making up the rest. I can't think of one black person that works in our office, which isn't a surprise since Utah's black population is minuscule.
Ok. Let me ask you a question . If you get CV19, then how long will you be safe from reinfection for?

We don't know, COVID-19 hasn't been around long enough for us to give a certain answer. There's a good deal of evidence saying you can't get reinfected, but with viral mutations, someone could theoretically get reinfected again. COVID-19 could turn into something like the season flu (so seasonal COVID) or it could be a one and done thing.
I had a chance to read this study this morning published by the CDC:

Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among COVID-19 Cases in Workplace Outbreaks by Industry Sector — Utah, March 6–June 5, 2020

It's a pretty good insight into why we might be seeing minority communities hit harder by COVID than white communities. I figured it had to do with the jobs people worked, but it's nice to see some actual evidence of it. Essentially minorities tend to work more in service-focused jobs with less telecommuting options than whites. As a result, they have more of an interface with the public and are at a higher risk to contract COVID. I know here in Salt Lake we've seen the Hispanic community hit especially hard and it's been a source of debate among social media warriors. They've said that Hispanics are just more likely to get it so as a white person they didn't need to worry as much. I think what this shows is that on a genetic level, your race has little to do with it and it's more about culture than anything.

Purely anecdotal, it does make sense to me. On a team of nearly 30 people, which I'd say is a fairly standard office job, I work with two Hispanics and 28 whites. Across the board, I'd say my office is roughly 90-95% white with a handful of Asians, Indians, Poloneysians, and Hispanics making up the rest. I can't think of one black person that works in our office, which isn't a surprise since Utah's black population is minuscule.

This seemed plenty obvious to me, based on what I see. At my apartment complex, (I have a high unit with a lot of observation capabilities, and I'm home all day...every day...) 20 out of 22 units are occupied by white people. As best I can tell, exactly all of them are either working from home or retired. There are 2 apartments occupied by Hispanic people. As best I can tell, they go to work every day. When I ride my bike, I've seen no slowdown of Hispanic day-worker groups gathered waiting for jobs in the typical locations. I think the simple fact is that lower income people are far more likely to work in service industries which do not have a work from home option, and lower income people tend to disproportionately be minorities. I have to say, I felt pretty weird going to a restaurant (outdoor patio) for drinks last weekend. This was a complete, optional, and somewhat reckless leisure activity for me, but the servers there don't have an option...they have to put themselves at risk every day in order to get by. I feel like we're approaching a properly class-segmented society and it will be an unfortunate thing.
Let's say for the sake of this discussion, that it's 3 months. Does that mean we would need to have a vaccine every three months?

And @Danoff - who made you the boss?
Let's say for the sake of this discussion, that it's 3 months. Does that mean we would need to have a vaccine every three months?

We don't know, but there are a ton of people trying to answer that question right now. What exactly are you trying to say?
So you don't want to answer the question about the vaccine? You just want to score points and judge people? I'm happy to get my name dragged through the mud. My Ego can take it.

@Joey D Do you want to have to go for a vaccine every three months for the rest of your life? Very profitable for big-pharma.
@Joey D Do you want to have to go for a vaccine every three months for the rest of your life? Very profitable for big-pharma.

If it meant I would end up being protected and if we could get things back to being normal, then sure. There are a bunch of medications that need to be administered way more frequently. Chances are if that was the case, you'd see at home vaccines become a thing where you get the vaccine either by mail or at your local pharmacy and then administer it yourself. Or at the very least, you'd see drive-thru clinics set up where you just pull up in your car to get the vaccine.

All the research so far though suggests that a vaccine will be fairly effective with the need for a booster at some point. Eventually, if enough people get vaccines, the virus will no longer be much of an issue.
Let's say for the sake of this discussion, that it's 3 months.
On what basis?
So you don't want to answer the question
The masks that 99% of people use are unfit for purpose, so basically pointless.
Please clarify. Bear in mind when you do that the masks do not have to block virus particles, but respiratory droplets, in order to be effective.
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Anyone want some snakeoil?

Apologize for DP. This therapeutic named oleandrin is apparently a deadly plant poison? This was just posted today by the website citing it is not a cure for Covid.
About the Oleander plant

Nerium oleander is a highly toxic plant from the Apocynaceae family. Though renowned for its beauty and use in landscaping, this Mediterranean shrub is responsible for cases of accidental poisoning across the globe. All parts of the plant are poisonous. If eaten, it causes cardiac arrhythmias, or irregular heart rates, and can be lethal to both humans and animals.

Oleandrin is the chemical that causes the plant's lethal toxicity. It is known by scientists as a cardiac glycoside, a class of organic compounds with a common feature: They exhibit powerful effects on heart tissue, often with deadly consequences.

The article does also make mention of the not peer-reviewed research mentioned in the CNN video.
I like how Joey was gulled into answering questions only for the response to be an implication of a big-pharma ploy with the vaccine, even though the answer was, "No one knows".
It sounds like his response was pre-prepared which is why it doesn't match up with the answer @Joey D gave. No wonder the other mask debaters on the forum aren't rushing to his aid and prefer to post long YouTube videos on the meme thread instead.
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Let's say for the sake of this discussion, that it's 3 months. Does that mean we would need to have a vaccine every three months?
It would only need to be for life because of morons not getting the vaccine in the name of 'sticking it to big pharma'. With effective vaccination rates, the virus would be a non-issue inside a year and essentially gone after a few.

And @Danoff - who made you the boss?
He merely said what lots of us were thinking - you need to answer some of the questions posed to you, rather than posting another snarky question or rambling youtube video by a self-proclaimed expert.
This therapeutic named oleandrin is apparently a deadly plant poison?
It is, but that's pretty common. The stuff that makes plants poisonous can be refined and used as medicines, because of how the poison acts. Take foxgloves - they're poisonous and can definitely kill you by stopping your heart, but we derive the drug digoxin from it... a heart medication (particularly used in atrial fibrillation, because of how it interferes with cardiac rhythm). Atropine is used to treat excessively slow heart rhythms (and as eyedrops for cataract surgery; it paralyses the muscles that adjust the lens), but can extremely kill you and comes from deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna, which also gives us scopolamine).

Generally these drugs have an extremely narrow "therapeutic window" - which is basically the amount of it you can take and make it work, but not kill you - which means that even the smallest error will either make it useless or deadly.

That said, oleandrin has no known therapeutic benefits (it was researched as a cancer medication, but was not proven effective) and sits firmly on the "alternative medicine" shelf. If someone is willing to take a literal poison given to them by someone who believes that sugar remembers what the water that evaporated off it remembered of a drug that is so diluted that not a single atom of it remains, that's up to them...
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