COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) spoke at the Texas Youth Summit on Friday night and pushed unproven treatments for Covid-19, as opposed to the vaccine that can greatly reduce one’s chances of getting it or at least becoming hospitalized because of it.

“The trouble is, these vaccines, they were only approved for emergency use,” he said. “Now you have Pfizer that’s been approved, but there’s so much longterm they don’t know.”

According to data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 99.999% of fully vaccinated Americans have not needed to be hospitalized due to Covid-19. What’s more, 172 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, in what is a huge sample size. And because adverse side effects of vaccines manifest within days or weeks, widespread adverse reactions due to the vaccines would have already developed among at least some of the vaccinated. But they have not.

Nevertheless, Gohmert blabbed about the Miracle Covid Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About™:
I don’t know if y’all saw, but a month after President Trump left office, the American Journal of Medicine came out with a great article that they had discovered a regimen of medication that when taken together early in Covid that–you may have heard of it: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, a Z-Pak azithromycin, zinc.
The crowd applauded as he rattled off the unproven treatments.

Whatever alleged American Journal of Medicine article Gohmert is referencing or conjuring up here, none of the substances he listed have been proven to be effective treatments for Covid-19.

Ivermectin in particular has been in the news lately, as more people are seeking out the drug to treat Covid effectively, which the Food and Drug Administration says it does not do. But some people have even taken to buying livestock dewormer, which contains the drug, for their personal use. That’s prompted some public health officials to plead with the public not to ingest the medicine intended for animals.

Gohmert said that after he tested positive for Covid-19, Fox News host Sean Hannity called him daily to “make sure I had what I needed. I mean, that’s a nice guy. That’s a friend.”


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I wonder why.

I'm done with government.
I find this odd. You seemed to think that signing up for service for your country is a noble and worthy thing, but at the same time are "done" with the US government. It's odd to me that you can hold simultaneously such strong feelings of obligation to government and such complete disdain for it.

It's not really clear what the custody arrangement was. Your link says they shared custody, this one says custody and visitation rights were being determined at this hearing, 7 years after divorce. The child is too young to be vaccinated. These kinds of hearings take into account the entire picture of a parent's fitness, so I think it's fair to reserve judgment here. It sounds like she's already in an unusual situation for a mother. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that she has a rough history.
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I'm an odd little cookie.
I would suggest you're "an odd little cookie" because you live & work in an environment that is enthusiastically "right wing" ... & spend a lot of time here on a forum that is, in comparison, unredeemably "leftist". Result: a high degree of cognitive dissonance. :confused:

Of course I don't wish anyone harm, I just appreciate the irony.
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Episode 2 Whatever GIF
Just received a text from the hospital confirming my first Pfizer shot tomorrow. Not too worried about any potential side effects. I am excited however about developing Magneto powers, should be fun.
Move your arm after you get it to minimize soreness and try not to bump into walls like I did...because that wasn't pleasant.
try not to bump into walls like I did...because that wasn't pleasant.
No, can't imagine it would have been. :ouch: I'm right handed so I always get shots done in my left arm. I'll have to remind myself to try and not sleep on that side for the next couple of nights as well.
I joke frequently with the whole "normal" thing, taken from another user on this site who uses it to describe Trump supporters (contrasted with "leftists" for critics of Trump, no matter their actual political bent), but I just can't here.

This is not normal. This is delusional.

Mississippi has one of the worst vaccinations rates in the country — fewer than 50% of adults have gotten their first shot — and their inability to combat the virus has obvious repercussions for everyone else.

This week, Gov. Tate Reeves spoke at a Republican fundraiser and raised his own hypothetical question about why COVID is such a problem in his state. Instead of admitting that the fault lies with the conservative Christians rejecting the advice of scientists or Republican leaders like himself believing right-wing anti-vaccination conspiracies, Reeves took a victory lap and chalked it up to his state’s courage.
“I’m often asked by some of my friends on the other side of the aisle about COVID … and why does it seem like folks in Mississippi and maybe in the Mid-South are a little less scared, shall we say,” Reeves said.

“When you believe in eternal life — when you believe that living on this earth is but a blip on the screen, then you don’t have to be so scared of things,” he said…
So they’re not “scared” of COVID because they believe in the afterlife…

By that logic, Christians in Mississippi might as well skydive without a parachute, drive under the influence of alcohol, and play Russian roulette every day. But they don’t. Because whatever they believe about the afterlife, they’re not eager to suddenly end this one. And their recklessness with COVID, unlike skydiving, can shorten the lives of people around them. Reeves doesn’t care because fighting vaccinations is a path to electoral success for Republicans. Why blame the most ignorant people in his state for the overflowing hospitals when he can raise them up as faith-based heroes?

It’s just another example of how weak Republicans and careless conservative Christians are worsening a pandemic that has taken more than 630,000 American lives so far.

I should point out that after Reeves made that idiotic statement, he added that “God also tells us to take necessary precautions.” But he merely encouraged people to get vaccinated — still contradicting what he said a moment earlier — rather than using the might of his office to protect as many people as possible.

Reeves didn’t issue a mask mandate for public schools this year even as the Delta variant surges. He also said wearing face masks, as promoted by the CDC, had “nothing to do with rational science.” He just doesn’t give a **** if anyone dies. He’s Christian, after all. That should be good enough for everyone.

For what it’s worth, people didn’t wear masks or social distance at the GOP fundraiser. Because why would they? That would be the responsible thing to do, and these are Republicans. You can’t expect them to do the sensible thing.
I joke frequently with the whole "normal" thing, taken from another user on this site who uses it to describe Trump supporters (contrasted with "leftists" for critics of Trump, no matter their actual political bent), but I just can't here.

This is not normal. This is delusional.

"Not scared of Covid because of eternal life"
"Still says we should take necessary caution, including getting vaccinated."


confused Loki alligator.jpg
Man reading through the last 30-ish pages or so of this thread gave me a stroke in some cases. I can only speak for where I work, but we're over 100% capacity and about 40% of all positive tests per day are school-aged children. Our children's hospital is nearly 100% capacity too, especially the PICU and it's mostly COVID related.

Thankfully, I'll be eligible for my third dose early next month since I'm a healthcare worker. Despite having Moderna for the first two, I'm going to get Pfizer for number three and see if I handle it better. Working in clinic so much now, I feel like I need the added immunity too. Even though I do wear PPE, I'm still worried about bringing it home to my son. When I do get home, I strip on the patio (oh la la) and then immediately take a shower and throw my scrubs in the wash. I wipe down my car with disinfecting wipes too. It's sort of a major pain in the ass but I knew what I signed up for when I took the job in the healthcare industry. I knew that if it ever got bad enough, I'd be asked to be in clinic. It's cool though, if they want to pay me what I get paid to do the job of someone who makes $15 an hour, I'll do it. I got a raise too since my boss told the upper VPs that people don't want gifts, they want money. My boss is the real OG.

Anyway, for those of you who decided to get vaccinated now, I commend you on it. It's always better late than never and I'm not going to 🤬 on someone for doing the right thing. Now that the vaccine is FDA approved, there's only one reason for someone not to get it and that's if their doctor tells them not to. Please, if you're hesitant about the vaccine, talk to your doctor. They know your medical history and can tell you if the risks outweigh the pros.

Oh, and hold onto your butts because we now have a new VOC emerging with COVID that was first detected in South Africa:

So by my calculations, we have Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda. Not sure what the new one will be though. Personally, I'm waiting for Omicron since that's the coolest sounding letter. Seriously though, in about a year COVID will start to sound like a frat.

"So what COVID Frat do you belong to?"

"Well, I initially had Delta Delta Pi, but a month ago I rushed Psi Omega Zeta."
So by my calculations, we have Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda. Not sure what the new one will be though. Personally, I'm waiting for Omicron since that's the coolest sounding letter. Seriously though, in about a year COVID will start to sound like a frat.

"So what COVID Frat do you belong to?"

"Well, I initially had Delta Delta Pi, but a month ago I rushed Psi Omega Zeta."
Maybe a reverse NHC and they will start giving them real names?

Alice? Chad? Devin? Karen?
Document the 🤬 out of everything she when she inevitably sues after he dies, she has no legal leg to stand on.

Also, that judge is a ****knuckle.
100%. If the hospital is forced to go through with this, they should defer to the judge on a lawsuit.
The drug has grown in popularity among conservatives, fueled by endorsements from allies of former President Donald Trump like U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc. or Fox News personalities Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. The CDC warned reports of poisoning related to use of Ivermectin have increased threefold this year, spiking in July.
Julie Smith found Ivermectin on her own and connected with Dr. Fred Wagshul, an Ohio physician who her lawsuit identifies as “one of the foremost experts on using Ivermectin in treating COVID-19.” He prescribed the drug, and the hospital refused to administer it.
The Ohio lawsuit makes reference to the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, a nonprofit of which Wagshul is listed as a founding physician. The organization touts Ivermectin as both a preventative and treatment for COVID-19. Its “How To Get Ivermectin” section includes prices and locations of pharmacies that will supply it, from Afghanistan to Fort Lauderdale to Pennsylvania to Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In an interview, Wagshul said the science behind Ivermectin’s use in COVID-19 patients is “irrefutable.” The CDC and FDA engaged in a “conspiracy,” he said, to block its use to protect the FDA’s emergency use authorization for COVID-19 vaccines. He said the mainstream media and social media companies have been engaging in “censorship” on Ivermectin’s merits, and that the U.S. government’s refusal to acknowledge its benefits amounts to genocide.

“If we were a country looking at another country allowing those [COVID-19] deaths daily … we would have been screaming, ‘Genocide!’” he said.

Wagshul said he had no financial interest in the sale of Ivermectin.
Oh, and hold onto your butts because we now have a new VOC emerging with COVID that was first detected in South Africa
I was reading about this earlier in the day. The designation our local health authority has given it is C.1.2. Easier to remember, methinks.

Edit: oof, the medical journal mentions it already, I see.
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So by my calculations, we have Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda. Not sure what the new one will be though. Personally, I'm waiting for Omicron since that's the coolest sounding letter.
m/mu (pronounced myu) is next after lambda, then n/nu (nyu), and p/rho (roh).
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Is there a reason letters like c g and h missing and that they ain't in order?
Yes - it's the Greek alphabet, which predates the Anglicised Latin alphabet by about 1,500 years.

G isn't missing, it's third on the list after alpha and beta (which is, incidentally, where we get "alphabet" from) - gamma, written as γ. There isn't a C... sort of, because sigma (σ) does that job, while "h" is never a standalone in the Greek alphabet - it modifies the "t" of "tau" (τ) to the "th" of "theta" (θ), as well as p/pi into phi, and k/kappa into chi. There's also two "o"s - omicron and omega - for short and long "o" (o-micron is the short one, o-mega is the long one; pronounced ommikron and oh-may-ga).