• Thread starter mercgoat
Bought 2 cars. Says I received them and I have not. Absolutely pathetic. Wont be spending money again.

Did you check here?
(If you buy a car in cash anywhere outside the GTSport, they will be sent here. )

step two

step three

And if you turn off PS Store option in the game, it will look like this.
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I called capital one. It's a playstation credit card I used. They said to call tomorrow when sony is open and we will three way call.

I do appreciate the tips, but I bought many other cars without issue and know how to receive purchased items. It seems to be exclusive to just the new cars. Adding them to the store is just way to difficult for either sony or polyphony to handle.

When I go to purchased items it shows both cars I purchased. The number to the left still says zero but it says "acquired" on the right instead of "remaining 1" Clicking on the car does not display a "use purchase item" option and simply tries to steal more real money from me without giving me anything. Its okay though as polyphony wont see another DLC dime from me ever again.

Also all the new cars are rated one star on the ps store ratings compared to much higher rating on all other cars. Looks like sony and/ or polyphony truly have no idea how this works and many people are having issues with this new set of cars.
I called capital one. It's a playstation credit card I used. They said to call tomorrow when sony is open and we will three way call.

I do appreciate the tips, but I bought many other cars without issue and know how to receive purchased items. It seems to be exclusive to just the new cars. Adding them to the store is just way to difficult for either sony or polyphony to handle.

When I go to purchased items it shows both cars I purchased. The number to the left still says zero but it says "acquired" on the right instead of "remaining 1" Clicking on the car does not display a "use purchase item" option and simply tries to steal more real money from me without giving me anything. Its okay though as polyphony wont see another DLC dime from me ever again.

Also all the new cars are rated one star on the ps store ratings compared to much higher rating on all other cars. Looks like sony and/ or polyphony truly have no idea how this works and many people are having issues with this new set of cars.

Of course they don’t know how it works. They’ve only done it about a dozen times before... [/sarcasm]

A more realistic view on the situation is that someone made a mistake somewhere. I’m sure it will be fixed soon.

I can understand why you’re upset though.
I am pretty sure it is only the new cars that are glitched. I also have no idea if you buy them directly from the store if they would work. I tried going through brand central in game. I get that they "know" how it works, but they made a rookie mistake that is forcing me to call credit card companies and I am definitely upset and hopefully stopping others until it is fixed.
There are millions of transactions on PSN every day. Unfortunately someone will always have an issue. It’s more likely there was an issue on your side. Be it a dropped connection at point of purchase, credit card issue, need to renue licenses etc.
Adding them to the store is just way to difficult for either sony or polyphony to handle.

The likelihood of it being an issue with the way the store is set up is very slim. Any product sold in the PlayStation Store gets tested multiple times both dev side and Sony side before they even go anywhere near the public. I'm not saying it's impossible that they made a mistake in their setup, but it's not very likely.

EDIT: I've seen a similar post to this one seemingly pointing out the same issue so I may be wrong!
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I also purchased a car(the 356 Porsche) last night and it says its acquired but that I have 0 of them. Also won't allow me to purchase again and wasn't wanting to spend 1,200,000 on it..
I've purchased 1 car before and know how to redeem them from brand central but that isnt working this time. Seems I wasted my money and wont even get to try it.
I’ve got a similar problem. I bought a Porsche 356 through Brand Central within the game vs the PS store. I see the car in the purchased section but there is a zero in the icon vs a 1 so I cannot redeem or “use” it as you would normally. Any ideas on how to fix or delete this so I can try again?
I bought the Porsche as well as the Shelby as was trying to save up for the newer McLaren. Looks like its Sony and not Polyphony so that makes me feel a touch better.

One Paul's post is the exact issue I and unfortunately other people which are confirming this issue on this thread are having.

Calling capital one first for the three way call with Sony hoping this isnt a 3 hour affair like others have posted it was for them.
I saw reports of this on Reddit as well.. seems it is happening a lot right now with the latest update.

I second you should not do a charge back on PSN if you want to keep your account. Report the issue to PS customer service and wait for it to be resolved. Since this is about microtransactions, which is currently a hot topic in the gaming world, I expect them to resolve it rather quickly to avoid any extra negativity.
So I've been dealing with Sony for the past hour. They had me restore all my licenses and then deactivate & reactivate my console as my main PS4. That didn't work so now they had me delete the app itself but not the saved data. Just waiting for it to re-load and after that they have assured me the car will be there. I'm looking at 6 hours from now until its loaded though..
So I've been dealing with Sony for the past hour. They had me restore all my licenses and then deactivate & reactivate my console as my main PS4. That didn't work so now they had me delete the app itself but not the saved data. Just waiting for it to re-load and after that they have assured me the car will be there. I'm looking at 6 hours from now until its loaded though..

That is bad... if they knew deleting the app would actually fix it, they would have just said do that first. Sounds like they are just playing guessing games which is pretty common in the customer service world.
I can confirm that reinstalling GTS doesn’t work. I guess we need to wait for the next update. Wasted more time with customer service and trying to make things work than 5 Blue Moon races... ugh...
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Did you try Rebuilding the PS4 Database Cache?

Yes. Everything was tried. PD just needs to release a quick fix asap. Kind of annoying when you voluntarily give them extra money and they screw up. Two updates ago, they simply never put the DLC up and now it’s been available at release but doesn’t work. I still hope they consistently get their act together one day...

I’m not going to waste more time on this. I’ll just pass on these cars until it’s fixed. I’m too busy with my league to get in VR for now anyway. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait until the next update in February.
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I think the person who filmed the video on the other thread described it best. The store sends a quantity of zero. It never sends a quantity of 1 so it cant be received. Its totally a screw up on Sony usa's part and there is no workaround.
So it’s not PD’s fault then. PSN in North America is so buggy. I had to spend 2 hours with Customer Service when GTS got released as I had preordered it a year before release and the licenses were incompatible... Should we all ask for a refund? I guess the 1 won’t appear by itself.
So it’s not PD’s fault then. PSN in North America is so buggy. I had to spend 2 hours with Customer Service when GTS got released as I had preordered it a year before release and the licenses were incompatible... Should we all ask for a refund? I guess the 1 won’t appear by itself.

If this is not on PD it's best to be careful with all games with microtransactions.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hope they fix it soon. Want to try that Porsche.

While they're fixing it, give us some microtransactions for all the cars. Not just the ones under $3 million.