Does anyone know a gameshark code like this...?

Hey i was wondering if anyone knows a code like the instant win code and the 1lap=Win but since those codes only work on single races not cup races i was wondering if there was a code like those but they work on cup races too?
check the boards at gameshark i have them lets see where i put them try these on for size:

tires dont wear in a series race
4d6e5a42 57b6e7a5
4d6e5ae6 57b6e7a5
4d6e5d8a 57b6e7a5
4d6e5c2e 57d6e7a5

instant win series race
3d6e5f78 1456e7a8
3d6b2c39 1456e7a8
3d6db104 1456e7ab