"EyeStudios!" A sneak preview to my newest venture.

  • Thread starter sn00pie


Staff Emeritus
Wow... How about a cool Jammin' onion with the theme, conceptual art found on www.blueonion.net, with a bassist, and a drummer jammin' out, but in a more active illustrative expression.... Can it be done?
Originally posted by Pako
Wow... How about a cool Jammin' onion with the theme, conceptual art found on www.blueonion.net, with a bassist, and a drummer jammin' out, but in a more active illustrative expression.... Can it be done?

Yes! I prefer this through PM, or e-mail though. :)
Snoopy, do you actually have a design studio for Snoopy Design Studios? What the hell is the deal with EyeStudios? Damn, I can freaking call my avatar a product of ViperConcept Design Studios. I think all this Snoopy Studio crap is dumb. Does it all really make any sense? :rolleyes:

- A message from ViperConcept Studios
I think snoop want's to start his own business...which is quite bold I must add and would love to see something work out for him....or maybe he's (god forbid), just having a little fun with a presence of professionalism.

Also, my avatar is a product of Pako Premier Studio & Creative Digital Expressions!
Originally posted by ViperConcept
Snoopy, do you actually have a design studio for Snoopy Design Studios? What the hell is the deal with EyeStudios? Damn, I can freaking call my avatar a product of ViperConcept Design Studios. I think all this Snoopy Studio crap is dumb. Does it all really make any sense? :rolleyes:

- A message from ViperConcept Studios

My desktop is my studio!

You only make graphics when you need to, right? Well I try to photoshop as much as I can, it's becoming a lifestyle. And I like to display a certain amount of professionalism like Pako said.
Ahhh you think you can just come here and beat out GrafixSpeed?! Do ya?!


But why make another company? Just say that SDS is evolving into EyeStudios...

BTW your avatar looks like the CBS logo...
Originally posted by M5Power
The CBS logo is an eye.

And it's watching you.... Muwahahahaha and you think your watching it. :fdevil: Muwahahahaha....muwaahahahaha!
I must say.. Snoopie your work is excellent. I wish that some day I could get better. You should think about opening you own business some day.
Hey, Sn00p...you pretty much look at things the way I do...I mean...I'm very talented in pretty much al aspects of art (especially drawing and sculpting) and I'm getting MUCH better with PhotoShop and PSP7 so I always look at what I have to work with "My Studio". I hope to become an artist one day...I already pretty much have a free ticket to the "Governor's School for the Visually Talented" here in SC and I hope to go there to attend high-school.

I think I've blabbered on enough...when I get my new comp. (just...a few...more days...) I might open up KDT (KosmikDesignTech) which will do illustrations, computer graphics, websites, etc.