Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Extreme Wheel

  • Thread starter super_gt
Having problems with GT3 Endurance wheel out-of-box :grumpy: Not the experience I was hoping for... troubleshooting on day1 instead of enjoying.
I’ve had the GT3 PBME combo for a while - on the DD Pro it is fine and was my go to wheel - but the DD X has a FW issue w it since day 1. Issue is in the base FW NOT the wheel or hub

Analog axis on the left joystick are reversed (flat viewing) and some of the buttons send two different commands - one as labled and a 2nd one

Doesn’t affect the driving function mapping as the game reacts to the correct one, but text entry for renaming setups and the ability to send text in multiplayer is messed up. In setups, you’ll get the help message every time you change something

In VR the view issue doesn’t matter but online you’re affected

Tried all the previous versions of wheel/hub FW but Fanatec confirmed its the base - still unresolved in 464 for PS. Not sure about the display issues as I run VR almost all of the time

BTW if you have the APM, the upper paddles are mapped to turn signals - like the toggles which work the MFD can’t be changed
Merry Christmas guys!! Enjoyed following this community and listening to you all.

Thanks @Vule, @BWX appreciate your feedback and suggestions. My plan is to try updating the wheel FWs today with driver 462. Fingers crossed.

My dilemma is that I don't want to update my DD+ factory FWs. There's no disconnects and it's working fine. The moment I update my DD+ base FW to fix this GT3 Endurance, with my luck, I'll have disconnects or some other issue with the DD+ base.

Though it's encouraging to hear you guys are not having disconnects with DD+ with driver 464. Thanks.
I’ve had the GT3 PBME combo for a while - on the DD Pro it is fine and was my go to wheel - but the DD X has a FW issue w it since day 1. Issue is in the base FW NOT the wheel or hub

Analog axis on the left joystick are reversed (flat viewing) and some of the buttons send two different commands - one as labled and a 2nd one

Doesn’t affect the driving function mapping as the game reacts to the correct one, but text entry for renaming setups and the ability to send text in multiplayer is messed up. In setups, you’ll get the help message every time you change something

In VR the view issue doesn’t matter but online you’re affected

Tried all the previous versions of wheel/hub FW but Fanatec confirmed its the base - still unresolved in 464 for PS. Not sure about the display issues as I run VR almost all of the time

BTW if you have the APM, the upper paddles are mapped to turn signals - like the toggles which work the MFD can’t be changed
Thanks @RS60NR, appreciate your input. I guess you're running 464 on your DD+? Other than GT3 PBME, have you experienced any disconnect issues we've seen in the past? Again, my DD+ with factory FW is working fine on F1 V2.5 and McLaren V2, I hate to break the foundation to fix this new GT3 endurance wheel. Thanks.
Merry Christmas guys!! Enjoyed following this community and listening to you all.

Thanks @Vule, @BWX appreciate your feedback and suggestions. My plan is to try updating the wheel FWs today with driver 462. Fingers crossed.

My dilemma is that I don't want to update my DD+ factory FWs. There's no disconnects and it's working fine. The moment I update my DD+ base FW to fix this GT3 Endurance, with my luck, I'll have disconnects or some other issue with the DD+ base.

Though it's encouraging to hear you guys are not having disconnects with DD+ with driver 464. Thanks.
You won’t find a fix yet for the endurance issues in any of the DD+ FW, so if you are happy for now stay as is - the newer DD+ FW is about fixing disconnects and DD x wheel related issues and support for the new Handbrake V2 and at some time future HW maybe

Yes running 464 and no issues but my base never had any problems w FW versions. I have the HB 1.5 and 464 did help it a bit - might get a V2 sometime so I figured I’d test it

EDIT: Been w Fanatec for many years - the guiding advice - If it AINT BROKE don’t fix it

Check the Fanatec forum for release driver info and user experience to see if there are improvements or issues before upgrading
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Merry Christmas guys!! Enjoyed following this community and listening to you all.

Thanks @Vule, @BWX appreciate your feedback and suggestions. My plan is to try updating the wheel FWs today with driver 462. Fingers crossed.

My dilemma is that I don't want to update my DD+ factory FWs. There's no disconnects and it's working fine. The moment I update my DD+ base FW to fix this GT3 Endurance, with my luck, I'll have disconnects or some other issue with the DD+ base.

Though it's encouraging to hear you guys are not having disconnects with DD+ with driver 464. Thanks.
Merry Christmas! I'm not sure if this applies to BME too but I figured it would. I'll probably end up with a BME, etc.. eventually.
Hopefully the next update will fix these bugs on the CS DD (+) and BME / BMR.

I have a tiny little bit more faith in Fanatec now, that things will get fixed quicker than they used to.

fanatec BMR BME.jpg
Thanks again for chiming in to help guys, appreciate your feedbacks.

So here's where I stand:
  • Was able to update FWs to the latest, but had to do it in this order 1) button module to FW v8> v24, 2) Hub v2 > v6 (however, I'm still using factory base FWs: DD+ Base( and QR(

  • Results after FW update on button module & hub for my new GT3 Endurance wheel
    • Fixed = right funky switch, now I can rotate clock/counter-clock and it registers. Before FW update did not work
      • Rev meter and LEDs don't appear to get stuck after FW update
    • Still NOT working/Issues:
      1. Left joystick still reversed in PlayStation5, as noted by BWX & RS60NR
      2. Also after DD+ base reboot, left joystick still does not center and wherever you are in PS, it just auto scrolls to whatever direction. Only when you touch left joystick then it centers
      3. GT7, after about 2min in every race these buttons lose function = PS button, create, options, so cannot exit the race or restart, have to use Dualshock to get out of the race or restart --> this is a deal breaker for me since I enjoy time-trials. You simply can't restart the race using the wheel when lap is invalidated, you have to pickup Dualshock to restart the lap
      4. finally minor, button module buttons rattle during vibration, but I think I can do something to fix this as I did with my McLaren V2 wheel button vibration
EDIT: I'm not sure why it formatted all of my issues Bold, sorry about that.

Having said all of that, my dilemma still continues = do I update my DD+ Base FW in hopes that I can get my GT3 Endurance working (at least #3 fixed, others are not a deal breaker), OR do I consider returning GT3 Endurance set back to Fanatec within 14days of receipt...

In the meantime, I'm back to my Formula V2.5 to noodle this over.

For those considering GT3 Endurance wheel AND using older DD+ Base FW similar to my situation, I recommend doing some additional research.

Sorry asking this again, for those of you on Driver 463+ for DD+ base, in GT7, does your button module allow you to restart (does your PS & Options button work after about 2-3min into a race)? Thanks

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Having problems with GT3 Endurance wheel out-of-box :grumpy: Not the experience I was hoping for... troubleshooting on day1 instead of enjoying.

Here are my observations and issues. I'm not sure if these are FW or known issues.
  1. Left analog switch, axis is reversed in GT7 game. Look left = it goes right, Look up = looks down. In Fanatec driver in PC, analog is registering correctly, Left = left. Not ideal for GT7 gaming
  2. not sure if related to firmware, but left analog switch does not center after rebooting the base, you have to move it around for it to center
  3. During GT7, while racing, buttons all go numb randomly and none of them respond. Even rev meter LED & speed display are stuck static. Only way to recover is to reboot the base
  4. Not sure if this is related to FW, I had some mis-shifts on right/up-shift. It's very rare, but it happens. It may be related to buttons going offline, not sure. Need more testing
  5. Tried to update FW for Podium HUB to 6, but it failed to update
  6. Maybe nit picking, but Rev LEDs are super bright, almost distracting IMO. Not sure if there's a way to dim it
Here are FW info. Again, I could not update FW, going to try with Driver 462 tomorrow
  • Podium hub FW: current = 2, available = 6
  • Button Module Endurance: current = 11, available 24
@Vule what FW are you running on your DD+ Base, and your new GT3 Endurance? Have you experienced anything I noted above? Thanks!

@TSXChef wow man, that sucks. I have non of those issues, I'm running the 464 latest driver with all the components updated to the latest FW, I'll check later for exact versions. Everything works as it should, left analog stick direction is OK, no misshifts, nothing.

Only "issue" if I can call it that - the triangle button sometimes acts as a circle but only in main game menu, it's a known bug that is supposed to be fixed in the next FW update. For example I want to open a dashboard and it goes back to the start screen. Or I want to measure PP after changing the car settings and it goes back out of the garage. But in game, while racing, I assigned that button to hazard lights and it works properly every single time.

Thanks @RS60NR, appreciate your input. I guess you're running 464 on your DD+? Other than GT3 PBME, have you experienced any disconnect issues we've seen in the past? Again, my DD+ with factory FW is working fine on F1 V2.5 and McLaren V2, I hate to break the foundation to fix this new GT3 endurance wheel. Thanks.

Merry Christmas! I'm not sure if this applies to BME too but I figured it would. I'll probably end up with a BME, etc.. eventually.
Hopefully the next update will fix these bugs on the CS DD (+) and BME / BMR.

I have a tiny little bit more faith in Fanatec now, that things will get fixed quicker than they used to.

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I built my GT3 Endurance wheel last week. I had been running whatever drivers and FW came on my DD+ since I got it as soon as it came out, because I never once had a disconnection or any other issue with mine. However, whatever versions I was running did not work at all with the button module. The left stick made the arrow move in the opposite direction you pushed. Even when using the right funky switch, I would move the arrow around, and then it would jump back somewhere else on its own. When I was finally able to get in to even drive, it was unusable because I had no way to pause the game and exit because of the buttons being mapped to dual functions issue, etc.
I was super pissed when I googled what was going on only to find out this was an issue for some time and I didn’t ever think something like that would be an issue. Thought I had wasted hundreds of dollars for now buying this thing.
However, just as a last resort, I upgraded my drivers and firmware to the latest 464 etc. on the DD+. That instantly made the button module at least usable. It fixed the arrow issue. There is now a button that pauses the game when driving. And a button to back out of things. It’s annoying you can’t map the buttons properly yet, but I’ve played hours in VR now and it’s basically having no effect on me for the most part. I love my McLaren wheel, but this one is just a better version. Sometimes the McLaren would get creaky under high torque, but obviously that’s not an issue with this one. I also appreciate the better grips and the larger size. And I’m super happy to have the advanced paddle module on another wheel other than my formula wheel. I don’t mind the shifters on the McLaren wheel, but they aren’t the same and they are known to fail eventually.
Point is, the GT3 Endurance wheel is now usable for me, and hopefully they will finally fix it so you can map the buttons and get it to work even better on full functionality.
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Just do those firmware updates, they exist for a reason especially when you are experiencing serious problems. These firmwares on the base you have now are anciently old.
Yup I agree. Do the update now while the base is still under warranty. If you get disconnections after updating then most likely your base is defective and you can RMA. I probably have over 100 hours on 463 on my DD+ and not a single problem.
Thanks for your feedbacks guys. Updated the Base DD+ / WQR FWs from factory --> driver 464.

In short, good news all around after base DD+ FW update to fix issues on GT3 Endurance wheel.

Listing below details in case it may benefit others with GT3 endurance wheel. Driver 464
  • Fixed = PS button, create, option buttons all functional in races --> this is the most important fix IMO
  • Fixed = ghost input from left analog joystick (before during race randomly would look left or right)
  • Fixed = base boot or reboot, left analog joystick is set to center position
One observation I had was with left analog joystick not registering in GT7 initially, but it's working now after 5 or so minutes later.

With GT3 endurance, I made below FFB changes as well. So far no issues, no disconnects experienced over few hours.
FFB 60 (F1 V2.5) --> 75 (GT3 endurance)
NDP 5 --> 10
GT7 in-game: 4 / 8

Thanks again guys, appreciate you listening to my gripe for the past 3days 😏. Cheers!
Speaking of the GT3 wheel, just made this slight logo adjustment to mine:
Mine is work in progress. I like the look of Black buttons myself. OnePlus sticker is temporary until I can land on something more permanent.
Also, very small wheel option button on top left rattles too much for my taste, I put small paper shim to reduce the noise.

So far enjoying the wheel, definite learning curve coming from smaller Formula V2.5(270mm) --> GT3(319mm). Advance paddle module feels good to shift with. I "think" this wheel is helping some with my tennis elbow, might be placebo.

Mine is work in progress. I like the look of Black buttons myself. OnePlus sticker is temporary until I can land on something more permanent.
Also, very small wheel option button on top left rattles too much for my taste, I put small paper shim to reduce the noise.

So far enjoying the wheel, definite learning curve coming from smaller Formula V2.5(270mm) --> GT3(319mm). Advance paddle module feels good to shift with. I "think" this wheel is helping some with my tennis elbow, might be placebo.

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I might swap some of the button caps with different colors as I have the cap set sitting around somewhere unused. I like different colors, though. Do you have to remove the rim from the hub to swap buttons?
I might swap some of the button caps with different colors as I have the cap set sitting around somewhere unused. I like different colors, though. Do you have to remove the rim from the hub to swap buttons?
No need to remove the rim, you can take button caps off with your finger nail or with thin plastic pick. Pull one side then the other and it comes off rather easily. I'm using black button caps from Formula V2.5 wheel
I did a thing :D

Ordered another Podium Hub / BME / APM combo for my leather R320 rim to have the ultimate Podium GT / road car setup, but unlike with the GT3 rim, with the "open" plate you can see the kindergarden colors on the module, so I decided to carbon wrap the front plate and make it nice and dark :)



You can still see the pattern lines under the wrap from some angles, because it's thick paint underneath, but it's much better now :)
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I did a thing :D

Ordered another Podium Hub / BME / APM combo for my leather R320 rim to have the ultimate Podium GT / road car setup, but unlike with the GT3 rim, with the "open" plate you can see the kindergarden colors on the module, so I decided to carbon wrap the front plate and make it nice and dark :)
Looks way better!! I sorta did the same thing. However, what I did was remove the colorful paint. It was a bit tedious but well worth it to me.


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Even better, how did you remove it without damaging the rest of the plate?
At first, I was carefully using a razor blade which was very tedious. Then, I switched to acetone (if I remember correctly) and some magic erase. That was much more efficient in removing the paint.

Then I cut a small piece of white vinyl tape to use under the dial so the numbers could be read.
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Great job guys, I much prefer the dark / carbon themes as you've done.

@Vule so does the stock colorful faceplate peel or come off from the podium module? how exactly did you remove the stock plate. Also, where did you get the carbon wrap and how did you cut exactly? Thanks!
@Vule so does the stock colorful faceplate peel or come off from the podium module? how exactly did you remove the stock plate. Also, where did you get the carbon wrap and how did you cut exactly? Thanks!
You can easily unscrew the plate from the module, it has 7-8 screws and 2 nuts under the rotary encoders, you just pull them out and then unscrew. Check out my first photo from few posts above and you'll know what I mean :)

I bought the carbon wrap from some guy who sells automotive wraps and cosmetics, it was like 3 eur for 120x70cm piece, so I have leftover for future projects :)
I had given up on this, but received an email from Fanatec this morning several weeks after I e-mailed customer service ... issued me a full refund for the QR2 their website forced me to buy with the GT3 Endurance wheel bundle on Day 1. A day or two later, they changed the pricing to include the QR2 for free. Good on them.
Sounds like it worked out, glad to hear positives out of it. It's the Right thing to do if they care about customer base.
I had given up on this, but received an email from Fanatec this morning several weeks after I e-mailed customer service ... issued me a full refund for the QR2 their website forced me to buy with the GT3 Endurance wheel bundle on Day 1. A day or two later, they changed the pricing to include the QR2 for free. Good on them.
Apparently better for their Health huh 😬😂
Hello Guys
So unfortunately my newly acquired Fanatec P1v2 developed a Crack.
I had to duck tape it to prevent it from tearing apart completely.

I want to get me this one here
Unfortunately it's sold out.
No information to be found if or when it's going to be available if so at all.

Does anyone have any insight?
@super_gt maybe

Any info is highly appreciated and welcome.
Enjoy your weekend Guys.
Hello Guys
So unfortunately my newly acquired Fanatec P1v2 developed a Crack.
I had to duck tape it to prevent it from tearing apart completely.

I want to get me this one here
Unfortunately it's sold out.
No information to be found if or when it's going to be available if so at all.

Does anyone have any insight?
@super_gt maybe

Any info is highly appreciated and welcome.
Enjoy your weekend Guys.
Still in stock in the US store, but the sister wheel - CS RS - has been out of stock for many months, as also in EU. As they are really solid wheels not sure why they are out of stock so long. Figured supply chain fallout from Fanatec collapse was the issue but that should have been sorted by now, unless they will be replaced by newer designs