Gran Turismo Sport Update 1.37 Released: H-Pattern Shifter Fix

  • Thread starter SteveDuk
@Pigems I CALLED IT!!!! I hope you didn't send back the shifter!

Screenshot_20190404-004456_Samsung Internet.jpg
Does Sport mode not allowing "full manual mode" apply only to wheel users who use H-pattern manual gearboxes? Cause I use a controller which means I'm stuck shifting it like a sequential box anyway.
Phew, I feared you might have been a bit too hasty coming to the conclusion you did.


You’re right, I most definitely did, I was just sour at the timing of the nerf. I’d like to thank BestBuy for their 30 day return policy too, I think I had 17 days left to return it for a full refund haha. I can’t wait to set it up tonight after work and bang some gears! :D
You’re right, I most definitely did, I was just sour at the timing of the nerf. I’d like to thank BestBuy for their 30 day return policy too, I think I had 17 days left to return it for a full refund haha. I can’t wait to set it up tonight after work and bang some gears! :D


So whats the 'fix' about - Does it bring back the advantage that Shifter users had?

Pretty much.
Fired up the game for a quick blast and.....................................18 seconds to update and 16 mins to `copy`.There has to be a better way,is it only sony that does it this way? I can update other ps4 games and the copying takes nowhere near as long as GTS,i originally thought myHD was playing up but its been like this since new!
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can somebody check if they fixed the chase cam bug? (resets the settings after every reboot of the game) and other than that, why if you use a manual car the driver lets the clutch always slip? sounds so stupid and who does that? its like he keeps the foot on the throttle, presses the clutch and engages it again.
can somebody check if they fixed the chase cam bug? (resets the settings after every reboot of the game) and other than that, why if you use a manual car the driver lets the clutch always slip? sounds so stupid and who does that? its like he keeps the foot on the throttle, presses the clutch and engages it again.
No, the chase cam bug is still there.
Fired up the game for a quick blast and.....................................18 seconds to update and 16 mins to `copy`.There has to be a better way,is it only sony that does it this way? I can update other ps4 games and the copying takes nowhere near as long as GTS,i originally thought myHD was playing up but its been like this since new!

Other games do it too, depends on the update. Some updates dont even copy at all for me. I think it depends on what the update is actually changing within the game.
We can’t use h shifter on cars that have a sequential gearbox despite they don’t use a clutch pedal in Sport mode. This should be allowed PD.
There are other exploits to shift faster than normal, even without a clutch. Most people haven’t figured it out yet but they probably will and it may once again take forever for PD to notice and do anything.

May consider getting rid of the pause between gear shifts for all users.
"Sport Mode races will no longer allow full manual mode."

Good. The leaderboards were stuffed with people who cheat-shift, leaving us paddle shift guys in the dust. Now we'll all have a fair shot at getting on the boards.
Just for curiosity sake, what is cheat-shift? I'm just curious.
Just for curiosity sake, what is cheat-shift? I'm just curious.

Using clutch to skip the delay between gear changes and then using the paddles to shift down to get perfect rev matching (and being able to left foot brake). You could also manipulate the gears in certain ways to minimise the shifting time since you’re not using the shifter to downshift, basically kick the clutch to upshift when exiting a corner.

Easy tenth gained per upshift compared to users without a clutch.
Fired up the game for a quick blast and.....................................18 seconds to update and 16 mins to `copy`.There has to be a better way,is it only sony that does it this way? I can update other ps4 games and the copying takes nowhere near as long as GTS,i originally thought myHD was playing up but its been like this since new!
Depends on the game and the update. Siege updates take ages to install.
Using clutch to skip the delay between gear changes and then using the paddles to shift down to get perfect rev matching (and being able to left foot brake). You could also manipulate the gears in certain ways to minimise the shifting time since you’re not using the shifter to downshift, basically kick the clutch to upshift when exiting a corner.

Easy tenth gained per upshift compared to users without a clutch.

They should disable the paddles in cars with a H-pattern gearbox when a h-pattern shifter is detected (AC does this). Why the don’t is beyond me...
Using clutch to skip the delay between gear changes and then using the paddles to shift down to get perfect rev matching (and being able to left foot brake). You could also manipulate the gears in certain ways to minimise the shifting time since you’re not using the shifter to downshift, basically kick the clutch to upshift when exiting a corner.

Easy tenth gained per upshift compared to users without a clutch.

Thanks for the explanation. I was not aware of this exploit or that there were others. It's always fascinating when exploits are found in any game and how they escape the developers, some of which are only found after a game is out on the market. Sorry for the questions, but I am trying to understand the affect this will have on the leaderboards. Is this something that is commonly used by those at the top/aliens and how drastic will the top times possibly change? Thanks.
Very grateful they rolled back the shifter nerf. I have a G29 with the H shifter, and I haven't played the game a single time since that stupid nerf. If you shifted faster than the game wanted you too, you would be stuck in neutral. Like seriously, what the hell? That is not what happens in a real car. If you shift too fast the car will jolt around a bit and make some unpleasant clunky noises but it definitely won't just lock you into neutral and cause you to understeer into a ****ing wall like in GT sport. With a controller the amount of time it takes between shifts, specifically 1st to 2nd gear, is ridiculous and completely unrealistic as well especially in lower end cars like the GT86 and E30. I personally own a 2013 FRS with a 6 speed manual and I can confirm that it doesn't take anywhere near that amount of time for the car to shift from 1st to 2nd without jumping around or grinding gears. Obviously in a manual car you can't just shift as fast as you possibly can without allowing revs to match, but it just doesn't take anywhere near as long for that to happen in a real car as it does in this game. They need to fix it for controller users now.