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These applications are based on PHAST codes used in combination with PCSX2(PS2 Emulator), used to hybrid or "tweak" settings in GT4.
THIS thread will be updated with current updates as they are released.
A complete guide to running GT4 on your PC here:
The Complete Hybriding Guide For Gran Turismo 4.
Here's a great development thread to help people uderstand what progress has been made:
All applications can be found here:
GT4_Hybrid_Swaper_2 is a text file based application allowing easy and flexible modification for parts, and modifiers. Great for swapping engines, chassis, turbo's and more!
GT4_LSD_Tweak is an application that allows you to tweak an LSD of a car. Mainly used if you apply an AWD drivetrain to a front or rear wheel drive car.
GT4_LSD_Tweak. Good for adjusting the front "front wheel distribution" of AWD cars.
Special thanks to the fallowing!
Speed Drifter: Supplying me with all the NTSC, NTSC 2, and PAL code addresses and all the help I could use!
Death Scythe: Testing my apps and supplying part lists! Thanks bud!
sucahyo for awesome progress with the hybrid community, and all his code references found here. By far an amazing contribution.
Playguy for the PCSX2 setup guide and tutorial!
GT4_Hybrid_Swaper_2_a21.zip, 11/17/07 @ 6:01PM
-Added support for all rims! All thanks to Speed Drifter!
-Added more support for the rime images thanks to Speed Drifter.
-Added a support for a good percentage of rim images thanks to Speed Drifter!
-Added all rims setup A, B and C.(thanks to sucahyo)
-Added "all"(400+) rims to the rim list.(no graphic views, or setup B and C support "yet")
-Added a live update/preview to Rims, and Spoilers.(Thanks to sucahyo for the idea)
-Added all spoilers in black.
-Removed "2nd line" codes for Spoilers and Rims.
-Added support for all NA Tune's.
-Added support for all turbo's, and superchargers.
-Removed "2nd line" codes for Superchargers, Turbos, and NA Tunes. They're now hardcoded.
-Added support for all chassis's, drivetrains and LSD's.
-Added support for what appears to be all engines thanks to sucahyo!
THIS thread will be updated with current updates as they are released.
A complete guide to running GT4 on your PC here:
The Complete Hybriding Guide For Gran Turismo 4.
Here's a great development thread to help people uderstand what progress has been made:
All applications can be found here:
GT4_Hybrid_Swaper_2 is a text file based application allowing easy and flexible modification for parts, and modifiers. Great for swapping engines, chassis, turbo's and more!
GT4_LSD_Tweak is an application that allows you to tweak an LSD of a car. Mainly used if you apply an AWD drivetrain to a front or rear wheel drive car.
GT4_LSD_Tweak. Good for adjusting the front "front wheel distribution" of AWD cars.
Special thanks to the fallowing!
Speed Drifter: Supplying me with all the NTSC, NTSC 2, and PAL code addresses and all the help I could use!
Death Scythe: Testing my apps and supplying part lists! Thanks bud!
sucahyo for awesome progress with the hybrid community, and all his code references found here. By far an amazing contribution.
Playguy for the PCSX2 setup guide and tutorial!
GT4_Hybrid_Swaper_2_a21.zip, 11/17/07 @ 6:01PM
-Added support for all rims! All thanks to Speed Drifter!
-Added more support for the rime images thanks to Speed Drifter.
-Added a support for a good percentage of rim images thanks to Speed Drifter!
-Added all rims setup A, B and C.(thanks to sucahyo)
-Added "all"(400+) rims to the rim list.(no graphic views, or setup B and C support "yet")
-Added a live update/preview to Rims, and Spoilers.(Thanks to sucahyo for the idea)
-Added all spoilers in black.
-Removed "2nd line" codes for Spoilers and Rims.
-Added support for all NA Tune's.
-Added support for all turbo's, and superchargers.
-Removed "2nd line" codes for Superchargers, Turbos, and NA Tunes. They're now hardcoded.
-Added support for all chassis's, drivetrains and LSD's.
-Added support for what appears to be all engines thanks to sucahyo!