GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
The quest continues and I am finding tenths in every try, finally tonight I get a run into the 47's........



Going 2 seconds beyond that as @nowayback has done just looks too far out of reach. How is it possible? :eek: a job well done fella. đź‘Ť

Welcome back, WhoosierGirl. :cheers:

Stupendous time. This machine is almost as fast as the 2X? When it's full bore in the hands of an expert?
I can just imagine the ride you had in that one. Maybe you actually lost time with the wall magnet.

A request to all: try to observe and report if possible a strange phenomenon which I could call 'The Penalty System' for want of a better phrase.
This kicks into effect when you have a tussle with the AI or are overly aggressive with them. After you do this and gain position, there will be an instance where you are at a corner or other deceptive part of the track, and this is where the 'Penalty System' kicks in.
You may lose all power, or there will be snap oversteer, or sudden brake-fade, or one tire will 'blow' (go red.) Most times you will end up facing the opposite way, or nose stuck to the barrier.
You may also find that all the AI that you were rude to will now pass you as you struggle to free yourself.
They may even slam you around a little bit as they pass and make things worse.

(Player rage quits at this point or restarts vowing road rage revenge or to be a more careful driver. :D)

Another 'force' that comes into play is when you are in the proximity of certain AI (known driver/car combos) and they will envelop you in what can be explained away as 'aerodynamic forces', but is more often than not like an iron hand gripping your car which you have to fight in controlling your car, and shake off.
If you actually make contact with the AI car and don't win (if you win more secret penalty points are added) then even their slightest touch will send you into the wall and facing backwards again.
If you win and go on, it seems like you got away with the brawl, but just as you start to feel comfortable, the stewards strike: you are taking an easy corner, but yes, it seems like you suddenly lost all rubber, you're aqua-planing in oil and that wonderful expensive steering wheel is suddenly swinging around without any life.

The mechanics at the pits will tell you that your wheels were not turning (and with good reason), while you of course were turning your wheel to no good reason.
Because late in the race, tyres bad, too fast, no brakes, locking, etc.
But this can happen after one of those tussles with the AI, even if you are being extra careful after the brawl.
Suddenly the force will strike and take you out.
And all the cars you passed will pass you by. Snarkily, too. :lol:

Please observe this phenomena and do add other observations you feel are pertinent or related.

What I'm thinking here is that there is a 'penalty system' built into the 'gaming' part of GT6 (as was duly noted in GT5 in the GT5 Manual there were built in penalties in that game.)
Penalties are a part of gaming.
Without penalties and sudden handicaps a game would be flawed, broken too quickly.
I'm not sure how well it is implemented in GT6, not well yet to think it's a global effect.
I have conducted hundreds of experiments with the AI to come to these conclusions.

One has to race in proximity to observe and experience these effects.
If the Player just takes off, maintains a 10 second lead and goes that way all the way to the Finish line in every race they will not, obviously, experience any of this.
If you drive a clean lap the AI will actually race like gentlefolk, letting you pass at the precise spots that are appropriate. If you force yourself into their 'Rabbitline' they will defend it by changing their whole velocity/position equation to suit what you are going to throw at them in the way of a velocity/position problem.

They're crunching numbers at every nano-second, and when you are near they crunch the numbers you are feeding them, figure out the resulting 'if P, then Q' and the answer moves them to do what thy have to do.
This is a fascinating game to play if you have a powerful enough car to overtake them cleanly at spots that they have to defend.
It becomes a game of chess.
You stalk them, then take them unawares.
The choice of car at your disposal influences the fun factor.
A well-matched car, having then equalised yourself with the field, can be an addictive weapon for repeated battles.

So one has to race in proximity and when you do that, then all the attendant moves they are programmed to make come into play. If the Player doesn't race them close enough, then the Player is basically free-running or time-trialing with some traffic here and there.
Which is also a nice drive, but with other objectives.

This brings us to the fact that Besson is no doubt the fastest racer in this particular pack, and that also the AI race each other and race each other quite fast - in fact faster than the majority of game-players.
In effect they are super-suitable for a huge variety of drivers when it comes to racing, as long as the Player is matched into their 'racing window' and that skills/car match only individual Players can find for themselves as there are millions of individual players out there all with unique skill sets.
This set of drive-bots - or Rabbits, as we tend to colloquially call them - functions much better than the AI in GT5, I would think, even this early in the game.

I've also noticed that the Online AI is even more tough, even more refined, and even more aggressive when required than the Offline AI. Probably 'tweaked' versions of the sprites.
I've even compared the same driver/car combos from Online to Offline and I find the particular Offline AI almost placid in comparison to the Online versions of themselves and their cars (same car.)

One myth we have totally busted:
The names are not random in the Career mode races. Nor in Online A-Spec-type races.
Everyone has a Besson. The same Besson. Same initial, same car.
Maybe slightly different personalities. :)

One wonders - what is the connection between Besson and the Pescarolo?
You'll be surprised if you Google.
Oh! yeah. Lots of connections.


The Rabbitline. Note the track they all take. They're all running the fast-to-fastest possible time on that 'perfect' line. Like Time-trialers.


I'm in the Ferrari, in the 'grey' area, about to challenge the Viper's track. I have to cross the line quick or get in line and speed off.

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A request to all: try to observe and report if possible a strange phenomenon which I could call 'The Penalty System' for want of a better phrase.

You may be on to something. I have suspected the AI adapts to your driving and gives you back what you give them.

I race pretty clean with the AI at all times trying to avoid contact everywhere. Also I don't take shortcuts and avoid track boundaries whenever possible.

This has led to the AI being very polite with me. I don't ever recall been rear-slammed when braking and only a couple times have I been smashed off road mid-corner when driving side by side. Most of the time they only give slight bumps when passing them closeby but usually I won't even have to correct by driving line after that.

In addition when I move in for the overtake on a clearly faster car the AI gives room for the overtake. This can actually be annoying when trying to draft behind them and they start to swerve around.
sorry. Where can I get the info for playing? A the first page of this thread says info in OP. What means OP and where is it?
sorry. Where can I get the info for playing? A the first page of this thread says info in OP. What means OP and where is it?
The OP is the first post on page 1. Everytime the thread gets updated, check the first post for the information.

Hope this helps. ;)đź‘Ť
Sorry. Where can I get the info for playing? A the first page of this thread says info in OP. What means OP and where is it?

OP = Original Post. (First entry in this thread, page 1.)
Remember entries close today. Good luck! đź‘Ť

You may be on to something. I have suspected the AI adapts to your driving and gives you back what you give them.

Before I forget, @MTM79, and before Gasparini in stealth black leaves the Online Seasonal Boards, I need to tell you that you were right - Gasparini is wearing black this time around; I was mistaken in seeing him in yellow.
He does race in yellow in another series; I'll provide some photos later.
The confusion arises from there being two Scuderia.
And also the fact that Gasparini originally comes from a race in Career Mode.
So does Gibson, Dean, Marti (who drives the Cizeta) etc.

I race pretty clean with the AI at all times trying to avoid contact everywhere. Also I don't take shortcuts and avoid track boundaries whenever possible.

This has led to the AI being very polite with me. I don't ever recall been rear-slammed when braking and only a couple times have I been smashed off road mid-corner when driving side by side. Most of the time they only give slight bumps when passing them closeby but usually I won't even have to correct by driving line after that.

In addition when I move in for the overtake on a clearly faster car the AI gives room for the overtake. This can actually be annoying when trying to draft behind them and they start to swerve around.

The idea that the sprites/bobs/drivatars/drive-bots (so many names for them :D ) can learn is not new - we have had 'learning' sim drivers for quite some time.
But the technology seems to be developing.
Right through playing GT5 offline till almost the last update (GT6 caught me by surprise actually - I thought PD would have held on longer and given GT5 more life - but in today's 'disposable' lifestyle a game is over and done with in a month and the players want yet another 'new' game before the old game is even a year old) I observed this happening with the B-Spec bobs we were training as drivers.
View attachment 286718

Tried for the Hail Mary, but came up 2 tenths short. :guilty:

But I can live with that, being THIS close to taking down one of GTP's fastest drivers is something I can be proud of. :D

Well done @WhoosierGirl đź‘Ť
Maybe next time..:lol:

Hey, keep Mary away, lol Thank you for the compliment :)

I realized that I had not changed the oil so I tried again when got home.
Here is the setup if away want's to try it.

BB 2/1
1 thru 7 all left
8th to right .911
2.855 FG
300/500 Downforce

@WhoosierGirl - An extremely clean run - well done.

If you were to go up against a real driver in this event they may actually find it hard to beat such masterful gamer skills.
OTH - using this as part of your resume could help if you were to apply as an ambulance driver. Fourteen and a half clicks through traffic in three and three-quarter ain't half bad. :lol:

Many thanks to the rest of you fast ones for the intense competition - it was enjoyable to see those times battled over and sliced down second by second. Kudos to all.
No doubt you guys made plenty of credits for your trouble, learned SSR7 like the back of your hand, and made very good friends with the LM55.
These five current events will be shut down in a few hours.
Our third round of Events will be posted soon.
Await shenanigans in the rain, as well as wrangling GT-Rs.


New events coming up soon. Some intros:

"What are you thrashing? An X-Bow? In this driving rain? Or is that a Rocket? I can't see you! I can't see anything!! FFS! That an SLR or a TZ3? You're driving a Huayra? A Huayra in this storm? Maniac!"


Yup. We'll be having a rain-dance around the Ring. One lap. Fun. fun, fun. The catch? Pick a car - any car - as long as it is in the field of cars.
To keep it simple - if a rabbit is driving it, then you get to drive it.
But watch it. Some Rabbits get insanely jealous when they see their own kind.

And go as fast as you can. Fastest wins.
If you're also first.
I'm first, but I don't think I'm the fastest. :D

I'll be posting it presently.
This is an Expert Level Challenge.


And for the Intermediates - also the Ring. We shall master the Ring! There's some nice credits in here, too:


Any car that the Event permits, and any or all options the Stewards allow.
Quickest time wins. I think I'll be definitely seeing some sub-7:00s.
But how deeply will we wear down sub-700's resistance?

I'll be posting directions of how to get there and other details in OP as soon as PD wipes the slate clean on the Seasonals.

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I might give that tune a try and have "one" more try at taking down that time. It's not for the Speed Demon award as it's all done and dusted, but I just want to see if I could beat it at all. :lol:

Call it my inner speed demon satisfaction.

As for the new challenges, it'll show who is the real RingMaestro and I expect close battles from all. :P
I might give that tune a try and have "one" more try at taking down that time. It's not for the Speed Demon award as it's all done and dusted, but I just want to see if I could beat it at all. :lol:

It's an addictive drive. If you can ever match the top time or even come close grab a pic and we'd love to see it - especially what your rabbits did, too.

Call it my inner speed demon satisfaction.

We all have that. :lol:
And we get faster and faster, don't we?

As for the new challenges, it'll show who is the real RingMaestro and I expect close battles from all. :P

I spent quite some time picking and choosing the new in-House challenges.
I can assure you, these challenges are within everyone's reach, and very enjoyable.
The rain-dance around the Ring is exciting because of the choice of cars, and it's a great run in the storm with exotic machines flying around you.
Watch the X-Bow. There is a Rocket in one of the fields, too.
The lead rabbits are also tremendously fast, and they are good runners, not averse to even leaving the course to block you, or get away from you.
Double Huayras are the fastest field - these guys draft and are deadly together.
But if you catch up with them, then you're drafting them. :)
Players can chose whatever field they want; there are some slower fields, too, that one could get through faster, but the 'blockers' in those fields are another headache.
Use your gaming skills to get the best out of it. :D
Remember there's a mental part to this game, too. :lol:
I just took two runs in the Nardo for this event, so as to set up a time, but I'm sure Players are going to blow that out of the water immediately. :irked:
It is an Expert Challenge. Better for Beginners to have a go at the Intermediate or Beginners to have a chance at grabbing an award.

I'll be posting the Beginners Challenge too presently - as well as a bonus round that will be an 'Open' (no Whoosier rule) Challenge.
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@photonrider , pick a car..Rainmasters. I picked Mp4-12c -10 as I saw in your lap...but its not in the race lineup. so I guess I will have to load a few more times for it to show up. You must choose a car before you know the lineup.

Suspicious ! :DNow I chose the Nardo and it doesn't come up, but the car I chose before comes up.
Ok finally got the Mac :boggled:

Just as a point of reference MP4 RM 9:15, IM 8:45....real slippery out there. Wet tires were not better than IM. Also if you wait for results for 2nd place I did with MP4...the board disappears before he shows up.
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Haha. Yes, Expert gamers will know how to make things happen.

Remember . . . the rabbits are watching your every move . . . your every move. They got connections.

Play the game. đź‘Ť

Good luck. I know you will do well.
Just to get things rolling...

650, 600, 580 and 560 pp , I thought maybe rabbit would get better time if I went slower...didn't seem to make a difference. Seems the 6:45 at 580 suited the AI the best. :boggled:

2015-01-08 20.50.12.jpg 2015-01-08 21.01.06.jpg 2015-01-08 21.36.07.jpg 2015-01-08 22.06.17.jpg
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Thanks for all the Timesheets, @nowayback! Grist for my mill.

6:24:259 - that's a staggering time. Vic is not going to like this. And I'm sure some others may have sat up a little bit straighter, too.
Your rabbits are probably out of their tiny little digital minds.
I look at my timesheet and I'm thoroughly humiliated.
Ah! Well . . . I'm just the Camp Cook.

Pretty interesting to see how the different 'rabbits' (remember we used to only call the AI, that got away, 'rabbits' - not any more); they all jockey for position to beat you, different leaders coming up.
They race each other, too - which can mean they get in your way, too.
You will notice as you keep trying the event that your rabbits will also start to seemingly express a sort of 'personality' based on the way you run.
They file away everything you do, and when you repeat they factor in those equations.
Watch your HP. Every time you repeat, your car picks up rigidity problems, aerodynamic loss due to 'unwashed' car, and a reduction in HP.
Those cheating rabbits are in cahoots with GTAuto.
You have to quit the event completely and go to GTAuto to get your car back to its top-performing status.
But when you come back the rabbits know what you've done . . . . :D

As these events get more popular and other Players come to know about it and join, the Timesheets are going to be flying in by the dozen, so I won't be changing the leaderboards in the OP for every timesheet (I'll be living at GTPlanet!)
We'll put up the fastest timesheets for the week on the weekends, and then leave them on while more numbers are crunched.
Remember in these two events it is your time that matters - not the rabbits'.
We are trying to find the fastest time for this event.
And if there is another car that would be faster than the one most people would use. Is there?

Thank you for your interest in this. Don't burn out!
However - you're probably having credits coming out of your ears now.
(Not really, translator-san that's just the funny English we speak.)

I have a ton of work to do on various threads, so please be patient with me as we go along. đź‘Ť
The rabbits have anger issues! Im sorry that I cant post pics because my computer USB port is out... but trust me... ( yeah, I know. pics or it didnt happen )

What I found was that when I started aggressively and bashed and banged the rabbits out of my way, they seemed determined to undermine my progress and were always at the wrong place-wrong time. My best was a 6:40 with the rabbits making life miserable. The 3rd time I went ultra conservative, only slightly bumped one of the rabbits, and discovered they are by nature, scared, and ran away to hide when they saw me!

Best time 6:32.005. I know I left some on the table, but I think 6:24 might be unobtainium for me.
2015-01-09 02.15.04.jpg @MTM79 Have you tried IM? For me they are faster, didnt notice that I was slipping less with wets. As much as I like Nordshcleife I hate the Nurburgring. I was shocked when lead rabbit pulled over a bit so I could pass ! Or he didn't want to dent his Ferrari. I wonder if there aren't some drivers or car models that are more aggressive . Seem to remember some ..but cant remember which cars now.
Now before I show you my GTR time, I just want to say 2 things.

1: I had a go at the LM55 time but sadly couldn't improve.
However considering the winner is already on the wall I thought, what WOULD it take to beat the time?

The answer? Racing Softs and a flying start. :lol:

Anyways, number 2 It said "Get A GTR for this event and seeing as i just happened to be driving an eligible model, I used it.

I will run the Touring Car later just for the sake of current time comparison. ;):lol:

Btw @photonrider you were right, I didn't like it, I loved it. :D
The rabbits have anger issues!

Of course they do! Don't we all? We want them to be more human-like, right? :lol:

I'm sorry that I can't post pics because my computer USB port is out... but trust me... ( yeah, I know. pics or it didn't happen )

You should be able to get around that; remember you can use the PSN's browser and upload from the XMB, too.

What I found was that when I started aggressively and bashed and banged the rabbits out of my way, they seemed determined to undermine my progress and were always at the wrong place-wrong time. My best was a 6:40 with the rabbits making life miserable.

There seems to be an algorithm that maintains the 'playability'; if a Player is being too, and aggressively, fast, then the Rabbit 'anger' and the Penalty system kicks in to slow you down and keep you playing.
Got to keep you playing.

The 3rd time I went ultra conservative, only slightly bumped one of the rabbits, and discovered they are by nature, scared, and ran away to hide when they saw me!

Best time 6:32.005. I know I left some on the table, but I think 6:24 might be unobtainium for me.

Still a very good showing. As well, it helps to 'bench-mark' top-times - so that if anybody is using steroids then the gap between hybrids and honest players suddenly shows up as significant.
As for the Rabbits being scared - I have noticed that if you go on a 'revenge trip' after them, they seem to be more 'docile' on the retry. It is as if they learned that you are 'dangerous' and should be avoided.
Not sure why that is.
Is it part of the program?
Or is the fuzzy logic working the other way around?
Only continued investigation will help us judge the AI in an informed manner.
Thanks for all the input! đź‘Ť

Test drive on the Ring. 2 laps of sloppy driving. Quite fast this German driver in the FXX.

I have a lot of respect for that German driver. Very 'aware'.
I'm beginning to wonder if the flags are actually connected to the particular time-trialer that contributed that line.
If, as I assume, PD is using TT data to set up lines. And, therefore also lap-times of the particular AI and their cars.
Records of Seasonals will show that many of the 'Race-type' Seasonals that are offered regularly match courses (and even sometimes Lead Rabbit cars with new drivers - the Toyota Hybrid comes to mind) with TTs held just some time before such 'Race-type' Seasonals are offered.

@MTM79 Have you tried IM? For me they are faster, didn't notice that I was slipping less with wets. As much as I like Nordschleife I hate the Nurburgring.

For reference: I was in a 640 PP Nardo, IMs, all off, 'cept ABS1, and Nos-less. Not a single contact with AI. I was trying a clean race.
However, everybody should note - it's a game, too. There are advantages we can take that the game offers, and one should take them when playing the game. Use all the options you can, and if there is some 'rubbing' and you can get away with it, then the game permits that.
If there is a line you can take that is not penalised, then - remembering we're playing a game - take that.
You are being a gamer and using all gaming resources to achieve a result.
Mixing up reality and a game too closely can be dangerous both mentally and physically, as well as spoils the game.
Play as hard as you can - it's hand/eye coordination that is the value being judged here.
It's no point trying to restrict yourself in any way if we have all agreed that it's no-holds-barred.
I advise all Players to play at your maximum comfort-level - whether it's Manual, on CHs, and using a controller with Cockpit view while lounging on a couch, or whether it's Chase View used with a pilot's yoke.
To each their own peripherals and individual game and 'car' settings - it's the honest results that matter.
If the game permits it, play to the maximum playability of the game.
We're competing as Players of the Game, not as drivers in real life.
Driving in real life is a whole other issue.

I was shocked when the lead rabbit pulled over a bit so I could pass ! Or he didn't want to dent his Ferrari. I wonder if there aren't some drivers or car models that are more aggressive . Seem to remember some ..but can't remember which cars now.

From my experience: every car/driver combo has its own 'personality'.
Obviously if a Player just leaves the pack right away and becomes a 'rabbit' themselves, just heading off to the finish line 50 car-lengths ahead, they never gets to know these opponents well.
It's close racing that brings out their 'colour'.
Some are very aggressive; twenty feet away from them and they get antsy; some will actually come after you like a rabid dog. :lol:
But many of them will move over at the perfect spot giving you just the amount of room a good driver, who has been waiting to overtake them, needs.

Now before I show you my GTR time, I just want to say 2 things.

1: I had a go at the LM55 time but sadly couldn't improve.
However considering the winner is already on the wall I thought, what WOULD it take to beat the time?

The answer? Racing Softs and a flying start. :lol:

Wait for 'The Skywalker Licence Award'. :)
There'll be another chance soon to test blinding speed over and over.
The particular Career Mode Event (Like the Wind #2) that we just completed, should be an everyday exercise.
At least 3 laps a day taken after meals.

Anyways, number 2 It said "Get A GTR for this event and seeing as I just happened to be driving an eligible model, I used it.

I will run the Touring Car later just for the sake of current time comparison. ;):lol:

Good run for a start, Vic - it's going to be interesting to see what car is the fastest - in the hands of a fast driver of course.

Btw @photonrider you were right, I didn't like it, I loved it. :D

I see you are a sucker for punishment.
Well . . . there's no feeling like climbing back on top. :)
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Me, too. I was dawdling a bit on that run
But Vic is something else. I think he lives on Trix.
But that's not for Rabbits.

Took a NASCAR stock car over to Laguna Seca Seasonal last night. Wow. Easy meat.
But a question:
Is anyone noticing missing AI and/or new AI in the Expert Seasonal?
I can wrap my mind around the remote possibility of getting close to, or equalling that 6:24, but Vic's 5:59 is just staggering.

Will be a Vic-Whoosier competition , but we can still get the fastest rabbit. Back racing on Monday, hope to see some more times up :cheers:
Oh! Yes, all info matters. The various Awards for the different events, both experimental, and/or performance-oriented, are a sort of bonus for participating, but all the information that comes to light makes us better Players both mentally - as well as physically, too.
Using the game intelligently mean also being ergonomical efficiently enough to get the best out of it - smallest amount of moves (therefore shortest amount of time - since we're always moving) to get from Waypoint A to Waypoint B.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend, and you find your way back :lol: - and are ready to be test-piloting again next week.
In fact just posting the long-overdue Beginner's puzzle even as we speak.



Gather around.

Okay, no need to be shy about being a Beginner. Everyone was, at one time or another.
There's probably a few of you who were not even born when the first GT came out, so how can you be blamed for not starting at #1? (Actually there was no #1)
Some of you may have started with #6 and just a few months or at most a year into the game.

Welcome to a whole Automotive Universe, a Universe with many worlds - you even get to pick and choose your own.


Beginners to Gran Turismo are overwhelmed by the depth of escapism, variety of cars and events both online and off, and the various other tempting attractions offered in the way of audio-visual entertainment (scattered throughout the My Home Dashboard) connected to cars.
While acquiring cars is at the core of the game (without cars not much else to do than stare at the scenary) driving them around is the primary reason for most - from free-roaming to time-trialing.
But in between those two pursuits is another one.

Pure, unadulterated racing.

We're not talking getting into a course full of cars, taking off into the distance in some wonder-machine and getting past the finish line a lap ahead of second and third place.
We're talking close-quarters, flank-rubbing, paint-scorching, rubber-ripping, flying-in-a-roll-cage racing.


That's right. NASCAR.

NASCAR - at its core - is not 'to each their own'.
It's "Everybody gets the same damn thing, so there, get in now and prove how good a driver you are! And, no, GTFO! We're not going to allow you to run all over the countryside. Get into this stadium. We're going to lock you into a circle. Now race, you bastards! We'll look after the safety issue."
Bread and Circuses in the New Age.

Actually that's the first deceptive part about sneaky NASCAR - these 'circles' they talk about are not really circles - they're tracks that'll funnel you down the toilet in next to no time at all.

In Gran Turismo 6, there is a wealth of NASCAR machines, and a great Championship Event laid out in Career Mode, and hidden among these races, is a gem of a race for Beginners - a place to try out your basic driving skills and earn very quick cash at the same time. Selecting a car is also easy, and there's not much you can do in the way of tuning to worry a Beginner - these cars are designed to be equalised. (At least in theory.)
And here . . is where you learn close-quarters racing.


Now - if you're the kind of Player that can take any NASCAR stock car from the garage and get ahead of the pack and win quick, then you're no Beginner, and you're beginning to get more seriously into the game.
But if you've not come in at the finish line - within hundredths of a second off second place, then you've not even begun to know what NASCAR racing, with all its uniqueness, is about.


So . . . a special event just for Beginners (which I'm about to pin up in the OP) and a great opportunity to improve not only your NASCAR skills but your overall racing focus.
As well, the chance to get to know NASCAR Rabbits - whose line do you think the real Jeff Gordon is driving? :D

And yes, tons of credits, because Beginners always need lost of credits to get into the game quickly.
To beat everybody else - and yes, as a Beginner, you might even beat an Expert (Beginners's Luck!) you must have the closest race possible and bring us a legible Timesheet, like the one below, to prove it.


A whole Timesheet is preferable so that we can track the movement of all the Rabbits in that particular race.
The closest race (no matter the overall time) - closest to 0:00:000 between 1st and 2nd - wins the Award.

Keep turning left; just get to know when to do it.
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OP updated with new Scoreboards to reflect latest Leader Board leaders.

Also looking for a Timesheet that shows fastest time overall at the present Expert Level Seasonals at Toscana.
I'm looking for a Timesheet that shows an overall winning time between 6:00:00 - 6:15:00 - seems from tests that the fastest Rabbit in the herd runs at around 6:15:00.
If you have such a Timesheet captured please do send it in (much appreciated!) so that I can set up a 'RALLY MONSTER Award' for the fastest runner in that race. Would also be interesting to see what car is being used.