GTP_WRS Registration - GT 7 - (New Members Start Here)

  • Thread starter EDK
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WRS Admin
United States
Boise, ID

:: GTP_WRS Registration ::

:: Registration Instructions ::


Note for Previous Members of the GTP_Registry (Brand New Members Can Skip This):
  • If you are a prior registry member, but have not yet qualified/registered for GT7, some special attention may be required for your submission.
  • If you have the same GTPlanet Member name and intend to use the same PSN as in the past, you may just begin participating without taking the steps below.
  • If your forum name has changed, or if you intend to use a new PSN ID, you will need to request a change. Please communicate your request by starting a conversation with EDK, Vaxen and JoostBaksteen.
  • If both your forum name and your PSN ID will be different than in the past, you should follow the steps below.
Instructions for Registration Submission:
  • To submit your registration, start a new conversation with WRSFetchBot (Subject title: GTP_WRS Registration)
  • Provide your PSN ID and country details, exactly like this (case sensitive):

Country: USA

Once you've started the conversation, you will get an automated response within 15 minutes, letting you know whether your submission was accepted, or if you had an error. If you have an error, don't panic. Just review the instructions for submission and submit again. If you are having trouble and cannot figure it out, please post here with your question.

What Happens Once I've Registered?:
Once your registration has been accepted by the WRSFetchBot, you are welcome to begin competing in our current Time Trial event, found in this forum. Participation in time trial events, as detailed below, will be required for initial division placement.

  • Be sure and post your splits in the race thread, as detailed in the event instructions.
  • When you first begin competing, your assigned division shown in the official registry and on our leaderboard will be "Rookie".
  • Rookies can run events as normal, but they will be placed in a temporary division based on their handicap result for that individual event.
  • Once 3 events have been successfully run (verified as clean), participants will lose their Rookie status, and their initial handicap will be the average of these three events. This will determine their initial division placement.
  • Some events will not give full event credit for Rookie placement. These will be clearly identified in the event rules and results.
OLR Team

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