High School bomb threats

United States
Recently there has been a streak of bomb threats toward high schools in eastern Massachusetts, my school included. The threats are made by automatic voice calls and sent to multiple schools at a time. They contain threats such as hidden bombs in backpacks and shooters who will fire at evacuating students. The threats have also been reported in other New England states.
So far every threat has been a hoax but whenever a new school gets one, evacuations are made just in case. My school had one today and we were sent to the middle school until the police finished searching the inside and exterior grounds, nothing was found so we went back.

Some news links:
January threats: http://www.boston.com/news/local/ma...omb-threats/weLl7KWHYw2OLgKVnqFCPN/story.html

Feburary threats: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2...omb-threats/RLysovaKIXjlPV3jb9sFTP/story.html

March (my school): http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/n...safe-after-bomb-threat-at-ashland-high-school

Some sources claim that the bomb threats are of Russian origin:

To me, it seems that the threats are simply made to cause disruptions in schools. A threat at my school and several others specifically today, during Sophomore MCAS testing, leads me to believe that it was made to screw up the testing schedule.
First and foremost... Be safe brother.

Second I think the whole idea of threatening with things this serious is completely ridiculous and out of control especially in today's world where we see mass shootings and terrorist attacks nearly daily. We are becoming a nation that is so paranoid (rightfully so sometimes) because of instances like this. It's the "what if" factor and it needs to stop. There is nothing funny, nothing cool and especially nothing heroic about pulling a stunt like this.
I recently moved from eastern Massachusetts and I still keep in contact to my friends there. I haven't heard them talk about any bomb threats.
It's really bizarre, these things seem to be becoming more and more common. There've been three at local schools around me in the past 3-5 months, one of which happened to occur at my former high school conveniently on the same day I tried to go for a visit.




Just searching for these articles brought up several other incidents all over western Washington...
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It's really bizarre, these things seem to be becoming more and more common. There've been three at local schools around me in the past 3-5 months, one of which happened to occur at my former high school conveniently on the same day I tried to go for a visit.




Just searching for these articles brought up several other incidents all over western Washington...

I've heard of Washington getting some of this as well. Part of my wife's family lives in and around Bothell Washington and there have been a few instances of gun threats and such around those areas.

It really is bizarre to me to think that people are really thinking this is ok. I mean even if they have no intention to do harm, they are still scaring the Hell out of people while also ruining their own futures.
I've heard of Washington getting some of this as well. Part of my wife's family lives in and around Bothell Washington and there have been a few instances of gun threats and such around those areas.

It really is bizarre to me to think that people are really thinking this is ok. I mean even if they have no intention to do harm, they are still scaring the Hell out of people while also ruining their own futures.

I'd be willing to bet some (but certainly not all) of them are made by students to cancel school for a day (similar to pulling the fire alarm) - because they know it will get a reaction and bring things to a halt. But I know for sure that these aren't the only cases, and there are some serious psychopaths out there.

In the middle of my senior we had a complete shut down after a guy threatened to shoot up several random schools in the district. It was serious enough to have SWAT teams sent to every school and guard every entrance, fully armed with assault rifles and bullet proof vests. Pics are from my friend:



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I've recieved between one and two dozen calls that there has been a bomb threat from the school my son goes to.
This year hasn't been nearly as bad, (knock on wood) last year there were times with more than one a week, months without a bomb-threat-free week.

I guess if enough kids go to jail they might knock it the 🤬 off.
When I was in middle school, we had a run of bomb threats. We didn't really have many in high school because people learned that making a threat is a bad idea. The people who made them were high school idiots that wanted to get out of school for a day (why they didn't skip instead of giving everyone else hell from the threats, I don't know), and that got punished by being expelled along with being arrested and also none of the other schools really wanted to take them in. That being said, while most from my experiences are nothing but hoaxs to avoid class time, they still have to be taken seriously because there is always the chance that it could be a real incident.

Case in point- my high school Senior year. There was a guy I knew personally that was a bit off. I knew him well enough to know he had a few screws loose in his head and that he was rather unstable. He got arrested at the county's tech center after someone overheard him talking about shooting up the high school. Student reported it, school got word of it, searched his locker, and found that he had actually had a hit list in his backpack. I don't want to imagine the damage that could have occurred if that wasn't detected.
The threats in Ma. seem pretty coordinated for just kids trying to get out of class. Multiple schools get hit with them at the same time with untracable phone calls.
With the advance of technology and the lack of advances in ways to prevent these types of things, many individuals see this as an innocent joke. It's the modern day version of the boy that cried wolf and a variant of swatting. These kids (could also be adults) just want to scare people and don't really care how they do it or understand the costs and emotional toil put on those affected. Heck, it's barely better than a terrorist attack (since there is a warning), but it's a new adaptation of bullying. We are running out of punishments to give these entitled and spoiled individuals so why don't we force them into re-building infrastructure for free as their punishment?
In my School we had a bomb threat about 2 years ago.

How our School treats Bomb Threats is totally 🤬, we are literally huddled up in the Cricket Field.

Sorry but I don't get how rounding us up in 1 area is safer then us being in separate buildings? Potential attackers literally can kill all of us once in one quick stroke if we are all huddled up.
In my School we had a bomb threat about 2 years ago.

How our School treats Bomb Threats is totally 🤬, we are literally huddled up in the Cricket Field.

Sorry but I don't get how rounding us up in 1 area is safer then us being in separate buildings? Potential attackers literally can kill all of us once in one quick stroke if we are all huddled up.

There is a suicide bomber in your school.

Entire school goes to the cricketfield.

200 dead
500 injured
Reason: school placed all people in one area.

Schools are run by still idiots in australia.

I remember when that big kid that got bullied got suspended for defending himself.

I never understand that.
High School is meant to get you ready for the real world, last time I checked the real world did not have unicorns and fairies.

If you did crap like that in public, you will be dropped.
There is a suicide bomber in your school.

Entire school goes to the cricketfield.

200 dead
500 injured
Reason: school placed all people in one area.

Schools are run by still idiots in australia.

I remember when that big kid that got bullied got suspended for defending himself.

I never understand that.
High School is meant to get you ready for the real world, last time I checked the real world did not have unicorns and fairies.

If you did crap like that in public, you will be dropped.
I thought the logic was that you scatter all people, not put them in one place. In Australia you decide to do the exact opposite?
I lived in quite the small town, equally so were the schools. The highschool i went to, which now my sister does, has had countless threats, at one time it was 5 a month.

Part of it however has been over reaction to othereise common objects. Such as a backpack outside a locker, or front door. Notes left in the school, and tweets, some from students, some not.

Its absurd, seeing the people i grew up with were nothing like this. Part of the blame is poor parenting, and the otger half is over reactions on the achools behalf.
I lived in quite the small town, equally so were the schools. The highschool i went to, which now my sister does, has had countless threats, at one time it was 5 a month.

Part of it however has been over reaction to othereise common objects. Such as a backpack outside a locker, or front door. Notes left in the school, and tweets, some from students, some not.

Its absurd, seeing the people i grew up with were nothing like this. Part of the blame is poor parenting, and the otger half is over reactions on the achools behalf.
We used to have terrorist drills when I was in high school. Of course, one of the teachers decided that it was a good idea to get coffee so his class collectively decided to barricade the door with their desks and effectively locked him out.
I graduated about a year ago and towards the end of the year, we had about 2 weeks where almost every single day there were notes found in the bathroom saying there's a bomb hidden somewhere and the school was evacuated each time. The kids were eventually arrested and whatnot, plus the bathrooms required you to sign in and out before you entered with teachers posted at the entrances with some of the smaller ones being locked. :rolleyes:

Always really pissed me off the way they handled it. For a start, their idea of protecting everybody was making them all walk into the stadium right next to the school if it was nice out. I never had to do this because they always happened after lunch, and I went to votech so I was in a different school at the time. However, we wouldn't know this until either somebody at tech from our school had texted somebody and been informed of what was happening or by the bus drivers going back. Then we would get back to the school with the parking lots entirely blocked off, they would drop us off wherever they could, and we'd then have to walk to our cars and somehow find an unblocked exit, several times I had to just drive around the blocked exits in the grass so I could leave. It was a major cluster bang.