- 247
- Massachusetts
- EvanJamesLee
Recently there has been a streak of bomb threats toward high schools in eastern Massachusetts, my school included. The threats are made by automatic voice calls and sent to multiple schools at a time. They contain threats such as hidden bombs in backpacks and shooters who will fire at evacuating students. The threats have also been reported in other New England states.
So far every threat has been a hoax but whenever a new school gets one, evacuations are made just in case. My school had one today and we were sent to the middle school until the police finished searching the inside and exterior grounds, nothing was found so we went back.
Some news links:
January threats: http://www.boston.com/news/local/ma...omb-threats/weLl7KWHYw2OLgKVnqFCPN/story.html
Feburary threats: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2...omb-threats/RLysovaKIXjlPV3jb9sFTP/story.html
March (my school): http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/n...safe-after-bomb-threat-at-ashland-high-school
Some sources claim that the bomb threats are of Russian origin:
To me, it seems that the threats are simply made to cause disruptions in schools. A threat at my school and several others specifically today, during Sophomore MCAS testing, leads me to believe that it was made to screw up the testing schedule.
So far every threat has been a hoax but whenever a new school gets one, evacuations are made just in case. My school had one today and we were sent to the middle school until the police finished searching the inside and exterior grounds, nothing was found so we went back.
Some news links:
January threats: http://www.boston.com/news/local/ma...omb-threats/weLl7KWHYw2OLgKVnqFCPN/story.html
Feburary threats: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2...omb-threats/RLysovaKIXjlPV3jb9sFTP/story.html
March (my school): http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/n...safe-after-bomb-threat-at-ashland-high-school
Some sources claim that the bomb threats are of Russian origin:
To me, it seems that the threats are simply made to cause disruptions in schools. A threat at my school and several others specifically today, during Sophomore MCAS testing, leads me to believe that it was made to screw up the testing schedule.