How will you play Gran Turismo 7?

  • Thread starter 05XR8
Are those confirmed to come back? I hate those things. How many times can you do the same basic tests and be "taught" the same thing before it just gets old.

They're definitely frustrating, but they can be useful. For the past few days I've been reacclimating myself to GT4 - having not played for years. At first I was all over the place, which was rather humbling, for someone who used to be half decent. :lol: But the license tests really helped me dust off my skills, though I'm still no virtual Lewis Hamilton. Maybe a non-compulsory 'driving school' mode would be better?
Offline of course. Haven't played a proper GT since fifteen years (I've played sport, but don't like it), so go figure. I remember the ritual though. First I will buy an used car, and then little by little...

Another difference from that era is that at long last I'll play a GT game properly with a wheel, so long t300 is ps5 compatible.
I'm not really interested in online racing in Gran Tursimo, I have sims on my PC for that, so for me it'll be the offline experience. It's the same reason why I've not bothered with GT Sport - I want the full nostalgic experience of starting with one of the 500 different flavours of identical MX5, slowly building it up, getting better cars, smashing through championships, and all the rest of it.
Prerequisite: Driving wheel. No wheel, no PS5/GT7
  1. Grab whatever El Cheapo car is available (I haven't played GT for at least 10 years so I have no clue what to expect in terms of the initial garage) and look around
  2. License tests
  3. Explore the online options, community, interface, garage...everything
  4. Offline racing at Tsukuba, Trial Mountain, "Côte d'Azur" if it's in the game, the Ring...all old school tracks.
  5. Complain about something
  6. Look for Gold Junkies and arrange online events
  7. See #2... rinse and repeat
I'm going to complete the campaign first, for the most part. On the way, I'm gonna largely keep my cars stock. But if we can't pick the color of the prize cars (and I think we could in GT6) and a car comes in a color that's not my favorite, I'll use the spare for modifying, or perhaps sell it right away depending on 1) if we can sell prize cars, and 2) if I need more credits for a car required to enter another campaign event. This is especially going to be the case if the RM system returns as a way to obtain various racecars that can be used as part of formal groups like Gr.3. I might just see how wacky the customization gets on some, but I plan to have at least one of each car left as-stock.

I don't know how much I'll participate competitively online, though. We'll see. I wanna see more interesting championships and online events - ones that don't necessarily need to offer a real-world prize, like the special Sport Mode Time Trials do in GTS, or the FIAGTCs. If there's nothing interesting, I might play more casually online, maybe doing the equivalent of GTS' Daily Races, and perhaps some lobbies - especially depending on how much we can customize the rules and regulations within lobbies.
I will start the game, put some info of myself in there (If it's required) then i'll buy a Mazda RX-7 GT-X from the used car dealership, change his oil, and go straight to the Sunday Cup. After that race I'll tune the car to race on the FR Challenge, and after that, i'll do the license tests.

or just play the arcade option
Are those confirmed to come back? I hate those things. How many times can you do the same basic tests and be "taught" the same thing before it just gets old.

ofc lets just ignore the newcomers and new future gt players. gg
ofc lets just ignore the newcomers and new future gt players. gg
I'm not saying they can't be in the game. I said they get old to me and I'd much rather skip them.

If it's any consolation, I know a newcomer to the series who happened to find them boring in GTS.
If offline sucks again I'll avoid it like the plague. The game, and its strengths and weaknesses, will dictate how I play it.

Its too early to say.
Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool to have seemingly five levels of tuning, but I think if I’d find it more stressful than fun if I tried to outfit every car for every situation. I wanna see what the regulations permit, both for ranked races and lobbies, and then go from there. But in addition to my plan of having one of each car as-stock, I may get another one of each car that can be outfitted with body parts, if only to craft those cars to my aesthetic tastes. Stuff like bodykits, or generally if a car is able to have more than just different wheels and a rear wing. I wanna see more stuff like in GT6, like where you could change the headlights/tail lights on some cars, add a top to the El Camino’s bed, or add front and rear canards or diffusers.
Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool to have seemingly five levels of tuning, but I think if I’d find it more stressful than fun if I tried to outfit every car for every situation. I wanna see what the regulations permit, both for ranked races and lobbies, and then go from there. But in addition to my plan of having one of each car as-stock, I may get another one of each car that can be outfitted with body parts, if only to craft those cars to my aesthetic tastes. Stuff like bodykits, or generally if a car is able to have more than just different wheels and a rear wing. I wanna see more stuff like in GT6, like where you could change the headlights/tail lights on some cars, add a top to the El Camino’s bed, or add front and rear canards or diffusers.

Same here. I'm not a gearhead so I tend to avoid fine tuning. And since that means I'm more or less a spec racer, all I really want from GT7 is skilled AI. Seriously. I'll take GT3 with skilled AI over GT7 with random brake-checkers.
With my hands!
With my hands!
Know what? I might use the motion controil function more. I only used it once in GTS. Maybe if I build a stand and place the controller on it, it'll feel better. Instead of me moving my arms out or to the left too much. Something stable to rest it on, might make me more comfortable.

I'm not at the buying a wheel stage yet(moving soon, so I'm seeing how much space I'll have). However, a skinny adjustrable stand and a rotating knuckle for the controller, might be my best bet.

Okay, just tried it then. I'm not ready. :lol:
With GT 7, I will be mostly offline.

Firstly, Im going to start by admiring the final GT map menu to get that feeling of nostalgia back again, like when I played all passed GT games (except GT6 as I skipped it when I got the PS4).

After that, I will start with circuit experience, then the licenses (making sure I get gold in all tests), and finally good old Sunday Cup and work my way up after that.
Unhealthy levels of salt in this post, skip if you can't afford any more in your diet.

I've been thinking about GT7 since the reveal. I'm really excited for the game, but I'm not even sure why, because all I can realistically expect from the series is utter crap.

GT AI has been known from day 1 to be rather dim witted, cheating, rubber bandy things. It works for an arcadey title like the earlier PS1 titles, but as the series takes itself more and more seriously, and physics get more and more realistic, the AI is simply an infuriating joke. And as the first GT7 trailer has shown, they still do stupid crap like brake checking on corner exits. I know GT7 is a long ways off and the AI can improve, but at this point in the series, is it even worth hoping for the AI to improve?

If the AI doesn't improve, the whole campaign mode might as well not exist. Campaign mode in GT Sport is a boring chore, where you overtake the entire field lap 5 of 15 and then spend the rest of the session hot lapping and then miss out on your clean race bonus because some clown drove into you. Even if GT7 returns to a more traditional gameplay style and focus, it all means nothing if the AI, the backbone of that experience, is a collection of dangerous, clueless, lifeless fools.

So I guess that leaves me with the online and Sport modes. But seeing the state of Sport mode in GT Sport, I've given up on it entirely. I really think PD bit off more than what they can chew with the penalty system in Sport, and the constant band aids on bullet wounds makes me believe that they've given up making a halfway decent Sport mode.

I honestly don't know what fun I can gleam from GT7, even if I really want to get it and enjoy it. I really hope I can find the kid in me that enjoyed the older titles again. At most, I think I'm just going to enjoy driving cars in time trails, photo mode, and livery editor. So I gotta ask, what do you guys realistically expect from GT7? How will you have fun with it? How will you play GT7?

Thanks for putting up with the salt.
If I buy GT7 I'll play it on a PS5. Also if the extra CR. is not optional with the special edition I'll buy the standard edition. I like to do the hard work instead of being handed things left right and center. That shortens the gameplay for me.
I can't really say because I don't know how the career mode will work... However if it's like GT4 and GT5, I'll try a number of approaches depending on what mood I'm in. I'll either build up a slow car to compete in an event or buy a fast car which I don't need to tune. Or I'll play the game like a cheapskate and buy the most cost-effective cars to increase cash flow.
ofc lets just ignore the newcomers and new future gt players. gg

Which is why they should be optional or evolved to be more realistic. No real racing drivers learn or earn licenses by doing tests like that against the clock, they earn licenses by completing races to get experience, racing cleanly and winning/finishing well in series.

I would much rather earn licenses passively like rather than doing "Here is how the brakes work", "This is a hairpin" tests again.

I don't know why so many want GT to remain the exact same game, over and over.
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First thing I want to do is a very mild road tune for cars like the R32 GT-R and E30 M3. Sports brakes, suspension & exhaust etc. Then take ‘em to the Nordschleife and drive for fun.

Even less than inspiring cars like the bog standard 208 can be pretty cool with a modest tune and parts upgrade.
Sim racing is completely different then the games of Fortnight types each race takes less then a hour to finish the thing is you don’t have to come in first to be a winner. There is always racing within the race that’s give you a great feeling of beating The drivers that were in front of you during the race. You may start off with 16 cars and race 5 of them. Don’t get me wrong Finishing first is the best but you are never sitting on the bench like other sports or being killed in Fortnight in the first five minutes
Lined up the car models in my garage(again), that were in GT1, currently in GTS:

C2 Corvette
Viper GTS('02)
NSX Type R
Evo VI
WRX STi Type R
22B(similar to Rally version)
M70 Supra
Supra RZ

If we get the classic tracks list, I'd run these "original" GT cars around those circuits in Custom Race. As they are, feels very nostalgic driving these at Laguna Seca.
Mostly offline for me. I do hope we get an Arcade Mode similar to GT3 where you can eventually get to have all the cars in the game if you play through the race and time trial challenges, which can then be used in Custom Races and Free Time Trials.