If PD are putting so much into GT5, how much space will it take up (HDD)?

  • Thread starter finnracer
GT5 will not ship on a Blu-ray disc. Rather, the game will be stored on a dedicated 500 GB GTHDD. To play the game, simply swap your normal hard drive with the GT hard drive and turn on your ps3! And when you're done, it's simply a matter of swapping the GT hard drive with your normal one. :D
For the money, get a 500GB and get an enclosure for your original HDD. Go to an electronics store and "rent" an external drive to back up your PS3, take it back when you're done or keep it.

Just be careful with those cage screws, they are soft.
install size will be quite small if they get content streaming right. Likely only menus and general textures will be installed if any. DLC is of course a different thing.
Sony limit mandatory installs to 5GB. That's why MGS4 needed to do multiple installs throughout the game. Unfortunately, they don't seem to allow the user to opt to install more data than that. (It would've been nice to do the entire MGS4 install all at once, but that wasn't an option.)
Sony limit mandatory installs to 5GB. That's why MGS4 needed to do multiple installs throughout the game. Unfortunately, they don't seem to allow the user to opt to install more data than that. (It would've been nice to do the entire MGS4 install all at once, but that wasn't an option.)
About those 5GB on GT5P. Are they the space used in the disc version? or is it the space used when you buy the game from the PSstore?


If the link doesn't work out here this is where I found this info. www.gran-turismo.com > go to Japan (English version) >go to GT5 Prologue at the top of page click on it > then in the next window their is a picture of the "Game Box" click on it >. New window opens up click on "Introduction"> bottom of screen click on "data". On Data page it states HDD volume more than
5121 MB Yes MB

So I think what we have in our version is a big fat misprint on the box!

Link worked just go to "Data" on the link!

Do I get any bonus points for finding this

Message Edited by opelgt on 08-28-2008 09:47 PM

I say about 8GB but again for me upgrading the drive not that much of a problem since SATA 120 - 250GB are not that expensive anymore.