
  • Thread starter Jordan


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Hey Klandrader, I just checked your profile and noticed teaching my 10 month old daughter to play gran turismo.  

How's she doing?  :)
wheel  lets see here she pretty much has the gas button down just as much as me and shes bound for speeding tickets when she gets her license  :)

another word to live by:  SPEED Kills but you get there faster!!!!
By the way, Klandrader, look up at the top right of your screen.  You should see a flashing button that says You have a new message.  Please click on that, I've replied to your email there.  :)
No problem.  I understand AOL can be a pain in the rear sometimes.  :)
Hey Klandrader, what made you decide to pick the avatar you got.  Im curious to know because I asked Jordan to put that one on the board so I could use it here.  
You drive a Cavalier?  Let me know.  
BTW, that avatar is a goal for my Cavalier.   Well almost, just not as extreme.  Later.
Oh, I thought that was your Cavalier only with the sponsors on it...  :smilewinkgrin:
well misnblu it just so happens that yeah i do drive a cavalier  i couldnt pass it up for the price its a '92 Z24 and im slowly working on upgrading it hard to with a wife and kid though  is that your cav in the pic misnblu?  one more thing can you guys/gals send something to my new email for me since my aol mail isnt recieving anything  thanx :)
There, I just sent you an email at your new address.
Now, there's a good question!  I wonder if there's many female visitors to GTPlanet...

Yeah, I know what you mean.  I sure do love girls, though.  :D
well i didnt want to be prejudice or anything my daughter loves the revving of the engine even in real life not to mention she also headbangs to metallica at the early age of 8 months
Headbangs to Metallica at 8 months?  Like father like daughter, I guess...  :)
OK, I'll take your word for it.  Most 8 month-olds I know just dance around when the Teletubbies come on...  :conf: