Legalization of Marijuana

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There not testing athletes for marijuana now, why would they start after its legalized. If they where testing for marijuana in our athletes pro sports would be dead.
Actually the NFL and NBA both test for marijuana. The NFL does one test a year between April and August(if the player isn't in the drug abuse program), so they can smoke the rest of the year. NBA does 4 random drug test a year. MLB doesn't test unless there's reasonable suspicion. NHL doesn't test at all.

A player on the Buffalo Bills was just suspended 10 games, for using marijuanna to treat Crohn's disease. I don't know how often players are suspended in the NBA, because I don't really follow it, but I hear of players in the NFL getting suspended frequently.

Even though it's legal In certain states, your employer still has a right to test you for it. You can work in Colorado and still be required to take a marijuanna test for your job, like heavy equipment operator etc.
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Actually the NFL and NBA both test for marijuana. The NFL does one test a year between April and August(if the player isn't in the drug abuse program), so they can smoke the rest of the year. NBA does 4 random drug test a year. MLB doesn't test unless there's reasonable suspicion. NHL doesn't test at all.

A player on the Buffalo Bills was just suspended 10 games, for using marijuanna to treat Crohn's disease. I don't know how often players are suspended in the NBA, because I don't really follow it, but I hear of players in the NFL getting suspended frequently.
Those are usually cases of the player being caught for possession or the like outside the sport. Very rarely is it from a failed test by the athlete.
Those are usually cases of the player being caught for possession or the like outside the sport. Very rarely is it from a failed test by the athlete.

I didn't look up any statistics so I don't know that, but they do test. You would have to be pretty stupid to test positive in the NFL, but it happens.

I don't know how "hard" they test in the NBA, it seems like there would be a lot of suspensions. :)
Aren't most if not all of the PED's that'll get you banned in a heartbeat also legal? I don't think the legality of it would matter.

Yes you may need a prescription for those PED's but they're still legal.
Thanks for responses, i wonder why leagues conduct their own anti doping programmes or is it WADA like uk soccer teams have to use ? I think it would be a bit pointless to test as there certainly is no advantage from being stoned playing sport.
They test for the safety of the other players. NASCAR had a driver in their lower leagues some years ago. He tested positive for Heroin and then admitted to driving high.
The NFL tests for PEDs, but they also test for everything else while they are at it.
I honestly think it is for the fines and to brainwash little kids into believing cannabis is bad.
Actually the NFL and NBA both test for marijuana. The NFL does one test a year between April and August(if the player isn't in the drug abuse program), so they can smoke the rest of the year. NBA does 4 random drug test a year. MLB doesn't test unless there's reasonable suspicion. NHL doesn't test at all.

A player on the Buffalo Bills was just suspended 10 games, for using marijuanna to treat Crohn's disease. I don't know how often players are suspended in the NBA, because I don't really follow it, but I hear of players in the NFL getting suspended frequently.

Even though it's legal In certain states, your employer still has a right to test you for it. You can work in Colorado and still be required to take a marijuanna test for your job, like heavy equipment operator etc.
This is something I'm wondering about. If I went to California where it became legalized & smoked, then came back to Texas & was drug tested at work, is that grounds for termination?

I technically did not break any laws, tmk.
This is something I'm wondering about. If I went to California where it became legalized & smoked, then came back to Texas & was drug tested at work, is that grounds for termination?

I technically did not break any laws, tmk.
It doesn't have to be illegal, if it's your work's rules. I can understand why it's like that at certain jobs. Alchohal is legal, but you can't show up to work drunk or drive to work drunk. They can give you a breathalyzer to tell if you've been drinking, but I'm not aware of a test that shows if you're high At the moment. It's usually a urine test or hair test, which covers an amount of time.(30days-several months etc).

I Used to smoke regularly 15 yrs ago or so for a couple years. I'm for it being legal, but there's certain jobs where coming to work high should definitely be against company rules.
It doesn't have to be illegal, if it's your work's rules. I can understand why it's like that at certain jobs. Alchohal is legal, but you can't show up to work drunk or drive to work drunk. They can give you a breathalyzer to tell if you've been drinking, but I'm not aware of a test that shows if you're high At the moment. It's usually a urine test or hair test, which covers an amount of time.(30days-several months etc).

I Used to smoke regularly 15 yrs ago or so for a couple years. I'm for it being legal, but there's certain jobs where coming to work high should definitely be against company rules.
Well obviously I wouldn't be coming to work high; my job does involve a lot of driving.

But, typically, if they find you've been smoking pot, it would be grounds for termination as it's still illegal here unless you have a medical license. That's my question; if I smoked in a legal state over a vacation & I was drug tested upon my return, can I rightfully be fired? I would have done nothing wrong legally and I wouldn't be working under the influence. The only fear I see is proving I smoked in a legal setting and not just somewhere after work.
Well obviously I wouldn't be coming to work high; my job does involve a lot of driving.

But, typically, if they find you've been smoking pot, it would be grounds for termination as it's still illegal here unless you have a medical license. That's my question; if I smoked in a legal state over a vacation & I was drug tested upon my return, can I rightfully be fired? I would have done nothing wrong legally and I wouldn't be working under the influence. The only fear I see is proving I smoked in a legal setting and not just somewhere after work.
That's kind of what some of my point is, about the actual drug testing itself. If you take a urine test, it just shows you've smoked in the past 28 days, or whatever the number is. It can't tell them that you smoked it at home on a Saturday night, or if you came to work high.

Edit: as far your company's goes, I don't think it matters where you smoked, if it's against their policy you can be fired.
Well obviously I wouldn't be coming to work high; my job does involve a lot of driving.

But, typically, if they find you've been smoking pot, it would be grounds for termination as it's still illegal here unless you have a medical license. That's my question; if I smoked in a legal state over a vacation & I was drug tested upon my return, can I rightfully be fired? I would have done nothing wrong legally and I wouldn't be working under the influence. The only fear I see is proving I smoked in a legal setting and not just somewhere after work.
I don't know much on the subject, but I imagine it would be grounds for termination. I would think that because you knew before hand that it was illegal in your state, and that your job was against it than it would still be just as much an issue regardless of where you were, no matter if it was legal there or not.
That's kind of what some of my point is, about the actual drug testing itself. If you take a urine test, it just shows you've smoked in the past 28 days, or whatever the number is. It can't tell them that you smoked it at home on a Saturday night, or if you came to work high.

Edit: as far your company's goes, I don't think it matters where you smoked, if it's against their policy you can be fired.

I don't know much on the subject, but I imagine it would be grounds for termination. I would think that because you knew before hand that it was illegal in your state, and that your job was against it than it would still be just as much an issue regardless of where you were, no matter if it was legal there or not.
But again, the only reason it's against company policy is because marijuana is illegal in Texas for recreational use. I would think if I can prove I used the substance in a state where it is legal, it could be overseen (like medicinal use is). Like I said, I would have done nothing wrong.

It could be the same as our policy as against alcohol; you can only be reprimanded for it if it is consumed on company premises or in a company car. Or prescription pills that are allowed as long as they are used as directed.

Guess it's a question best asked directly with my HR. Appreciate yalls input none the less.
Guess it's a question best asked directly with my HR.
I would not recommend doing that. They can fire you just for the suspicion of use.(not sure how it works there, In GA they can fire just cause they want too.) And as stated many times. You're still dirty even if you have not smoked for 2 weeks.(they can slap a random test on you)
And even if it is legal, whatever you signed when you got hired probably has a anti-drug policy somewhere in it.
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I would not recommend doing that. They can fire you just for the suspicion of use.(not sure how it works there, In GA they can fire just cause they want too.) And as stated many times. You're still dirty even if you have not smoked for 2 weeks.(they can slap a random test on you)
And even if it is legal, whatever you signed when you got hired probably has a anti-drug policy somewhere in it.
No, they can't. Asking what the company guidelines are is not grounds for termination with state laws beginning to change. I know it's still "dirty"; the question pertained becoming "dirty" where it's legal & not in Tx.

The more I look into it, the more I see it is an issue with not only vacationers, but folks who live in pot-legal states. Many lawyers do not feel termination is entirely fair, but unlike race, religion, etc., pot is not protected & employers can terminate as desired. The recommended action is reviewing a company's policy, and being completely upfront with it so one knows exactly where the company stands. The hurdle they have to clear is perfecting the drug test to show if you are currently using. They do not feel it is entirely fair to let someone go who does excellent work & never creates problems because they smoked off site as what happened with Brandon Coats. So, I guess I've had my answer from the get-go by Ima & Prouson.
No, they can't
Yes they can. You ask HR, some snitch in HR tells his boss, 9 random days later they tell you to pee in a cup or you're fired.
Wifey lost a long time coworker who was asking about testing for his friend trying to get a job. And they are janitors! Who wouldn't need one after cleaning up poop all day? Anyways...

I want to back track a little.
it would be grounds for termination as it's still illegal here unless you have a medical license.
Ok, so I have learned something about your states law. Do you have a medical license? Is it for weed or one of the medicinal oils?
If not, you're fired.
But again, the only reason it's against company policy is because marijuana is illegal in Texas for recreational use.
So, again, you'll get fired.
The hurdle they have to clear is perfecting the drug test to show if you are currently using.
I think Colorado is working on it or implemented a prototype(not sure) and I heard GA is looking into investing in it for more ticket revenue. We just got Sunday beer recently, I'm not holding my breath for legalization here. And the legal medicinal oils here don't get you high.
I say ask for a copy of your application and whatever you signed when you got hired, so you or your lawyer can review it.
My job is simple, don't ask, don't tell. You get into an accident driving, you better be ready to pee and give some blood that day.(we have our snitchs too, everyone's fighting for contracts...) Dog, eat, dog world!

Wait... Does your job even do random testing? If not, no need to worry, do you and fly under the radar.
Yes they can. You ask HR, some snitch in HR tells his boss, 9 random days later they tell you to pee in a cup or you're fired.
Wifey lost a long time coworker who was asking about testing for his friend trying to get a job. And they are janitors! Who wouldn't need one after cleaning up poop all day? Anyways...
Our HR doesn't work that way. If they wanted to fire me for asking, HR can do it themselves since all that paperwork goes directly through them. We recently lost a member b/c HR made no exemptions for a mistake he made, despite what the head honcho of our work thought.
Ok, so I have learned something about your states law. Do you have a medical license? Is it for weed or one of the medicinal oils?
If not, you're fired.

So, again, you'll get fired.
But, I'm not smoking anywhere in Texas to begin with, so the legality of pot wouldn't be the grounds for termination; all they can do is assume it entered my system in Texas, though my boss knows me better than that. If I told him I smoked in California, he would believe me b/c he would have proof I was out there.
I think Colorado is working on it or implemented a prototype(not sure) and I heard GA is looking into investing in it for more ticket revenue. We just got Sunday beer recently, I'm not holding my breath for legalization here. And the legal medicinal oils here don't get you high.
I say ask for a copy of your application and whatever you signed when you got hired, so you or your lawyer can review it.
My job is simple, don't ask, don't tell. You get into an accident driving, you better be ready to pee and give some blood that day.(we have our snitchs too, everyone's fighting for contracts...) Dog, eat, dog world!

Wait... Does your job even do random testing? If not, no need to worry, do you and fly under the radar.
I can just review our drug policy, but it's very brief and groups alcohol in it with the added description that if it's done legally & not within' company property/time, it's ok. Same with prescription drugs; if they are yours and used as prescribed, they're ok as well.

Hence why I would rather just be up front and ask before I left on vacation to be clear. As said, if I was told the policy remains regardless if it's legal or not, I would accept a drug test upon my return because I would refrain from smoking after that point. My work knows my record well after 4+ years, and I'm always polite with our HR about questions. I'd be asking out of the benefit of making sure I'd still have a job & be safe from any repercussions, not for a Weed Pass to go get baked every night.
Weather its legal or not has no bearing on your companies drug policy. If they have a zero tolerance policy and you test positive your fired regardless of the law. That's what you (presumably) signed when you were hired. They aren't testing you for yours or others safety concerns, its for the tax breaks and workers comp fee breaks.
I found this funny, but the worthless rag of a local newspaper we have in my hometown is urging people to be careful with Marijuana usage now and urging regulation on businesses that would sell recreational Marijuana now that California has legalized it with a letter from the County District Attorney warning of possible increases of violent crime, homelessness and the real funny part, overdoses. 1930's style scare tactics from the DA. Had to laugh.
Bringing it back around to sports. There is a notion that being a bit high is somewhat of a performance enhancement. Many athletes that smoke, especially those in the action sports world, say that a few puffs allows them to have a but more concentration as well as numbing a bit of fear, allowing them to perform crazier tricks they may not have tried/ pulled off sober. Having been an aggressive inline skater when I was younger, I was clearly smoking to much for that benefit.
I also understand that there is a benefit from smoking a bit before and after a work out/training session as well.
After i raised the issue of us sports and weed on here last week. Last nights episode of weediquette s2 e4 was all about how nfl players use it to recover after games, but the league is very opposed to its use. Very interesting and raises several issues and questions. well worth a watch !
On a similar note, I'm reminded of a few high-profile drugs-related suspensions doled out by the WWE when their wrestlers have either been caught with weed or fail a drug test (e.g. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy), and how many of them end up dying (relatively) young due to prescription painkiller abuse. IIRC Kurt Angle was taking 50 tablets of vicodin a day at one point.
On a similar note, I'm reminded of a few high-profile drugs-related suspensions doled out by the WWE when their wrestlers have either been caught with weed or fail a drug test (e.g. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy), and how many of them end up dying (relatively) young due to prescription painkiller abuse. IIRC Kurt Angle was taking 50 tablets of vicodin a day at one point.
How on earth? I take one and my nose drivers me crazy from itching. I couldn't imagine eating 50 pills a day. How do you even function much less stay awake!
On a similar note, I'm reminded of a few high-profile drugs-related suspensions doled out by the WWE when their wrestlers have either been caught with weed or fail a drug test (e.g. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy), and how many of them end up dying (relatively) young due to prescription painkiller abuse. IIRC Kurt Angle was taking 50 tablets of vicodin a day at one point.

WrestleMania VII was 25 years ago. From that show, 7 wrestlers have died from drug-related problems, usually heart attacks, at a relatively young age.

British Bulldog, aged 39 (2002)
Mr. Perfect, aged 44 (2003)
Hawk, aged 46 (2003)
Big Boss Man, aged 41 (2004)
Hercules Hernandez, aged 47 (2004)
Crush, aged 43 (2007)
Ultimate Warrior, aged 54 (2014)

And I'm being generous by not counting the deaths of Randy Savage, Roddy Piper and Kevin Von Erich, who are also deceased from that show and whose deaths were premature but not conclusively attributed towards drug abuse.

But if you were to look into the number of drug-related deaths in professional wrestling from the era before 1995 when almost everyone was on drugs all of the time, you'd just feel so depressed.

I find it more likely his cronies and lobbiests want to go after pot and hes to incompetent to actually be bothered with doing the president's job. He'd rather continue campaigning.