Mission 25 - Catchin' some Z's at Fuji

  • Thread starter Swift
Is this regarded as the easiest one-lap miracle?

I haven't succeeded yet, but came pretty close, in my "should be going to bed, just verifying my backup save" game-playing time.
I passed this Mission pretty quickly the next day, as I thought I would. I knew what time gap I needed by the first checkpoint, and so could quit at that point if I'd messed it up. Essentially, the fifth-place car needs to be clearly in sight at the first checkpoint, and then you begin threading your way past them. Staying in fifth gear (resisting temptation to shift up to sixth) seemed like it might have helped on the winning run.

I think this Mission should be easy for most people; master of Fuji or no.

Essentially, you have three corners to get right, all by yourself with no traffic in the way, and then you get close enough that you can just power pass the other cars.
it was alright but the first 3 times i was off by 0.544 seconds cause i usually take the Z out to fuji and have fun but the mission rolled around i found that the car was VERY quick and i used just the throttle to zip past the rest of the rides

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Just stay on the track and don't hit anyone. Boom. Done.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
First try. Won by a relative mile. It's ease was convenient, as that mission helped me get closer to getting me a Toyota 7. Which I did. sorry don't have a pic.