[Mod] Gran Turismo 4 Unified Soundtrack

  • Thread starter Sal_89
I'm sorry for putting you through all this hassle. I'm just itching for more songs on gt4.
I don't know if that is a joke (and hope so), but once again, all what you need is in the file you downloaded, on purpose to not cause possible misunderstanding. Lastly, the read me file is wrote in an "idiot proof" manner, so isn't possible to not get it. Every step is wrote in a detailed way
I don't think you understand. All of the apps say the file is too big to open. The read me is probably inside the file, meaning I can't access it. I understand that the actual read me is written in an idiot proof manner, but I can't even access it!
There is a reason I'm not able to install it. I'm not just a random idiot. All possible apps on windows 11 can't open files bigger than 512 MB.
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OH! I finally think I get it! The NTSC-US one is an xdelta file, which is quite rare and unused, whereas the Online Public Beta version is a .rar file, which is way more commonly used, and more apps support it!
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ok. From what it seems like, you should download both, then you will know what to do.
Ok, from what it seems like, you are probably trolling
How is possible that you can't a .txt file? Windows have a NotePad by default. DeltaPatcher for the .xdelta is already in
I sure hope OP would make an update that would made it work 🫤
In the meantime, Spec II is good on its own.
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Please consider making it compatible with Spec II for the ultimate GT4 experience
Why not? Spec II is a great mod. I don't understand beef that people have with the mod. It's really well done.
That's not a beef thing. Is a principle thing. It would be have lots of patches for each small update that Spec II gets. I have barely the space to host the current ones. Also, TheAdmiester, the Spec II creator, doesn't want to use the missing musicfor his mod due "possible copyright issues", then is an another no. Stop asking this, I will never make Spec II compatible stuff, the same with other possible mods made by others
If you want a Spec II like with all this music, just wait when I will finish the Enhanced Mod
Never heard about the enhanced mod. I guess I don't mind duplicating my existing GT4 copy to patch it with yours as long as you include looser chase camera that doesn't stiffly follow the car and make it a toggleable option like Spec II has.

My gripe with GT4 was always the chase camera. It's utterly terrible. It's single-handedly an issue across the series past GT4, until GT7 (which has camera options to loosen it up), that prevented me from playing them, due to motion sickness.
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Never heard about the enhanced mod. I guess I don't mind duplicating my existing GT4 copy to patch it with yours as long as you include looser chase camera that doesn't stiffly follow the car and make it a toggleable option like Spec II has.

My gripe with GT4 was always the chase camera. It's utterly terrible. It's single-handedly an issue across the series past GT4, until GT7 (which has camera options to loosen it up), that prevented me from playing them, due to motion sickness.
It was always shadowed by the Spec II one thanks to some people that like to throw sht to my every work, then it was never knew much. It is around from like 2 years already, it was the first modern GT4 mod. You can read the thread always on this site. The chase camera can be changed with cheats made by Silent. Spec II just make a toggle for it. This is maybe the worst excuse I've ever heard for prevent to play a game. Lastly, even TheAdmiester himself said again that is against that. Just unpack the game by yourself and do whatever you want, like many people already done with music and other stuff
It was always shadowed by the Spec II one thanks to some people that like to throw sht to my every work, then it was never knew much. It is around from like 2 years already, it was the first modern GT4 mod. You can read the thread always on this site. The chase camera can be changed with cheats made by Silent. Spec II just make a toggle for it. This is maybe the worst excuse I've ever heard for prevent to play a game. Lastly, even TheAdmiester himself said again that is against that. Just unpack the game by yourself and do whatever you want, like many people already done with music and other stuff
If you want to know why people throw sht at your work, then the answer is right here in your post.

"This is maybe the worst excuse I've ever heard for prevent to play a game."

Your attitude.

You literally say that my reason is the worst reason, completely dismissing the legitimate reason which is motion sickness. The camera being stationary, glued to car's rear like this causes me to be motion sick because its constantly moving with the car and I have no possibility to grab onto the game's horizon or any point during turns, becuase as the car wobbles, the camera wobbles too left and right. Loosening it makes it so its easier for me to grab onto various reference points on the horizon so I don't get sick like riding a rollercoaster just left and right. TheAdmiester hasn't called my reason "the worst ever". You're just very unpleasant to talk with and you judge people harshly for no reason. I guess this is why people throw shade at your work because you demonstrate to be extremely judgemental and unlikeable.

You could've said "well I don't plan to include the camera because I just think the cheats are there for it" instead of reducing yourself to calling my reason "the worst".

Atleast TheAdmiester was helpful and nice and didn't throw shade at my reason, even though I told him its purely feel (which is actually stupid because I prefer Forza's feel, but he was really nice about it).

Some self reflection is in order.

Good day to you.
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If you want to know why people throw sht at your work, then the answer is right here in your post.

"This is maybe the worst excuse I've ever heard for prevent to play a game."

Your attitude.

You literally say that my reason is the worst reason, completely dismissing the legitimate reason which is motion sickness. The camera being stationary, glued to car's rear like this causes me to be motion sick because its constantly moving with the car and I have no possibility to grab onto the game's horizon or any point during turns, becuase as the car wobbles, the camera wobbles too left and right. Loosening it makes it so its easier for me to grab onto various reference points on the horizon so I don't get sick like riding a rollercoaster just left and right. TheAdmiester hasn't called my reason "the worst ever". You're just very unpleasant to talk with and you judge people harshly for no reason. I guess this is why people throw shade at your work because you demonstrate to be extremely judgemental and unlikeable.

You could've said "well I don't plan to include the camera because I just think the cheats are there for it" instead of reducing yourself to calling my reason "the worst".

Atleast TheAdmiester was helpful and nice and didn't throw shade at my reason, even though I told him its purely feel (which is actually stupid because I prefer Forza's feel, but he was really nice about it).

Some self reflection is in order.

Good day to you.
There's many ways to prevent this. Just don't use the chase camera for example. Use the first person one, or roof if isn't a problem. The attitude bs is always the same excuse I get. People just can't take a "no" as a reply. If you don't like a thing, just don't throw sht. I don't judge harshly people. I just say the truth, bad or not. I'm tired of people that fake to don't understand things. People like you turned me like this. If you in first place accepted my no, all of this it wouldn't have happened. I'm an objective person. You want be my friend? Respect my thoughts if you like or not. You don't like it? All right, is ok, just don't try to change my thought. Again, if is no, is no. Lastly, I've said that you can use Silent cheat (like TheAdmeister said too) for adjust the camera like you want, then is just false that I minimized your motion sickness. How I shadowed your problem, though? Who knows. Why TheAdmiester should be "angry" if a GT player plays Forza too? I think most people played both
Oh, self reflection is a thing I make often, and I always come that The Internet in general ruined our minds, reaching these abysmal discussions throwing sht each other
So... Have a good day too