****Old Muscle Car Madness Championship****

  • Thread starter reefer
Before logging off last night I could see my time and fad's time on ps3, however, no TT times are showing on my PC. Yeah, stayed all the way until the end. Unusually unusual.

Usually everyone makes a good number of mistakes and often I'm trying to find who made the least mistakes. I also include where the driver finished in my thinking as well. In the incident you mentioned, it was just an unavoidable accident. There wasn't much you could have done about it. Look how clean you were with me on the last lap of the first race! Great stuff Al.

I still remember that breaking point. :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed::gtpflag:

My best time with Gosthrider65 base tune.
That's a decent time Al. I'm still not happy with my tune yet.

FYI: We'll be running both races Reverse Grid this weekend at Paul's track. It's a really difficult track to pass on so I expect to see a lot of patient drivers on Saturday night biding their time, waiting for the right opportunity. Forcing a pass here is not the way to go, it's not that kinda track. Quali as usual, give it your all. Good luck all for the last madness meet in GT6!:cheers:
Quali with reverse grid race...hmm...not good.

I trust the people I'm racing with to do qualifying as usual. It's a good bunch of guys and only for fun.

Or am I missing something Jammy?

Edit: we ran both races last week with a Slowest First setting and everyone gave it their all. The idea is to keep the pack together so that we've got someone to race against rather than driving around on your lonesome for 40 minutes.
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What's a point of quali with reverse grid...why would I run for my money to get last spot in the grid...don't use quali at all it's waste of time now... anyway your series your rules.
It's just to me this seems little odd.
I suppose Jammy does have a point about qualifying.

It's a shame that there isn't a random grid order that could be used for the first race. It would mix it up without having to qualify.
Does practice/race mode if everyone stays in the pits have the desired effect?
Of course Quali with with a Slowest First setting doesn't make sense; everyone knows that. Is there a difference between "Practice/Race/Slowest First" vs. "Practice/Quali/Race/Slowest First? I wanted everyone to set a time rather than just turn up at the eleventh hour and be in Pole/at the front. I just want some of the slower drivers and those who haven't had a chance to practice to feel part of it. Given the above, what's the best suggestion?

Does practice/race mode if everyone stays in the pits have the desired effect?

I don't know how that would work Paul.

Had some good races on Raebrook last night:tup: And your new track, Eifel Downs (?) is another If classic and would have been great to race the Muscle on. Would be perfect for blue's series:cheers:
Okay, I can see that I'm overthinking this, trying too hard to make it fun for everyone. I was trying to avoid a procession, racing alone, which can be very boring. Race night will be as per normal.
Okay, I can see that I'm overthinking this, trying too hard to make it fun for everyone. I was trying to avoid a procession, racing alone, which can be very boring. Race night will be as per normal.

On my part I really enjoy the racing in your championship :cheers: as you said everyone can be in :bowdown: good job joe 👍
Ok I can see your point of view and I don't wanna spoil your wish with my whining. I can live with that reverse grid.
I think in "Practice/Race/Slowest First or fastest first" mode everyone who don't make any laptimes in practice will be put in grid in some random order.
I wanted everyone to set a time rather than just turn up at the eleventh hour and be in Pole/at the front. I just want some of the slower drivers and those who haven't had a chance to practice to feel part of it.

Okay, I can see that I'm overthinking this, trying too hard to make it fun for everyone. I was trying to avoid a procession, racing alone, which can be very boring. Race night will be as per normal.
Okay, I can see that I'm overthinking this

as you said everyone can be in

Joe. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:Just want to say again that it's a brilliant championship and I've really enjoyed racing with everyone.
Keep the format as it is because it works. We all have fun and the close racing happens without it being contrived. But i also think it's good for the fast guys to show what they can do and something for us slower ones to try to emulate. I enjoy my mid pack and tail ender racing.:D

Looking forward to our finale. As usual haven't turned a wheel in the last car or track!?!
Ok I can see your point of view and I don't wanna spoil your wish with my whining.

You have a good point mate - I just wanted others to enjoy being at the top for a change (and wasn't sure of the best way to achieve that).

Thanks for all for your comments and to Suts above. We'll stick to the format we have been using throughout the championship:tup:
Okay, I can see that I'm overthinking this, trying too hard to make it fun for everyone. I was trying to avoid a procession, racing alone, which can be very boring. Race night will be as per normal.

overthinking no !!!! but joe you are just not a Winner :-) must be too easy for you lol but same here lol i like to be passed and pass drivers. a good race is alot of good battels even if i'm last :-)

keep the good Work up joe :-)
overthinking no !!!! but joe you are just not a Winner :-) must be too easy for you lol but same here lol i like to be passed and pass drivers. a good race is alot of good battels even if i'm last :-)

keep the good Work up joe :-)
I agree. Winning is good, i know :D, but It´s only a game, the most principal thing for me is enjoy, so...let´s reverse race. :gtpflag:
IfAndOr, your track is awesome, very tecnical and funny. Did you try on wet condictions? Is realy funny. Thanks friend.
Oh thanks Al, glad you like it.

Rain? No I've not tried it out with added weather. I have enough trouble in the dry so I usually try to avoid the wet. :)

Have a look around in my track folder there may be some others you might like also. I seem to get favourable reports.

Had some good races on Raebrook last night
Have you found any overtaking places yet? ;)
Glad you liked the new track. Nice and wide for side by side racing.
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Tooma will be hosting the last race of the Muscle Car Madness series tonight. Maybe the more central location will reduce the amount of lag that's been around this week.

Looking forward to the final race in the series:tup:
As we approach the last race of this championship I
just wanted to share this video before the final chapter
is written. It is a look inside for those who missed the
Motoyama Speedway races, a sort of Reefer Madness showcase.
This is how we raced and bantered and these are the kind of race
meets that you thread lurkers missed out on. ; )
It might take a little while before the HD viewing is finished processing.
It's currently on 360p and working towards 720p.
1. Banter
2. Race 1
3. Banter
4. Race 2
5. Banter

Great video jocke, cool to hear all the chat. Thanks to all for waiting for me to arrive, really kind. The whole time watching it I'm shouting "read the thread, read the thread, I'm not going to make it!" Shows the good spirit among us and the great vibe Joe has created. Very touching.

Well that's the end of another great championship, and I hand my trophy over to a very worthy winner Joe. Well done mate, and thanks again for all your hard work putting this together.
Really cool to hear and see all our chat, Jocke. :cool:

Thank you Joe for another fantastic championship. :bowdown:Amazing cars and great user tracks by you, BB, tooma, Jocke and of course Paul. :bowdown:

As said already it's your personality and effort you put into this that gets us all here and makes us want to race with you and all our old and new friends.

Paul, great track last night. 👍 I really got into its flow but couldn't get below 1:50ish. However PSN has been rubbish so those 2 big lag spikes I experienced dropped me from 1st to 8th and my own mistakes dropped me further. :crazy: But it was the little battles and overtakes and side by side racing with minimal contact that makes this championship and racing with everyone so much fun. :lol:

Hope to "see" everyone soon in other races and clubs.

Thanks again Joe and Old Muscle racers.
Meet 8
Raebrook Raceway

Pontiac Tempest Le Mans GTO '64

*Cleanest Driver of the Day: guitar3rich again! Unlucky with lag in the first race but raced cleanly and considerately throughout both races.

Race 1 Results

1st - jam_my21________25
2nd - joe__kerr________20
3rd - autope10_________18
4th - bloodyboyblue_____16
5th - Fadmad_gt5_______14
6th - guitar3rich________12
7th - IfAndOr__________10
8th - Tom_Ascar________9
9th - sutsagrd__________8
10th -JockeP22_________7
11th - iamtooma________6
12th - buybon355_______5


Race 2 Results (Reverse Grid Start)

1st - jam_my21________25
2nd - joe__kerr________20
3rd - bloodyboyblue_____18
4th - autope10_________16
5th -JockeP22__________14
6th - Tom_Ascar________12
7th - buybon355________10
8th - Fadmad_gt5_______9
9th - IfAndOr___________8
10th - sutsagrd_________7
11th - iamtooma________6
12th - guitar3rich________5


Championship Standings
After Eight Meets (16 races)

and after calculating dropped scores
Note: only the Moonshine Run TT to add before calculating the final standings (which finishes soon)
positions can and will change so get bootlegging!

1st - joe_kerr__________288
2nd - jam_my21________238
3rd - autope10_________237*
4th - bloodyboyblue_____199*
5th - Tom_Ascar________175*
6th - sutsagrd__________172*
7th - Fadmad_gt5_______164*
8th - guitar3rich________143**
9th - JockeP22__________140
10th - iamtooma_________133*
11th - buybon355________124
12th - IfAndOr__________82*
13th - flaviousbutterus____41

The best 14 results from 16 races (8 week championship/2 races per meet minus the two lowest scoring races) will count towards the driver's total points score. This means anyone who misses a week won't be penalised.

ALL previous results can be found on post 2.

*Cleanest driver of the Day +12 points
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Colin, I appreciate your words mate, thanks. Same to you Suts. Good lads!

Well, I guess it's time to put the big brutes to bed now. Judging by the replays the last race was full of action, maybe the most action packed event of all along with Silverstone?

Got to apologise to Tom_Ascar and Jammy. I came off and, looking at the map, thought I had enough time to rejoin safely but instead came back on the track in front of Tom. Sorry mate. Same to Jammy for the tap onto the grass at the start of Race 2. (Replays are a great thing.) Had some great battles this morning and throughout the championship. In the main we had great turnouts, hard but considerate driving, good banter and a wonderful time watching Jocke's videos. I loved chillin' out with fad, Tom_Ascar, Al, richy and others during the weekday practices and my usual post-race chats with Tooma. To me it's more about the people than it is about the TROPHY 'cos without the right people the trophy means nothing. Jammy is the real winner anyway and I'm sure will continue to grow as a driver. Thanks again to all for giving up your precious time to race in the Madness Series and to Jocke for making all your videos and to the track creators for affording us these unique experiences. If this was a success, it's only because of you guys! As Al would say "Good driving friends." :cheers: