• Thread starter praiano63
Yes I can imagine. It just surprises me a bit though. PD will probably come with bigger payouts, I'm sure. But that will take some time.

In GT5 I think I ground through most of the game for average payouts until the seasonal's started ,at least seasonals have started already in 6.
I'm a fair player and a fair online racer. I've never take a lolypop from nobody in a half century of my life.
But i'm not a rich man , very far from this. I tune cars for the GT community for free. Around 4 millions visits in my GT5 garage to check for a tune , people who have pleasure playing GT with my cars.
Money is very difficult to earn in GT6, do you want me to pay real money for a virtual car ? It's not easy everyday and i need my money to eat me and my kids. I can't buy PSN credit for this.

You will find a lot of threads talking about this here in GTP

& you'll find me in a number of them complaining about micros & how they basically destroy the integrity of the game. Like downforce (or adding wings) no longer affects pp. You wonder if decisions are made with the spending of credits being a consideration or not. And you can go back and forth from weight reduction 3 to 2, say, to conform to a pp limit. But each time you change it costs credits. Are features... oh well, I'm sure you've seen or thought of all these considerations yourself.

Anyhow, I hope you'll tune the things that are of real interest to you before requests- though I'm sure requests bring up interesting cars you might not have thought of. I've bought all the cars you've tuned though I'm nowhere near in the game where I can use them and I gotta get to be a better driver before I try on-line. (They probably have races for newbies but being a lousy driver and a newbie making mistakes of etiquette would probably annoy people.) But I'm having a blast just tearing around practice tracks in cars like the Huayra and the Stradale that never would have occurred to me. As I mentioned to you before I'm getting a wheel- a G27- supposed to come tomorrow or the next day and that should get me up to a speed where I can broaden my horizons a bit.

Have you tried at all the new "flat floors" aero option? Costs pp. Not available for any of the ones you've tuned yet. Any opinion or not seen enough evidence yet to tell?

I hope once your blog has been up for a while and has jillions of hits you'll sell advertisement space on it. No reason to be pure- the cars themselves have adds plastered all over them. "Priano's Tunes, brought to you by Red Bull":lol:
Hello Praiano, (and greetings from Sydney Australia)

Thank you for the time you take to do the tunes.

This is my first post/message on GT Planet. I just tried to implement your tune on the Alpha Romeo Stradale - but ran into the same problems I had with GT5. Could you please tell me - step by step in what order to do things. I know others suffer from the same problem - I am 54 and no dummy but when I followed your tune - when I put the top speed up to 186mph all the gear ratios which I had just set all changed!! What am I doing wrong?

I set the final gear to 3.700 first. Then I set the bottom speed to 137 mph. Then I put in all the gear ratios and set the final gear to 2.210 as per the graph - so far no problem. The minute I adjust the top speed up all the gear ratios change!! It is doing my head in!

Please tell me step by step in the exact order just what I need to do. Thank you in advance!!
In GT5 I think I ground through most of the game for average payouts until the seasonal's started ,at least seasonals have started already in 6.

You're right. I always used to make money with an A-spec seasonal event. You almost made 500K for a 5 minute race. 1 lap was like a little bit more then a minute. I've had a golden account but then my PS3 had an RLOD so I was pretty mad. I never made it that far again since that day.
Greetings Mr. Praiano.

I have been driving cars tuned by you since the GT5. I just want to say thank you kindly for your great works! Your tuning is awesome and makes the driving enjoyable indeed. Thanks again for your efforts and times my friend!
Kind regards.
This is my first tune in GT6. I've made this car as close as possible as stock,I've only add a suspension, triple plates clutch kit, LSD and Racing Brakes.
The tuning sheet wil be changed later , that's why you don't have some of those parts writen on it.

Click on the picture to access the setting sheet.

Enjoy your drive ><(((((°>°°°°°

Muito obrigado!!!
Many thanks!!!
Hi Praiano,

as always your work is superb, thank you! I have a strange request if you could find the time to assist. it relates to the GTR GT3 Base Model. the car comes with standard suspension that cannot be changed. it works quite well save for a general understeer and a little oversteer if aggressive on the throttle. the fully custom suspension, even if the numbers seem the same, messes up the car completely. would it be possible for you to tune the fully custom suspension so that it feels and reacts the same as the standard suspension? from there it would be easier to "fine tune" the suspension to correct the understeer etc.

Thank you I look forward to hearing from you
Hello Praiano, (and greetings from Sydney Australia)

Thank you for the time you take to do the tunes.

This is my first post/message on GT Planet. I just tried to implement your tune on the Alpha Romeo Stradale - but ran into the same problems I had with GT5. Could you please tell me - step by step in what order to do things. I know others suffer from the same problem - I am 54 and no dummy but when I followed your tune - when I put the top speed up to 186mph all the gear ratios which I had just set all changed!! What am I doing wrong?

I set the final gear to 3.700 first. Then I set the bottom speed to 137 mph. Then I put in all the gear ratios and set the final gear to 2.210 as per the graph - so far no problem. The minute I adjust the top speed up all the gear ratios change!! It is doing my head in!

Please tell me step by step in the exact order just what I need to do. Thank you in advance!!

I'm writing right now a tutorial together with an excel sheet google doc , to set easiely a gear box. With all the informations that PD don't give on his setting panel.
In a few !!
Have a good day young friend.:cheers:
I'm writing right now a tutorial together with an excel sheet google doc , to set easiely a gear box. With all the informations that PD don't give on his setting panel.
In a few !!
Have a good day young friend.:cheers:

Hopefully that will do it, because i still don't understand the way that you told me a few hours ago. I could randomly set gears but then i have to take chances, it's just guessing where the right gear is when you think it's the right percentage.
A proper tune for that thing would make me a happy man :)

Last edited:
Hi Praiano,

as always your work is superb, thank you! I have a strange request if you could find the time to assist. it relates to the GTR GT3 Base Model. the car comes with standard suspension that cannot be changed. it works quite well save for a general understeer and a little oversteer if aggressive on the throttle. the fully custom suspension, even if the numbers seem the same, messes up the car completely. would it be possible for you to tune the fully custom suspension so that it feels and reacts the same as the standard suspension? from there it would be easier to "fine tune" the suspension to correct the understeer etc.

Thank you I look forward to hearing from you
I'm doing right now the M3 CSL '03. It's a fantastic car that i've tune with a great balance 550PP sport tires. You can drive very agressivelly without any problems.
But , if you wear racing tires, the car is totally uncontrolable, even under accel showing oversteer.
With softer compound, the car must have more grip only...???!!! But no way, it's horrible.
I don't know why but i don't think it's a bad thing. People race those cars with racing soft and it's way too much grip for it. Sport soft is already really grippy in GT6 for 550PP , i love the feeling i have with Sport hard without having any grip problems.
Strange reactions , really don't know why this happen with racing tires specially on road cars.
I'm doing right now the M3 CSL '03. It's a fantastic car that i've tune with a great balance 550PP sport tires. You can drive very agressivelly without any problems.
But , if you wear racing tires, the car is totally uncontrolable, even under accel showing oversteer.
With softer compound, the car must have more grip only...???!!! But no way, it's horrible.
I don't know why but i don't think it's a bad thing. People race those cars with racing soft and it's way too much grip for it. Sport soft is already really grippy in GT6 for 550PP , i love the feeling i have with Sport hard without having any grip problems.
Strange reactions , really don't know why this happen with racing tires specially on road cars.
True, sometimes it's weird. But as you said, Road Cars shouldn't run on Race Tires, so - maybe - people will start to realize it when forced to sport or even comfort tires :)
Hi Praiano,

My first post and I made a d*** of myself already ha ha!:banghead: I realise now what I was doing wrong. The second top speed quoted is what it will ACTUALLY do and you don't have to actually enter that speed - which is of course what I was doing and wrecking all the gear ratios. I really have to congratulate you my man - that Huayra has gone from being undriveable to a smooth ride. Unbelievably good and the same with the beautiful Alpha - kicked a Pagani and a FXX by 20 seconds with it around Sarth in one of the dream car races.

No need to reply to my earlier post, I think I have it sorted. You have been a great benefit to this site for a long time and I for one will be putting something in your PayPal account and would urge others to support you also. The most precious thing you can give to someone is your time and you are certainly most generous with yours. :)
Hi Praiano,

My first post and I made a d*** of myself already ha ha!:banghead: I realise now what I was doing wrong. The second top speed quoted is what it will ACTUALLY do and you don't have to actually enter that speed - which is of course what I was doing and wrecking all the gear ratios. I really have to congratulate you my man - that Huayra has gone from being undriveable to a smooth ride. Unbelievably good and the same with the beautiful Alpha - kicked a Pagani and a FXX by 20 seconds with it around Sarth in one of the dream car races.

No need to reply to my earlier post, I think I have it sorted. You have been a great benefit to this site for a long time and I for one will be putting something in your PayPal account and would urge others to support you also. The most precious thing you can give to someone is your time and you are certainly most generous with yours. :)
No doubt - Praiano-transactions - definitely worth the money!

Got some idea or little improvement. I think it would be not bad if you would put smth like this into your signature:

Latest Tune: Pagani Huayra
Currently working on: BMW M3 CSL
Coming soon: xxx

For sure not a must - but would be nice to have.
Thanks again for all your effort you put in and share :)
Maybe its in the wrong topic but when you buy like 40 bmw m4s and delete data and start game can you just buy everything and keep selling those bought bmw's for 333 million? Because the steps in the discription said that you constantly need to repeat step 1-7 which includes updating.. Downloading 1.2 GB is too much for wireless downloading.
Maybe its in the wrong topic

This is where your post should have stopped. Why are you cluttering up a guys tuning garage with more on this topic. I would suggest that you ask that question within one of the many threads on that subject.

Praiano is too nice to say the above so I hope it's ok that I came into his garage and said it. I think we should let Praiano get back to talking about tuning. My opinion.
Complicate car when stock. I've just try to let it easy and drivable by anybody. I prefer the sport soft on it, but you can wear racing too.

Click on the picture to access the setting sheet.

Enjoy your drive ><(((((°>°°°°°
Hi Laurent , a question : can I use this tune with the 15th anniversary edition ?

This is where your post should have stopped. Why are you cluttering up a guys tuning garage with more on this topic. I would suggest that you ask that question within one of the many threads on that subject.

Praiano is too nice to say the above so I hope it's ok that I came into his garage and said it. I think we should let Praiano get back to talking about tuning. My opinion.

Mmm.. ok. I'll ask somewhere else.

First, ill start of by saying thanks for the good tunes in GT5, and hopefully in GT6, really looking forward to what you come up with. Now, i dont know if there is any possibility to send cars in GT6, but if there is, i would like to send you a EVO 6 (T.M.E without decals) to tune to fit the 550pp class.

Hope you keep the good work and spirit up.

Post 2 updated. May help, the google doc sheet is easy t manage and very acurate on track.
How to set your gearbox in GT6

This may help you to enter my gearbox settings on your cars. It can change according to the parts you've installed .So, because of this, you will enter yourself the ratios numbers range on a tuning sheet i've made. It's easy, with a few practice ,you'll able to set any kind of gearbox the best way.
There is no more graduations on the setting panel to place the o , as you can see on the picture below, we are going to use %.



Here is the google doc link to enter your datas. I think you can also download it. I can send the original Excel too. Just send me your mail by PM asking for it.


Try to make your own too. Check if the graph is harmonious to see, go on track and VOILA.

Example for a 5 gearbox :

0% - 25% - 50% - 75% - 100%

Example for a 6 gearbox :

0% - 20% - 40% - 60% - 80% - 100%

0% - 25% - 55% - 85% - 100% - 100%

50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 90% - 100%

100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100%
Hi Laurent , a question : can I use this tune with the 15th anniversary edition ?

Yes you can my friend. Sorry to not answer to everybody but i'll try.
Yes i'll tune the Audi
The next tune is a ...... i don't know !!! I have around 10 cars on air, i'm playing with all and there is no prevision of order to publish. Don't worry, i'll make them ALL.:cheers:
I love every cars, even the bad ones, mostly the bad ones...
Back to my rig, i stop writing, just a few hours before the real job.:lol:

Praiano - amazing productivity in your first few days with the game. I remain impressed with your ability.

I am getting a better handle on the new physics. I have liked every car that I have driven in GT6 (stock form) much better than the same car in GT5 (stock form). As for the tuning... well... still very PD. Does that make sense? Tuning still makes a difference, but seems to have less effect.
This is my first tune in GT6. I've made this car as close as possible as stock,I've only add a suspension, triple plates clutch kit, LSD and Racing Brakes.
The tuning sheet wil be changed later , that's why you don't have some of those parts writen on it.

Click on the picture to access the setting sheet.

Enjoy your drive ><(((((°>°°°°°

This car, with this tune, is a samba dancer... :drool:

Great tune, Praiano! 👍
Yes ,you are my man

I only drive your tunes in GT5
Now you have the Game enjoy and have fun.
For me it's time to wait for my favorite car's with your new GT6 Tune

2. PEUGEOT 905 RACE CAR '92 // 700pp

go Praiano,go go

THX Matze Lang

someone likes to own on grip tracks:) too bad using those cars in gt6 = empty server, everyone leaves because they cant match those cars above
Yes you can my friend. Sorry to not answer to everybody but i'll try.
Yes i'll tune the Audi
The next tune is a ...... i don't know !!! I have around 10 cars on air, i'm playing with all and there is no prevision of order to publish. Don't worry, i'll make them ALL.:cheers:
I love every cars, even the bad ones, mostly the bad ones...
Back to my rig, i stop writing, just a few hours before the real job.:lol:


Laurent , you are SIMPLY THE's a very big luck for us :):cheers:
