VRR Total Sprint Series (GT3) Season 1 - R4: 10/10/20PS4 

  • Thread starter Anathema
United States
Heaven's Fence
Justin Jectlol
Surprise, surprise! Something new from VRR that's not being run on Gran Turismo Sport, for the first time since the IndyCar series on Project Cars 2. Six weekends of racing, sixteen cars, and all of it distilled down into a single hour's worth of racing per weekend. Although the races may be short, there will be no shortage of action as we throw the world's best GT cars around a racetrack, all in pursuit of that shiny plastic trophy at the checkered flag. We invite you to what promises to be something a little different from the regular VRR competitions, and hope to see you racing soon!


VRR Total Sprint Series Championship Technical and Supplemental Regulations

Rulebook Clause: The rules listed in the Sporting Regulations are subject to change at the discretion of the series organizer as well as any moderation or administration staff within VRR. As such, changes can be applied retroactively in order to maintain fair and equitable competition within this series. This clause also applies to the Car List and Calendar.

1.1: All drivers competing in the series must inform the series director of those intentions, detailing the car number they wish to use, team they are driving for, and a primary sponsor that is not already taken, if applicable.
1.1.1: Car number 1 is reserved for the reigning series champion. Car numbers 2-999 are open to everyone.
1.1.2: Car numbers cannot have a 0 preceding them. Numbers 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, and 09 are prohibited. Car number #00 is permitted only if selecting one of two available pre-made liveries.
1.1.3: Every driver must be a part of a team in some capacity to be allowed to participate.
1.1.4: Teams are restricted to two drivers per race. Teams can have a rotation of drivers if found necessary.
1.2: Teams new to VRR must use names that are friendly with GTPlanet’s Acceptable Use Policy, and must not be an existing real life team name.
1.3: Each available car is limited to three entries total. Entry count per car will be updated and listed in the above table found in the Allowed Cars tab.
1.4: The following is a guide to help drivers and teams to register for the championship:
- Team Name:
- Car Number:
- Car Choice:
- Primary Sponsor:
2.1: Liveries featuring sponsorship from tobacco companies, or pornographic materials will be prohibited. Violations against this rule will be handled in accordance with VRR's Complete Guidelines.
2.2: Liveries promoting a political stance or agenda will be prohibited. VRR remains a political neutral ground, and will remain open to everyone as such. Violators will be given one warning to refrain from using political advertising. Those that ignore the warning will receive a suspension.
2.3: Liveries cannot be used to promote other organizations outside of VRR unless those organizations are affiliated with it.
2.4: All cars must use the default SRO Amazon AWS numberplate.
2.4.1: Number plates must be located on the sides of the car, either directly behind the front tires or directly in front of the rear tires. Number plates must be located in the same position on both sides of the car.
2.4.2: Number plates must also be located on the bonnet of the car or on the roof of the car.
2.5: All cars must use only the approved car number decals, with the numbers fitting inside of the number plate itself in all three required locations. Additionally, the numbers will be visible on the rear of the car in lime (default select option.)
2.5.1: Use of any of the McLaren Shadow pre-made liveries is prohibited, as these liveries do not conform to the guidelines established in Rules 2.4 – 2.5.
2.6: All drivers are limited to a single livery for the season. Exceptions may be granted for tribute or memorial purposes only.
2.7: Teams cannot use primary sponsors reserved by other teams.
2.8: All cars must be equipped with Pirelli tires and preselect Pirelli decal set.
3.1: VRR is a clean racing environment. Rough, but fair competition is expected. Accidents will be reviewed after each race and post race time penalties may be assessed.
3.2: Drivers must be aware of their surroundings at all times when competing in close proximity with other cars. Lack of awareness is not a valid excuse for avoidable contact.
3.3: Drivers attempting to lap cars will need to use flashing lights as well as patience in passing.
3.4: Drivers being lapped do not have to pull off of the racing line, but must maintain a constant and predictable line until after they have been cleared by the passing car.
3.5: Drivers that have been lapped cannot fight to regain that lap unless they are engaged in a battle for direct position on track.
3.5.1: Drivers lapped due to pit strategy, but being faster than the lead lap cars, may engage in on track battle to regain time.
3.6: The racing surface is determined to be the asphalt/concrete which contains the racing line, as well as the multi-colored curbstones lining the inside and outsides of most corners. Sausage curbing, and astroturf do not count as part of the racing surface unless specifically stated as sub-rule exemptions below.
3.7: Pit entry and exit lines are to be respected at all times. Drivers that are found to cross the solid lines entering or exiting pit lane will receive a post race time penalty.
3.8: Passing under yellow flag conditions is prohibited. Drivers that pass under a neutralized race condition will be penalized.
3.9: Ragequitting races are seen as a sign of disrespect for the series organizers, the other competitors, and the spirit of racing. Leaving races in such a fashion will be met with consequences.
3.10: Drivers vying to defend a position on track are allowed one defensive move as a proactive measure. Making a defensive move as a reactive measure will earn a warning/penalty.
3.10.1: Weaving across the racing surface in an effort to break slipstream is illegal under this ruling.
4.1: Post race time penalties are penalties assessed to drivers for infractions observed during a racing event. These type of penalties are the default method of punishing a driver's actions if the event in question finishes under racing conditions.
4.1.1: Crossing the pit entry line (solid white or yellow line leading to pit lane) will result in a 10 second post race time penalty.
4.1.2: Crossing the pit exit line (solid white or yellow line merging drivers back onto the racing surface exiting pit lane) will result in a 10 second post race time penalty.
4.1.3: Repeated corner cutting resulting in an advantage being gained over nearby competitors will result in a 15 second post race time penalty for every three infractions.
4.1.4: Deliberate corner cutting, or corner cutting that gives a multiple second advantage will result in a 20 second post race time penalty.
4.1.5: Causing avoidable contact that does not give another competitor mechanical damage, but forces a driver off track will result in a 20 second post race time penalty.
4.1.6: Causing an avoidable collision that gives another competitor mechanical damage or directly causes the need for a safety car deployment will result in a 30 second time penalty.
4.1.7: A blocking maneuver that gives a challenging competitor damage, forces the competitor off track, or otherwise causes unnecessary danger will result in a 30 second post race time penalty.
4.1.8: A driver making more than 1 reactive blocking maneuver will be given a 10 second post race time penalty per additional reactive blocking maneuver after the first.
4.1.9: Jumping the start of the race or a restart after a safety car period will result in a 20 second post race time penalty.
4.1.10: Overtaking a competitor under yellow flag conditions will result in a 20 second post race time penalty. Competitors on track with mechanical damage are permitted to be overtaken when safe to do so if the driver is unable to keep reasonable speed to catch the safety car queue.
4.1.11: Making contact with another car under safety car conditions or on the formation lap will result in a 30 second post race time penalty.
4.1.12: Rejoining the racing surface unsafely in front of oncoming traffic will result in a 20 second post race time penalty.
4.1.13: Overtaking a competitor for position while not having a minimum of two tires on the racing surface will result in a 10 second post race time penalty if the position is not returned to the original competitor within three laps.
4.1.14: Ignoring blue flags and impeding competitors attempting to get past in an effort to place the driver in question a lap down will result in a 15 second post race time penalty.
4.2: In the event that an event finishes under safety car conditions, infractions will be penalized in the form of a grid penalty for the next applicable event.
4.2.1: For every three seconds of time penalties, a starting grid position will be penalized from the driver in question.
4.2.2: If a driver cannot fully serve a grid penalty in one event, the remainder will be served in the next applicable event after.
4.3: A driver that receives 90 seconds worth of post race time penalties will be subject to disqualification from the event in question.
4.4: Some infractions cannot be penalized through post race time penalties, but can still be handled through other means of punishment.
4.4.1: For the first offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a reprimand will be given to the driver in question.
4.4.2: For the second offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a one race suspension will be awarded.
4.4.3: For the third offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a two race suspension will be awarded.
4.4.4: For the fourth offense of leaving a race session prematurely, a four race suspension will be awarded. Race suspensions apply only to the series the offense occurs. Appeals can be made with sound reason as to why the voluntary forfeit occurred.
4.4.5: Causing a deliberate collision with another car for any reason and with any end result will result in a minimum one race suspension. The exact length of the suspension is left to the race steward to finalize on a per case basis.
4.4.6: Insulting a driver through prejudice or unfounded malice will result in a one race suspension once evidence is brought forward. An appeal will not be granted.
4.4.7: Entries that violate any of the requirements for liveries will be excluded from the results of the race the violation occurs, awarding no championship points to the driver, team, or manufacturer if applicable.
NOTE: All times mentioned in this section are in Eastern U.S. time.
5.1: Prior to the race start, at 12:00 PM notes for the race will be posted as files in both the appropriate Discord channel and the GTPlanet thread.
5.2: Event lobbies will open at 3:30 PM, starting with 20 minutes of practice for all competitors in the event.
5.3: All competitors for the event must be in the event lobby by 3:50 PM. to be permitted to participate.
5.3.1: Emergency exemptions may be permitted if the driver is able to join by 4:05 PM. (See Rules 5.5 and 5.5.1.)
5.4: At 3:50 PM practice will conclude, with all drivers being reset by the game to the pit lane for the start of qualifying.
5.5: At 3:50 PM the 10 minute qualifying session will begin. The qualifying format will be using the in game qualifying session, meaning that drivers that miss the beginning of the qualifying session will still be able to join the race but will start at the rear of the grid.
5.5.1: If a competitor is forced to miss the qualifying session but is still able to make it into the lobby for the race, they will start at the rear of the grid.
5.6: There will be a five minute timed interval before the actual start of the race, during which the Driver’s Briefing will take place. All drivers must hit the “READY” button before this timer runs out in order to race, otherwise they will be disqualified by the game and disconnected.
5.6.1: In the instance that technical issues plague the initial start, all competitors will be directed to back out of the race for a second attempt.
5.6.2: In the case of three or more people not hitting the “READY” button and being disqualified, all competitors will be directed to back out of the race for a second attempt. This can only happen once; if a driver fails to ready up for a second time, they will not be allowed to race.
5.7: Immediately following the qualifying session, the race will begin with a manual ‘short’ grid start, with drivers forming up in rows of two based on their qualifying positions.
5.8: Adjustments to car setups are permitted after qualifying during the Driver’s Briefing period, especially in the case of changing weather conditions.
5.9: A mandatory pit stop must be completed within the 20 minute to 40 minute mark of the race. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a 30 second post race time penalty.
6.1: A safety car period, otherwise known as a full course yellow, or a caution, is a period of race neutralization due to a severe accident or severe technical issues. Safety car periods will be controlled by the race director to ensure a safe and fair restart to an event with as minimal delay as possible.
6.2: Safety car periods can be utilized following accidents that involve more than three cars, accidents that result in two cars receiving engine damage, or mass disconnections.
6.2.1: Safety car periods utilized for accidents involving four or more cars do not require a specific amount of damage received by any of the competitors. All involved cars could theoretically not receive mechanical damage at all. The requirement for a safety car to be deployed under these circumstances is having four or more cars come to a sudden or unsafe rest on or directly near the racing surface. Additionally, cars that venture away from the racing surface but sustain mechanical damage can still count towards the safety car period so long that the damage was obtained indirectly or directly by the other cars involved.
6.2.2: Safety car periods utilized for accidents where two cars sustain engine damage can only be issued if the drivers involved type out the letters "ED" to indicate that those involved have engine damage. Drivers that do not type out "ED" will not be counted towards the two car requirement for a safety car period of this kind. Drivers that falsify reports of engine damage to have a safety car period deployed will be disqualified from the event in question and suspended for the next applicable event.
6.2.3: Mass disconnections, under VRR definition, is three or more competitors being disconnected from the race lobby within 180 seconds. Safety car periods utilized for mass disconnection events will lead to a red flag period to regather the field and allow the disconnected drivers the ability to return to the event.
6.3: In the event that a safety car period is issued, the race director will type "SCD" for Safety Car Deployment. The entire track then becomes under yellow flag conditions, meaning overtaking is not permitted unless the cars being overtaken are off of the racing surface or hindered by mechanical damage. The field will continue at a reasonable pace until the overall race leader has passed the entrance of pit lane.
6.3.1: The overall race leader will hold a speed of 62 miles per hour/100 kilometers per hour once passed pit lane entrance when safe to do so, and all drivers are expected to leave two to three car lengths between each other while a part of the safety car queue.
6.3.2: If applicable, once the entire field has entered the safety car queue, cars that are not on the same lap as the race leader will be sorted to the rear of the queue without swapping positions with other drivers moving to the rear.
6.3.4: Once the field is properly ordered with lead lap cars in front of the queue, the race director will signal that racing may resume at the end of the lap. The race leader must return the field to racing at the beginning of the final corner of the lap.
6.4: The pit lane will remain open at all times of the race, with exception to red flag periods, in which the pit lane will close. Drivers are expected to pit prior to catching the safety car queue, and drivers that pit after catching the queue will start behind the entire queue on the restart.
6.5: In the event of a mass disconnection, the normal safety car procedure will be applied until the field has been sorted correctly. Instead of returning to racing conditions, the field will be stopped by the safety car in the final sector before reaching the entrance to pit lane. The race director will record the leaderboard, as well as obtain the laps completed by the class leaders before all cars vacate the track to allow the disconnected drivers back into the race.
6.5.1: Drivers involved in a mass disconnection event will be scored based on their last completed lap, and will restart the race at the rear of the field, regardless of overall position.
6.5.2: Drivers that disconnect separately without a mass disconnection event will be classified as failed to finish due to technical failures, and will not score points.
7.1: Points will be awarded to the top 16 finishers of each event in a 30-26-23-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 structure. (Points System is credit to The_EH_Team_43.)
7.2: A bonus point will be awarded to the competitor that scores pole position for each event as well as the fastest lap of each event.
7.3: To score points, drivers must complete 90% of the completed race distance by the race winner.
7.4: Available championships are drivers, teams, and manufacturers.
7.4.1: Teams will only have their top finishing entry score points for each event, in addition to any bonus points earned by either of that team's drivers.
7.4.2: The Manufacturer's Championship will have each event scored based on a 20-15-11-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 points system, where only the top driver for each manufacturer earns points for their manufacturer.
8.1: Lobbies will be clearly coded for understanding. Each lobby will include the round number and which lobby it is. For example, lobby one for the first round would have the room title "VRR TSS Season 1 Race 1 – Prezi 1 Hour".
8.2: The lobby will be listed as either “P” for practice, “Q” for qualifying, or “R” for race depending on the current session. Times for each session will be clearly visible to competitors.
8.3: The starting procedure for each event will be set to “Free”.
8.4: Grid order will be set to Qualifying Standings 1 (fastest first.)
8.5: Damage will be set at On (50%, default Multiplayer setting.)
8.6: Tire wear will be set to On.
8.7: Fuel consumption will be set to On.
8.8: Pre-Race Waiting Time will be set to 300 seconds, or 5 minutes.
8.9: Race Finish Delay will be set 30 seconds longer than the amount of time needed to complete a lap under normal race conditions.
8.10: Category of cars allowed in the lobby will be preset to GT3.
8.11: In game automatic Balance of Performance will be enabled, using the 2019 track BoP.
8.12: Dynamic weather level will always be set to 1.
8.13: Qualifying Finish Delay will be set to 120 seconds, or 2 minutes.
8.14: Mandatory Pitstop Count will be set to 1.
8.15: Refuelling will be allowed.
8.16: Fixed refuelling time will be set to False.
8.17: Mandatory tire changes will be set to False.
8.18: Mandatory driver swaps will be set to False.
8.19: Stability control will not be permitted.
8.20: Autosteer will be enabled.
8.21: Ideal racing line will be permitted.

Additional Notes:
- Official VRR lobby information will be posted shortly
- Information to connect to the server on race days will be posted when necessary
- If selecting a IGTC pre-made livery, the numberplate will automatically flip to the current AWS one

Follow VRR's Twitter account here! Team accounts are followed in return.
Join us on Discord here!
Rulebook Version 1.04: 03 September 2020
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VRR Total Sprint Series Driver's Championship Standings


VRR Total Sprint Series Manufacturers' Championship Standings

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Prezi 1 Hour of Hungary Results:

Marelli 1 Hour of Misano Results:

Seiko 1 Hour of Suzuka Results:
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It's race day today, and you know what that means... pre-race notes!

Track limit penalties are set to On. The game gives you three warnings before giving you a penalty, any further violations will earn you a DT (Drive-Through) penalty.
Likewise, Pit Speed Limit Penalties are set to On. Depending on the severity of the violation, this could either be a Drive-Through or 30-second Stop/Go penalty. I do not know the exact threshold that the severity changes on, so please be careful.
Start penalties are Off due to the start type we are using; that doesn't mean you can be a hero at the start and cause problems for everyone else. Additionally, the race start procedure is a bit weird with said start type; please be careful and mindful that there is a delay after the Start/Finish line before the race actually goes green.

The "READY" procedure was changed in the most recent update. Regardless of the amount of time set between Qualifying and the race, you must hit "READY" within the final 30 seconds before we line up for the race start. If you do not hit "READY", the game will force you into starting from the pit lane. This is the biggest one - you have a window of 30 seconds to hit "READY" to keep your starting spot. Remember this!


Updated Car List and Entry List below:


Round 1 is in the books, with a decisive win for @Kross24 after a tight battle with @TheFlash05 throughout the first half of the race. Was a clean race for everyone aside from isolated single-car spins. A late welcome to Coffee (StormLoaded) and tog3082, hope you both enjoyed your first race aside from the DriveHub problems that were mentioned.

Next Saturday is Round 2, at Misano - be prepared for some fireworks.


Prezi 1 Hour of Hungary Results:
College has been absolutely brutal for me this season, and as such it's taken me a lot longer to perform thread updates. That being said, we have a double race report this time.


Round 2 was quite the interesting race, and was action-packed throughout. More single-car spins, with some close calls this time. This time, the top three all took turns leading the race, with @Antares26 managing to take his first win of the season by just .269 over @Kross24. A brilliant pit strategy had @TheFlash05 in contention until a pair of late-race spins ruined his shot at a win. Misano proved to be a difficult challenge for a number of drivers, but was an excellent race overall.

Marelli 1 Hour of Misano Results:


Round 3 could have gone very different for a number of teams and drivers. Pole was taken by only 0.012, but @Antares26 had a ferocious duel with the Ferrari duo of @Kross24 and @DcrRaikkonen for the first third of the race until repeated problems for both Ferrari drivers saw Noir cruise to victory. @FireEmblem10 had a guaranteed 2nd place locked up and was driving a mistake-free race until earning himself a 30 second stop/go penalty for driving through another competitor in the pit lane, eventually finishing 4th and gifting @Leadfoot530 a podium on his birthday.

Seiko 1 Hour of Suzuka Results:

Next week is the bucket of fun known as Zolder, and we hope to see you there for what promises to be another action-filled round. Please... mind the chicanes, maybe?
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