Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie


I'm here
in the land of stupidity
I don't know if this is a big secret but I'm going to ask my questions.

Do you guys (mods) hold meetings amongst each other in a seperate mod room?
Do you correspond with one other concerning GTP
Do you guys make decisions all by yourself or do you have to have each others permission to, let's say, ban somebody.

If other members have questions, now is the time to ask.

EDIT: maybe this threads belongs under site feedback...??


I'm going to post relevant questions asked in this thread with links to where these questions are posted so everybody can read these questions.
It won't be easy and will probably take a looooong time.

Click on the threat link to read all the answers given.


Thanks, mystery solved!!!!

Except that tree thing, I really need to learn more about British humor or maybe in this case Famine's humor.

Another question: do you mods have conatct with Jordan in this secret mod thread, to discuss things about GTP???
Questions about Mods

And what's your job as an Administrator???

So, you've got a secret shrine on GTP, to worship him???!!
Questions about Mods

Didn't you guys have 'Dutch members with usernames begining with J' last month...
Questions about Mods

Ok, my turn to get curious. How many mods are there, and does Jordan have a perfect track records (ie: has anyone been de-modded)?
Questions about Mods

Wasn't there also that BMW POWER (?) mod from a long time ago who went on a rampage deleting his and other's posts?
Questions about Mods did DA become an admin before you then.
Questions about Mods

What is the difference between an administrator and a moderator??
Questions about Mods

I have a question too. How often are new mods promoted? Or does it work on a need to mod basis?
Questions about Mods

So who is the newest mod? Whos the most likely candidate for the next mod position? (Not me thats for sure...:D)
Questions about Mods

Do you have to be a premium member before you can become a mod or admin??????

So you guys have to stay up late every evening untill everybody has gone to bed????

Has there ever been a female mod???
Questions about Mods

Mods and Admins can delete just about anyone they can right? So if that is possible is it actually possible to accidently ban Jordan himself? I mean, wouldn't it be quite funny if one of the mods admins accidently banned him as a user? If that is even possible of course. Another question, have any Mods/Admins ever ban someone completely by accident in the history of GTP and if the unfortunate event of that happening can you unban someone who was accidently banned indefinately?
Questions about Mods

Are there any Aussie mods?
Questions about Mods

What characteristics, achievements or other things do you need to do to get recommended to be a mod or supermod?
Questions about Mods

- So most of the mods/admins on this forum have had personal contact, lets say by phone??

- Do you holiness (mods/admins) have personal contact with Jordan??

- Some member post half novels on this forum, which take half an hour to read. Are you guys compelled to read it all, because I don't.

- Do you mods tell one another in this (no more) secret mod forum section, whom has to read what????
Questions about Mods

The only question I have is, when you guys edit a post removing unwanted text or an image that doesn't follow the AUP, do the other moderators get to see what was originally posted after the post was edited? or is it gone for good?

Also, after the moderator left the message "Removed by moderator", can the OP edit that part an erase it?
Questions about Mods

I was just wondering, who is the youngest mod? Do you have to be a certain age? :confused:
Questions about Mods

do you do this for free or do you get paid?
Questions about Mods

so mods work on xmas?
Questions about Mods

So whatever happened to AltF8? He was an admin and just became inactive? What's his story?
Questions about Mods

you mean there's something else to do besides modding GTP?
Questions about Mods

Another question:

If a lot of moderators are away for a long time at the same time, do you (the admins) have/create back-up mods to run the forums? Or do you just have less mods?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Is there any sort of rank in the moderators/super moderators group? Eg. If you run more forums are you higher up? Or is it that once you become a mod you have the same status as the other mods?

If GTP ever need another administrator is it one of the super moderators who has been here the longest that gets the job?
Questions about Mods

didn't topgeradude say that to Scaff?

is Daan really banned?

i'm curios, would i get warned if i set my status to New Member or Banned?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Would you guys stop trying to recreate a convo thread?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Can moderators see Private Messages people have sent?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

a couple of questions which are a little different from all the others

Aimed at Jordan really - How much do you think GTP has cost you since you since its original inception?

All other Mods/Smods/Admin - If you HAD to marry one of the other mods on GTP based purely on there online personalities who would it be and why (aspects of personalities you like etc)?

What are your new years resolutions? How long do you think you will stick to them?

Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Has the disciplining/banning of a member ever caused an argument/discussion where one or more mods/smods/admins thought they deserved the punishment and other mods/smods/admins thought that they did not deserve the punishment?

If you get what I mean!
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Don't you think it would be a good idea to have a female moderator (no matter how inexperiences) in order to prevent future court cases for discrimination? :P
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

did you ever get an irrasponsable mod?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

EDIT: is there a dutch mod???
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Going to try again: is there a dutch mod???
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

What's Touring Mars doing for his birthday?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

To my knowledge, only Famine has refused to be come a moderator, but... are there any others?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Is Jordan looking for new mods???
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

So what's the difference between a Moderator and a Super Moderator?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Is it wrong of me to associate all of those things with sick sexual fantasies!? :crazy:
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Wasn't Loud_Music already a mod at one point, before deciding to quit?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

didn't Loudmusic used to have Premuim?

What happens to Premium payments when they become a mod?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

can mods ban themselves?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

So... How many people have been banned?


Damn. Treed.
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

1- Would it be possible to get a "Jordans eye view" of GTPlanet? Im just wondering how much it would differ, maybe just a couple of extra buttons here and there. Or maybe it looks like the matrix? i dont know.

2- As a rough estimate, how much do you think GTP has cost you since it started? Disregarding money received from Premium memberships.


Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

How many were actual 'poor quality' members rather than just spam?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Does GTP look a lot different if you're a mod, super or not??? Do you guys have a lot of buttons to play with??? What's the difference between a mod, super or not and an admin????

Are you allowed to post a pic of how GTP looks like if you're a mod????
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Are a member's 'infraction points' an anonymous mod-given rating. Or do they always relate to a public or PM'd warning?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Oh, so moderators get free porn, and the rest of the site has to pay for it, I see :)
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

When moderators want to respond to locked threads, do they manually open the thread, post, then close it again?

Or do they just post in it like it wasn't locked?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Questions about the report button.

How do you know if someone reported something? Is it by email? Is there a separate inbox next to the PM box for this? Is there a whole section in the Mod CP dedicated to this?

And... are reports anonymous?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Another question about the Report button, if I made a post, and wasn't 100% sure about a few things in it (eg. This Post), would it be acceptable for me to ask another member to report it, if I had PM'd a mod or 2 and hadn't gotten any response for a couple of days?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

Who was that one r-tard who actually reported Jordan again? That was hilarious.
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

If someone was minus repped by the same person under different usernames (just trying to pee someone off) for no reason, would the minus rep be wiped off?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

A question for non-mods: What does the Report button even look like? We mods don’t have it (that would be rather redundant), so I’ve never seen it.
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

So if Sage didn't see it when he was a regular member, when did Jordan exactly add the report button then?

Was there any need for it? Perhaps a lack of moderators at the time?
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

What's the smallest interval available for temporary bans? I've seen bans last only a couple days, so I'd think it would be a daily thing. Can you do bans by the hour? If so I'll volunteer, Scaff. Just to try it out. :D
Questions about Mods "FAQ added in OP"

I don't know if this has been asked before, so sorry in advance if it has. Please don't ban me. :scared: :D

I just wondered if Mods can change other users usernames? I am sure I saw someone say they could somewhere on this site, so just wanted to confirm it.
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

I think his question went a bit "deeper". Sure, chaging names is a privilege of becoming Premium, but if need be, and only in a hypothetical case, can an Admin change the name of a user regardless if he's premium or not?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

When do you guys moderate the most (time)? I see most of the British mods online during the day (same time min 1 hour) when you guys should be at work, working!

Or has this maybe already been discussed?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Will any of you ban the walking, talking trainwreck that is Ghost C?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

And what about Famine's-fanclub-paper? Does it still exist? Is it only available for the mods?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

I have a fairly simple question:

Is Mr. Jordan Greer related to Mr. Elmo Greer?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

It seems that some of the mods occasionnaly buy premium membership for other members. Do you have to do that in order to stay a mod :sly: or is it out off your goodness?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

I have a question. How is it decided that new mods are needed?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Wow, I just read this entire thread, and I have to admit, it's threads like this that make me love this place. :cheers: Now, onto the topic at hand:

Do any of the Moderators wish GTP was like how it was, before the explosion that preceded/ was/ is GT4? Do you miss the close-knit feeling, or was it ever lost? :confused:

Second question: Once I upgrade to Premium, will I be able to take older member's names if I so wish? (I'm rather aggravated by whoever took the original name Jetboy.:irked:.)

Third Question: Was anything of the original test forum salvaged? I want to read and laugh my arse off once again at the Rumple Club...

Appreciating answers.:)

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

* Are mods (super or not) allowed to browse the forums in invisible mode? ;)
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Do mods have the powwer to arrest members on the street for off topic talk and offensiveness?


Would be good though:P
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

I'm wondering, do you mods, super or not, have a special search button to find long lost thread?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Looking back on the early site, who were the first moderators, and what was the history of this important position since then? This struck me after daan made his '10,000' thread.

Were any moderators known to be banned?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Wasnt there some mod that went on a banning spree? was that sUn?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Who was this mod? But why would anyone, let alone a mod let some random into their account even as a joke? 👎 to the mod
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

What was the exact date/hour you became a mod?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Are members allowed to prod a mod with the ban hammer if the mod double posts?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Who decides how many infraction points are given per infraction? Is there a maximum set for an infraction?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

A question I always wanted to ask. It's a bit off topic. When I submit a reply and I want to edit it, I get an editing message below your post after making the changes.

But sometimes there is no editing message. Is this because I edited it within a certain time??
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

what is the normal sequence of events that happen when a post ir reported? Also, are reported posts anonymous, or do you always see who has reported which post?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

so one reported post goes to all mods and admins?

Isn't that a waste of internet resources? ... or something? ;)
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

The majority of those would be PM notification and verification for registration e-mails?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Hey, I have a question for you guys... :)

  • What does it take to become a moderator?
    Not necessarily be a contributive member and helping out a lot here (and visit here often too) but any other factors as well?
  • How long and what does it take to rank up your status?
    For example:
    Moderator ----> Super Moderator
    Super Moderator ----> Administrator
    Moderator ----> Administrator (if thats even possible)
  • Are there a limit to how many mods/admins here in this forum?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Can other members with the name Jordan operate the site? :mischievous:
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

* Did any of you mods knew each other before you were a GTP member?

* Did one of you mods invite someone else to become a member and both of you became a mod?
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Can I please have a peek at the special mod forum? Please! :nervous:

Is there some training for new mods?

@ SMALLHORSES: congratulation for becoming a super moderator!
Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Do moderators get a company car?

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

When you scroll over the names at the bottom of the main screen (the people who are online at the time), the URL shows up at the bottom left of the window (above the start button on Microsoft systems). At the end of that URL is I believe what member you are (from 1 to 107,000). What I was wondering is why Jordan's is 658, who else was here before him?

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

This is more directed at Jordan than the moderating team (but all of you guys are more than welcome to answer if you can) and is a bit off-topic but figured I'd ask anyway.

The question being is: Do you own or are admin for any other sites except GTP and if so, what sites??


Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

I wonder if it is a general rule for mods not to reply to PM's if there help or advice is needed? Even though the question seems to be stupid.

I find that rude and impolite!

Except for Famine ofcourse, he is very helpfull!


Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

That's exactly why I was wondering if it was possible. Also, since I don't want to try, can members ignore mods? I'm sure that would also be stupid, but is it possible, and can mods or admins see who you have on your ignore list?

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Are reported posts anonymous, or do the mods get an email saying "Tom Servo reported this post on the grounds of...", instead of "a user reported this post..."?

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Can mods see/view invisible members?

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

What do mods spend the majority of their time doing?

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"

Oh, ok.

Another question. Who is the longest running mod/admin on the board besides Jordan?

Questions about Mods "Questions asked added in OP"
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There is a secret mod forum, yes, if that's what you're on about. What goes on in there, you ask? Nothing really interesting; we talk about members with bad attitude, who has received warnings, who's been banned and why, our plans for world dominat... erm, oops.

We do "talk" with each others regarding what's best for GTP, in the mod forum mainly, or if there are some things we'd like to improve or add, or get rid of, we are a team, after all. I think that's what makes us work so well, the fact that we can work with each others, and that we trust each other's work.

As far as decisions go, usually it's easy to figure out and you can take action without needing to consult everyone. Sometimes it's a bit harder, and we do need to voice ourselves, and come up on a level ground everyone agrees on, then take the necessary actions.
Do you guys (mods) hold meetings amongst each other in a seperate mod room?

Yes - all sites I've ever been on have a Moderator's Forum. Sometimes it's in view but locked, sometimes it's out of view to all but moderators. But it's always there.

Do you correspond with one other concerning GTP

With the Moderator's Forum, no other correspondence is required. However, many of us have MSN/YIM/ICQ and converse on that with regards to things including GTP, and Mars, daan and I have been known to laugh about "events" at UKGTP meetings.

Do you guys make decisions all by yourself or do you have to have each others permission to, let's say, ban somebody.

Bans are usually discussed (with the exception of ad spam and obvious 1-strike offences), but the Infraction System is foolproof. Moderators are all autonomous, but there's always the possibility that we're wrong and an Infraction can be reversed - but that's usually discussed at great length.

And apparently there's a big tree in this thread... :D
Thanks, mystery solved!!!!

Except that tree thing, I really need to learn more about British humor or maybe in this case Famine's humor.

Another question: do you mods have conatct with Jordan in this secret mod thread, to discuss things about GTP???
When someone posts the same thing as you, but before you, you are said to be "Treed". Possibly originating from trailers for the Brendan Fraser film "George of the Jungle" ("George, George, George of the Jungle! Watch out for that tree!").
The oil is getting expensive to annoint him with though. THInking of switching to grape juice.

To further answer the questions above, yes, every action by the staff (infraction, warning, decision, discussion is kept for us to review.

The only person who can "delete" a thread is Jordan. No thread or post is completely deleted, just so we have the ability to reference back chould anyone think they've been slighted or that we've forgotten the reason.

So when it comes to a banning, there is discussion before the banning. As well, the member has been dutifully warned and notified that they've had two warnings already. If anyone gets banned and thinks its a suprise, its not.
The oil is getting expensive to annoint him with though. THInking of switching to grape juice.

To further answer the questions above, yes, every action by the staff (infraction, warning, decision, discussion is kept for us to review.

The only person who can "delete" a thread is Jordan. No thread or post is completely deleted, just so we have the ability to reference back chould anyone think they've been slighted or that we've forgotten the reason.

So when it comes to a banning, there is discussion before the banning. As well, the member has been dutifully warned and notified that they've had two warnings already. If anyone gets banned and thinks its a suprise, its not.
And what's your job as an Administrator???

Yes, we do. We go round and wash his feet occasionally.
So, you've got a secret shrine on GTP, to worship him???!!
I thought to prepare his feet.
No, the mod that's done the least amount of baninations that week has to do that as punishment.

EDIT: Actually, I think I'm giving away to many secrets of how GTP works here....
Just so you can picture it all better...


(L-R) DA, Jordan, Duke
This month, it's the member with the longest username. It's a bit of a struggle to find them though, having to comb through the memberlist page by page...
Well, I've had 3 warnings already today. I wonder if they have been discussed! ;)


Looks like they have. :(
At first glance, I thought there was loads of people looking at this thread, but it's mostly Rameses Niblick III Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble

Have you guys had any donuts recently?
Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts? :D :ill:
At first glance, I thought there was loads of people looking at this thread, but it's mostly Rameses Niblick III Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble
Don't you mean it's only RN3KKWWMT? :P

Touring Mars
Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts? :D :ill:
We warned you about that. Didn't you get the memo?
When someone posts the same thing as you, but before you, you are said to be "Treed". Possibly originating from trailers for the Brendan Fraser film "George of the Jungle" ("George, George, George of the Jungle! Watch out for that tree!").
It's actually a dragracing term. The starting lights between the lanes are known as the 'Christmas tree', or just 'tree' for obvious reasons. In heads up racing, the starting lights fall at the same time for both drivers (unlike in bracket racing, where they are offset by the difference in dial-in times). So both cars get the green light at the same time. The driver with the better reaction time who leaves the line first is said to have 'treed' the other driver.

On the original topic, I will amplify a bit about the 'no surprise bannings'. This is very true. Most bannings (except for obvious trolls) are the result of numerous warnings and occur after much discussion between the mods. Almost always, one of us is willing to start a PM dialog with the problem user in hopes of getting that person to change. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. But anyone with a chip on his shoulder who claims he was banned "for no reason" is either lying, or ignored all of our warnings and efforts to correct him.

Moderators are not required to reach consensus and do operate independently. However, in the majority of cases, consensus occurs naturally because Jordan has chosen a team that shares similar goals and ideals for GTP.