Race Construction

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States
First of all, it would be super cool to be able to build my own tracks. They would have to make an easy editor, but I'm sure with today's programmers and software, it can be done. Then we'd need the ability to share our creations with other people online or with memory cards. That would make the game closer to endless.

Beyond just track construction, I want to be able to define how many cars, and what kind they are. What modifications they get and what style of AI the driver is. Wouldn't it be cool to have a big six mile challenging track with twelve modded Shelby Cobras racing it out, with super aggressive AI??

With my knowledge of the way the Internet works, I don't think it would be too difficult to get GT[?] working on the Internet. I don't think there would be much latency, if any, between two or three players. And if there was a GT online server that had lots of bandwidth, it shouldn't be a problem at all. The tough part would be distributing the maps. I'm sure they could get pretty big.

I think that would really help the games popularity, because there essencially would never be an end to the game. Everyday you could go online and grab a couple new maps. That's the way it is with StarCraft and CounterStrike. Those games have been around for YEARS and people are still buying them new off the shelf.

I'd like to make maps of the two cities I live in. There are some fun driving circuts on the city streets that my friends and I drive at night sometimes. I've driven down some rural highways that have some good hills and curves that would be great for roadsters. There are some cool country back roads as well that could be fun for rally events.

I'd want to be in control of the texture of the ground. I'd want lots of options. Everything from fresh asphalt down to three inches of water on a dirt road. The scenery is important, but I think that GT3 is pretty close to having everything we *need* in a racing game.

The weather in a race does need to change. First of all, it would be nice to have random weather patterns. If a storm front could roll in on the 30th lap of a 70 lap race, and be gone by the 50th, that would add so much realism to the game. Some people might argue that it would make the game unballanced and unfair, but hey, that's life. I'd also like to see the time of day changing throught the race. If I start a three hour enduro at dawn, how come it's still dawn when I cross the finish line? Shouldn't the sun be beaming down on the track warming it up? Or the other side of it, why is it dusk through a three hour race? It should drop to pure night and the headlights should start coming on. That would be a really nice addition.

But that's the biggest thing to me. Being able to construct and trade tracks would give the game nearly endless possibilities.

It's a racing game made in about 1990. It's crappy graphics, even worse than GT and GT2, but it's still got great gameplay and it's fun as he||

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