Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Hi Zo. I can't make it this Tuesday. I was looking forward to Ford ASBOs at Spa too. Have a fun evening all. :)
Focus ST at Spa.jpg
Did you get your screen fixed?? Are we still on for a wet spa?;)

The screen is a write-off Suts. But I've nicked a weeeeny telly that was collecting dust in my daughter's garage. By happy coincidence, I've discovered that I really prefer having the screen up close (Not stupidly close, of course) but I can watch hers without using my glasses, it's miles better. So I've ordered a 24" job, that should fill my field of view nicely.

And, yes, the 0%-60%-100% settings will be used at Spa. The game seems to really like the idea of rain there, so I fully expect a damp track by the end of the first race. We used reverse grids at Nimblebeat, and it worked really well. I'll give it a spin in race two.

Hi Zo. I can't make it this Tuesday. I was looking forward to Ford ASBOs at Spa too. Have a fun evening all. :)

That's a pity Tom. Hope you can make next week 👍

And you know my situation here Zo being 4:30am kick off time 'n all that

I know Joe, it's a bit of a problem. Make that a lot of a problem. I'm toying with the idea of a two hour endurance during a weekend sometime. Weather in play, stuff like 430 Scud, LFA Nurb, on S/H-Full Wet. I plan on producing three classes, faster drivers, slightly slower cars. Might you be up for that? We could make the time mutually compatible, I think.

The screen is a write-off
I'm sorry to hear that. However it does give you the excuse to...💡
So I've ordered a 24" job
...well done for getting a new telly!:) I'd have gone for a 40inch 4K one.:D

'm toying with the idea of a two hour endurance during a weekend
Count me in but not sure if ill ever be able to use my hands again as after your 1 hour races I had a serious case of claw-hand!!:crazy: Not to mention what sitting on one place does to Ines backside!!:embarrassed::ouch:

GTPs gone very quiet lately so nice to have a chat again.
Are we fixing the gearbox on the Focus ST? The stock one is broken (because of the unique way someone forget that the ST's gearbox has two final drive ratios) and fourth to fifth is like super-mega-overdrive.

I can figure the proper ratios or we can just use the non-adjustable 'six speed gearbox' option.
For anyone interested in VR, things are looking better all the time as more improved solutions are worked out.

I have to say Tom, that I'm a little frustrated that straight forward 3D-on-the-telly tech has stalled in the race to go
directly to VR. Just 3D would be fine for racing, and I remember an early version of that, designed for surgeons doing remote work, being on Tomorrow's World. How long ago that was I can't imagine. Anyway, I'm confident that VR will be up and running beautifully before I check out, and I can't wait.

Count me in

That's two of us then Suts! Depletion will be fast, so there'll be plenty of pit stops, where you can stretch out.

we can just use the non-adjustable 'six speed gearbox' option

That's a top idea Mark. I'm sure we can trust everyone not to tune any further. So, tonight, fellas, we'll have tuning allowed, in order for the 'six speed gearbox' to be fitted, but no other mods please.

Cheers, Zo.
Comfort softs or mediums later?

We'll stick with C/S for the whole meeting Mark.

I'm really sure that Venari is leading.

Yep, I am too. But the points thing is just a rough guide to assist with handicapping, since some people can't make it to some meetings, and others have to drop out of races for circumstances beyond their control. The handicapping at the start tonight will be as is indicated in post 1 or 2, I forget which.

Cheers, Zo.
Yep, I am too. But the points thing is just a rough guide to assist with handicapping, since some people can't make it to some meetings, and others have to drop out of races for circumstances beyond their control. The handicapping at the start tonight will be as is indicated in post 1 or 2, I forget which.

Cheers, Zo.
Ah, so the people with 82% of powe limiter are the leaders, right? Just making sure. 👍

By the way, I will buy a Focus now...
Super fun, super close racing yesterday at Spa, in the wet with the Focus.

Well done Zo for keeping GT6 still interesting.

Great racing with everyone. Had an amazing close battle with Colin in the first race and then Harsk and Venari in the last race. The second race was a washout for me...literally!

Looking forward to next week.
I know Joe, it's a bit of a problem. Make that a lot of a problem. I'm toying with the idea of a two hour endurance during a weekend sometime. Weather in play, stuff like 430 Scud, LFA Nurb, on S/H-Full Wet. I plan on producing three classes, faster drivers, slightly slower cars. Might you be up for that? We could make the time mutually compatible, I think.

Sounds good Zo, I think I'd really enjoy the longer race(s) and I know @fadmad would too. It'd just be a case of sorting out a day and time (my biggest problem).
Well done Zo for keeping GT6 still interesting.

Great fun last night

Thanks chaps, it is still a basically good game, it's just that people have had their heads turned by newer models. Who knows what the future will bring?

Sounds good Zo, I think I'd really enjoy the longer race(s) and I know @fadmad would too. It'd just be a case of sorting out a day and time (my biggest problem).

If your programme allows it Joe, can you say one weekend in July, say, where you can fit a couple of hours in? We could start from there and see how it goes.

Post 1 updated chaps.

Cheers, Zo.
It was good to jump in again yesterday. With little practice as usual.

The first two races were fun. I managed to get pole in the first(!) but then did my usual trick of slipping down to the back of the field, but I did claw my way back up somewhat. The second started out OK, well slippy but OK, then it went dark and wet. Although I couldn't see where I was going it was still good.
In race three I created my own handicap system by hitting a sticky barrier soon after the start and only saw the spray from the other cars in the distance from then on. I managed a fastest lap though while out of that spray.

Ah good, no rain next week. ;)

a two hour endurance
:eek: I can barely manage the 15-20 minute races at the moment!

(I see that Pcars2 is planing to have a driver swap system that allows different people to "jump into" the same car during a pit stop in a long race. Be good for team racing.)

GTPs gone very quiet lately
I haven't posted for awhile. Have you missed me? :P
It was a great race, despite of me being gutted after throwing away a win in the last corner.

That loss reminds me of Toyota 2000GT Championship Rounds from Monaco and Willow Springs...

Anyways, I'm looking forward to race with Volkswagen Lupo GTi! :cheers:
:eek: I can barely manage the 15-20 minute races at the moment!

Might need to get the doc's permission to take part and start a fitness regime to get in shape!

Anyone know what the game allows at the end for all racers to finish on a 2-hour endurance race? Would be a shame to get to the end only for the 2-minute(?) cut off point to be reached.

If your programme allows it Joe, can you say one weekend in July, say, where you can fit a couple of hours in? We could start from there and see how it goes.

Saturdays for a high noon shootout would be good for me, UK time, any Saturday really. I wonder if that time suits gk, fad, Al, Tooma as well as the usual RR suspects though? Or you could wait until your current series has finished, say 29th July, and do something then. The "fair fortnight" holiday in Scotland should be finished but it's still a tricky time with people going on breaks etc. Best suit the usual lads Zo, they're number one. If you need any help with testing, just holla mate:tup:
Might need to get the doc's permission to take part and start a fitness regime to get in shape!
I think that with my various medications I'd probably make it :) (although staring at a screen that's quite close for that long might make my eyes ache). It's my er, race manager that might be the problem. I'd have to increase her medication also. ;)
I have to say Tom, that I'm a little frustrated that straight forward 3D-on-the-telly tech has stalled in the race to go
directly to VR

I agree Zo. I don't see why PD/PSN couldn't have kept it running. I thought it worked pretty good. 2D-3D conversion is better than it used to be, but there are convergence problems with the curved screen I use now, however I find with using the screen in 2D, and viewing about 3ft away from it, there is a sense of depth.

I too am really looking forward to VR. We only need a head set with a good fov for racing, so that should keep costs down, and an HDMI connection which will allow the hs to be used on any device. It will be brill!
the curved screen I use now viewing about 3ft away from it, there is a sense of depth.
Interesting Tom, I was wondering if it did. I'm using a 27" monitor at the moment at about that distance, which is pretty good, but there's a 32" curved monitor in a sale that's caught my eye. Hmm maybe.

VR also looks interesting. I know @Zolon32 is keen. Not sure if the PSVR is quite up to scratch yet, it's not something you can try out easily. One thing that is off-putting are all the cables and the possible problem of motion sickness!

A friend of mine, who's about 25 miles away, has the full Sony setup and he says that he likes it. However he can only use it for short periods because it makes him feel unwell! One of these days I'm going to have to visit him and give it a go - and maybe be sick on his carpet. :crazy:
VR also looks interesting

If your friend does racing sims, defo have a go, if he doesn't race I say, take your GT6 with you, just in case whatever he plays has a bad effect on you, but GT6 may be ok for you. I would have been to visit the day after he got his VR set up, lol.

Re the 32" monitor, I could not advise - really need a close look at it, but, the bigger the better I reckon, bearing in mind it may become redundant for racing when you get VR, so how much would it be used for other material? As you say, hmmm. Things to ponder.

Anyone feeling lucky, and have a spare £700 just to try one of these fab wheels?


SimXperience is giving five people the chance to test out the new V2.

Saturdays for a high noon shootout

The 24th June is out for me; any other time should be good.

I've been looking for a delete option for these posts - who knows?
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Saturdays for a high noon shootout would be good for me,

I think that with my various medications I'd probably make it :) (although staring at a screen that's quite close for that long might make my eyes ache). It's my er, race manager that might be the problem. I'd have to increase her medication also. ;)

Chaps, I've chosen 12:00 mid-day Saturday 29th July as the appointed time, and set up a thread in the appropriate section of GTP...


Let's see how many we can tempt.

Yep, I've learned I'm cool for 20 mins, can just about handle 30 mins, but after that I start thinking about bumblebees and broken biscuits, miss my braking points and have an off.

I'm not sure how I'll manage either BB, but it's a hell of a track (by that I mean HELL) that I'm hoping will keep anyone interested for 200 miles, if for no other reason than it will take about that long to learn it properly.

I would have been to visit the day after he got his VR set up, lol.

Here, here. He'd have got sick of the sight of me by now!

I've had a spin around Trial Mountain in the Lupo, and I can't believe how much flat out running there is. I might need to tighten the handicapping just a little on Tuesday, but we'll see...

Cheers, Zo.
First (and only) practice lap at 82% in the Lupo = 1m54.4. Should be a fun race. :D

By the way, if people want to race on the 6th, I've got an idea for a FWD triple header - three cars, same track, all dry weather. Would anyone be interested?
all dry weather. :P
Would anyone be interested?
Nice one. 👍
I was thinking of organising something myself to cover Zo's absence but you've beat me to it. So as long as I'm free, you can count me in.