Ride 4

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
Career in Ride 3 was locked to, get so many stars, next tier open. Been watching some stuff on you tube, Scaff and their games are locked.

It was, but they were locked behind series that had a certain freedom of approach that is now gone. For instance, to unlock the second tier in Ride 3 meant scoring a certain number of points within the various series within tier one. This could be accomplished with 1-2 bikes because a lot of the series were “open events” that could be raced with any bike as long as it fell within the performance rating. This allowed you to save your credits to buy the bikes you wanted and race them. Now, even with in the same series (5 races) there’s instances were you NEED two separate bikes. This wouldn’t be as big of an issue if the credits you were awarded were reasonable. If you don’t own one or either of the bikes required, prepare for a grind.
I must admit, once I'm in the game and racing, I'm really enjoying it. Changed the graphics mode from quality to performance. It's like night and day. It is so much smoother and I am struggling to see what the difference is in detail etc? I guess graphics mode is supposed to be 4k?

Anyway, liking the career races, but even then they throw in tests where its an instant fail if you go off-track even the tiniest bit. The plus side is, that at least in career you can upgrade your bike so the actual target times and a lot easier to reach.
Boy I was so looking forward to this title and now I am so sorry I pre-ordered. Unless something changes I don’t see myself playing this very much. Should have waited and read/watched some reviews first.
Like Milestone would respond that fast! Lol

Since they didn’t cap it, what I ended up doing in career was picking one of the least annoying career races and just rerunning it to level/credit up. No desire to actually complete the career or achieve anything or collect trophies. The 600 SS race at the Nurburgring short is only 3 laps.winning is like 40k credits and it doesn’t appear to decrease if you keep rerunning it. So I run 4 or 5 races walk away for a few hrs comeback repeat. That way I get the bikes I want then won’t bother again with career. Not going to do any updates until I get what I want cause you know that would be something they’d “fix” with a patch

Sad because typically a couple small tweaks you’d have a pretty good game but again they never fix anything
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I wonder if they will hold back on any fixes until the new consoles next month? I believe this is one of the smart delivery games on Xbox One/ Series X, so will be getting a free upgrade to the new console. One thing, at least it should run very smoothly indeed!
They aren’t releasing next gen upgrades until Jan.

from a strictly performance standpoint Ride 4is pretty good. Runs smooth, looks great and load times aren’t bad. I haven’t been impressed with their use of the Unreal engine to be honest. Think it was MotoGP 17 they finally got 60fps on consoles and then switched to Unreal and went back down to 30fps. The trade off of dynamic weather to me wasn’t worth it

to each his own but never understood why people want wet weather in racing games. I mean I live in the desert almost and Never have I been at a track day and thought geez I wish it would rain, cause I’m so bored with this sunny track conditions! Plus games do such a bad job have providing any real kind of feel, to me it just becomes an annoyance more than any kind of challenge
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I agree about wet tracks and I also don't feel a need to race at night. The game atmosphere may be neat but what kind of developement time is needed. I don't go to the beach at night or in the rain. I do understand for whatever reason they are highly requested.
As far as the career goes I think Milehighstone should let you advance with bronze finishes. And they should 5 or more seconds between metals.
You can advance with Bronze it’s just that some of them are steep!!! And since the payout is smaller it takes longer obviously. That’s why when I noticed you could rerun events without the pay decreasing I just found the least annoying race with a decent payout. I generally like running 10-15 lap races so doing the method I mentioned about kind of works out. Stupid you have to do something like that but it is what it is. I mean it’s like isn’t the reason to buy a racing game to actually you know race? But seems like actual racing is the least important thing now. On a funny note..... without fail with every milestone purchase I buy a new controller. Never had a controller throwing problem unless I’m playing one of their games. Only took 45mins for me to fling one after playing Ride 4. So that’s what I only do a few races and then walk away. Can’t afford racing marathons with Milestone games.

I can play and enjoy Tourist Trophy today as much as I did when it came out. Just putting in laps. Add more bikes and tracks and I’m good. So no don’t understand this career stuff as currently defined. Seems more about collecting than racing and getting better.

it’s funny same thing when I read a review for CoD and they talk about “didn’t make me care about the characters.....”. I like what the heck are you talking about... I just want to blow stuff up!!! Those cut scenes and talking just gets in the way. That’s how I feel about career mode these days.
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They aren’t releasing next gen upgrades until Jan.

from a strictly performance standpoint Ride 4is pretty good. Runs smooth, looks great and load times aren’t bad. I haven’t been impressed with their use of the Unreal engine to be honest. Think it was MotoGP 17 they finally got 60fps on consoles and then switched to Unreal and went back down to 30fps. The trade off of dynamic weather to me wasn’t worth it

to each his own but never understood why people want wet weather in racing games. I mean I live in the desert almost and Never have I been at a track day and thought geez I wish it would rain, cause I’m so bored with this sunny track conditions! Plus games do such a bad job have providing any real kind of feel, to me it just becomes an annoyance more than any kind of challenge

I agree about wet tracks and I also don't feel a need to race at night. The game atmosphere may be neat but what kind of developement time is needed. I don't go to the beach at night or in the rain. I do understand for whatever reason they are highly requested.
As far as the career goes I think Milehighstone should let you advance with bronze finishes. And they should 5 or more seconds between metals.
I love both night and wet racing, reflects the conditions we get over here in the UK for the wet stuff and night racing is just an integral part of endurance racing which I love.

I do however acknowledge it’s not for everyone
I love both night and wet racing, reflects the conditions we get over here in the UK for the wet stuff and night racing is just an integral part of endurance racing which I love.

I do however acknowledge it’s not for everyone
I've done my fair share of real world motorcycle riding in both the rain and at night, often at the same time. That's just life as a motorcyclist in the Pacific Northwest.

I'm going to take a couple hours this weekend and attempt career mode. Either I advance or I rage-quit. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground in this game.
Not sure if I should buy Ride 4. Is the handling better, I mean more realistic than in Ride 3? Are the engine sounds better, less generic sounding engines? Is the sense of speed or immersion when riding better than in Ride 3? I don't care about Career. I will also miss Bimota Furano. Not sure why Bimota disappeared from Ride 4.
I've done my fair share of bad weather riding as well and personally don't mind. When I lived elsewhere the weather was always iffy I never cancelled a trackday because of a forecast of rain or snow. But at the same time I've never just up and decided to go for a ride in the rain / snow either lol. My gripe with it in games is
  • When it's made mandatory especially during a season
  • It's usually very poorly done so it's more annoying than challenging.
Not having changeable weather isn't something that would be a make or break item for me in regards to purchase decision

I'm going to take a couple hours this weekend and attempt career mode. Either I advance or I rage-quit. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground in this game.

I would have to agree with you. I can be pretty stubborn and that's the only reason I gave it another shot. playing out of spite lol not for fun lol
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For example MotoGP 17 and 19 is a huge improvement, so huge I immediately uninstalled Moto Gp17 from the console. So I wonder if Ride 4 is only about small cosmetic improvements over Ride 3.
It took me an hour last night, but I finally got a bronze on the final test at VIR. It was just awful. No fun at all. Once that was done, I spent my money on the Harley VR1000 and had a single race at VIR on it. (I couldn't find a way to change the race track.) I came in dead last by something like a full minute. I fell off the bike at least twice every lap. The braking line is completely useless in this game. If you brake when it tells you to, you are going to blow the corner and fall off. You need to start braking about a hundred feet before it tells you to if you want to make it through the corner. Which makes the braking line pretty useless. Might as well turn it off. I honestly think Ride 4 is worse than Ride 3.

That's because the line doesn't tell you when to brake in Ride, its a dynamic racing line that tells you that you're going to fast if you enter that section at your current speed. The yellow sections indicate you're going too fast for that part of the corner, the red sections indicate you're basically about to crash, the line should be blue when you're on it and blue a few metres ahead at all times, if you brake when entering a yellow section you're already going faster than you should be, you still have to judge the braking zone for yourself although the line is warning you in advance.
Just got to try it last night. It's really not THAT hard as people say. I'm not an amazing player - for comparison I find MotoGP19 quite challenging at 80% difficulty. The first European license test was quite easy and only took a few tries to learn the track/task. Only got a couple of golds though and silver for the rest - but gold should be challenging. Started the 600 cup and won the first race on the second try with almost 4 seconds. Mind you - only at 20% difficulty - but I think that is a level most recreational players will manage once you learn how the bike handles. For people who never played bike games I can understand that there is a steep learning curve compared to car games though.
But it still has some really frustrating elements. The off track punishment in time trials is so harsh and you have to spend 20 seconds going through all menus to start over. A simple "retry" would helped A LOT, or just an "invalid lap" and you could keep going another lap.
too me it's more tedious than hard. especially the time trial. Agree 100% the lap should simply be invalidated if you crash or leave the track. But again the whole process is tedious because it's the same thing over and over in EVERY version. There is more focus on not racing then actually racing :( And the fact unlike Ride 3 you are far more limited in the path you take. So for me having to go through hrs of bikes events I have no interest in sucks. especially given that the last couple of bikes I actually want and would use are in the 400K+ range. Game has ended up being a waste of $$$$

GT Sport had the same problem but at least they gave you a way to semi-quickly earn $$$ plus they car give away if you did so many miles a day. Guess Milestone missed that part when they were trying to copy GT and Forza
also I thought Ride 4 was supposed to have qualifying? That's the other thing that makes the test tedious. You don't have an option to find a rhythm other than having to start over all the time. The game layout is terrible . Even with the track test it should simply let you run the test until you pass or quit. I don't use suggested line assists or Maps. I take it like I do when I go to a new track and prefer to put laps in and learn my way around.

And again the AI is just horrible, they do not react at all to the player. Easily avoidable accidents aren't avoided. So it's a very tedious situation. In the MotoGP and SX/MX games I crank up the AI because you can jump in and race and I don't mind working my way up to earn a win. But with Ride just to get through all the crap I drop it down to stuckonstupid AI level cause I'd end up breaking my PS4 if I didn't
Despite all this, I got weak when I was in the store where the RIDE4 logo smiled at me. Price was attractive (€47) so I ended up buying it.

Updating atm and I'll give it go afterwards. I am more in for the photomode and a couple of bikes which I really like.

Had TT, a MotoGP game and DRIVECLUB Bikes. A RIDE game, I've never played but even with the remarks made in here, I look forward to it. Will report back later.

Ride 4_20201009202022.jpg
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I've spend about an hour with the vanilla (unpatched) disc-version and I've had an absolute blast. I am on simulation simplified since I need some time to adapt to the 2wheel action. Golded the Tsukuba first race and got a couple of Silvers and Golds on Brands and Nurb (first career set). Challenging indeed but I honestly like this. Bronze has been absolutely doable up until now. Will see how it goes further in the career. Have fiddled a bit with the photomode and it is complete and working pretty well. Replays are also decent. Can't say a lot about the physics, need much more time for that.

Haven't raced against the AI yet but I am prepared after all of your warnings.

So far, one hour played, one hour well spend 👍
Quoted from their Facebook page, apparently they are listening

We're reading all your comments and are currently working on improving and fixing some aspects of the game
As a first step we're releasing a PC patch to make the game more tolerant out of track detection
This same patch will be available also on consoles in the next days
Stay tuned for more updates
Quoted from their Facebook page, apparently they are listening

We're reading all your comments and are currently working on improving and fixing some aspects of the game
As a first step we're releasing a PC patch to make the game more tolerant out of track detection
This same patch will be available also on consoles in the next days
Stay tuned for more updates
Nice. I look forward to it hitting my XBox soon.
I'm enjoy the game, great to see variable weather, like Project Cars. Was watching some Endurance at Estoril 8 hrs. Hot brakes, flames from exhaust, they had put race earlier, because the dark. Who ever thought of racing cars, bikes in dark, that never catch on.

The details in the tracks, are lot better, NW200, some bits missing in 3, Southern100 and Oulton Park.
Online racing, is fixed, to, could only use automatic gears in 3. All bikes are unlocked from the start, time trails, are same as MotoGP19 and PC2. Scaff if your having trouble, just go for bronze and move on next event.👍
Hey guys, these comments make the ride3 gold deal tempting. It includes the season pass plus the sport bike pack and bmw dlc bike for 16$ cad.

Pretty good.., i have the base game and the season pass is pretty costly and excludes the sport pack, so i might get this deal. Even if i had to redo some events it's not a big deal as i have only a few done and mostly did single races.

There's many cool bikes in all dlc.