Share your Drift Trial Highscore - made 700 Million Points

  • Thread starter Paul_BNR32
who plays here too often drift mode? :D

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ok, in GTSport there's no points, an im still kinda noob here, almost 2 years haven't drift since gt6 .
in gt6, 60k gvs - 32k suzuka - 32 Tsukuba - 45k Tokyo - 45k ssr .
I hear you bro, drifting is not about doing scores. but since you like to tell us about how you could do 30k with any car and since this thread is what it is, why not just tell us your best.
I hear you bro, drifting is not about doing scores. but since you like to tell us about how you could do 30k with any car and since this thread is what it is, why not just tell us your best.

pls read my first reply mate, i wrote down most of what i remember highest score I've done in gt6, i know drift it's not all about scores - said by people can't get higher - i drift for fun, doing tandem scores, backwards, racing,, time trails, cars show,, its a game, but since you asked about the highest scores i already answered you in my first comment
32k is no answer. Everybody does approximately that every run.
This thread is about sharing your high score. The guy who started it does 34,753 with gr4 Ferrari. what's your high score
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32k is no answer. Everybody does approximately that every run.
This thread is about sharing your high score. The guy who started it does 34,753. what's your high score

mate, you got me, everyone can got 32k in suzuka every run, you're right , i can't even drift, im just trying to look pro an cool,
you know what bro? I just realized where all the confusion comes from. It's from you answering a question that was addressed to somebody else by bringing up GT6 in a GT Sport forum.
here's 31,700 that I did just now with the mileage shop Mustang. this took some effort.

I really love this car and was hoping to get a nice 33k+ but it's hard.

32,300 with LC500 N800 FR
include settings at the end, I was surprised that higher softer springs at the rear felt like it was working better as well as toe in.
here's 31,700 that I did just now with the mileage shop Mustang. this took some effort.
I really love this car and was hoping to get a nice 33k+ but it's hard.

I love that car as well but cannot drift it at all. I find it has a very fine line of under/over steer, which probably has everything to do with downforce.
I love that car as well but cannot drift it at all. I find it has a very fine line of under/over steer, which probably has everything to do with downforce.
I think it's cause of the wide tyres because it's stripped of the aero parts. I find it rather easy to drift, one of the best in the game for me.. I made tunes for both wheel and dualshock use. Ill send you screenshots if you add me Driftmatic-Doom

edit: remembered that I put the Dualshock tune on YT, I was pretty happy with my result because I don't use it much and am not very good at it.

oh and this is with a random guy using a wheel who 5 minutes prior was asking me how I could drift it, so I gave him my tune XD
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I don't have pic atm but my best is 27k with gr.3 huracan and I have just recently started drifting in gts
gr3 are not the easiest. I think because of the strong aero they have that behavior that you described, wild changing levels of grip, but they look cool ahah. gr4 are much easier to be smooth with and also score much more, maybe cause you can be more aggressive during the transitions as handling stays more consistent when angle changes.
you could give road cars a try too, a very manageable one would be the 350z.
i planed this threat for a screenshots of your total points.
the last days, weeks i coulnd play.
but played a little bit the last two days

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I had missed the small bubble the first time.
Oh My God. that's 10 000 Suzuka runs :lol::dunce:👍👍

i started drifting in gts with the release of the g29. ok, a few weeks later, because i had extrem problems to drift. and at the beginng a was happy with 20k :lol:

but you´re right. suzuka east is my favorite. i tryed other tracks, but the other are not suzuka east :lol: :lol:
my f458 gr.4 has 6561km on the counter. i dont race the car. only drift. 90% suzuka
650s gr. 3200km
+ the other cars.
i tryes nearly all cars, but the two are for me the best

and since update 1.4 i´m not happy with the ffb every time i drift, i play with the settings - to beat my own probably world record 34753 points.
but i will make the 35k. the
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