The Amazon Prime Not Topgear Show That From Now On Will Be Called "The Grand Tour"TV 

  • Thread starter fortbo
I'm back to this thread with my complaining after skipping last two episodes and watching this one :lol:
Gonna put all the complaining under a spoiler (there are also actual spoilers for the episode)
Never liked their Grand Tour stuff that much, though there were plenty of good moment too.
My main issue with TGT (and late TG) was obvious and heavy scripting. They kept making fun of people who say "I miss not scripted TG" and sure, it never was not scripted, but what those people mean is "I miss times when it felt like a geniune adventure".
And it's not like they are filming all that in a studio, the adventure is actually happening each episode, so it's kinda impressive how they manage to make a real one feel fake. And I can't say this episode doesn't have those issues.
Also, Beetle part was not funny at all, like what's the joke? At least use a Marina for a funny callback. Makes sense to me, there were plenty of other callbacks.
Now, the ending. Again, what's with the heavy scripting? No one's going to believe those two cars were just sitting there, especially those who watched DriveTribe video about how those two were found 4 years ago. "Finding" it really threw me off.
However, I can say it definitely had its good moments, and it was pretty enjoyable overall. The cars felt a lot like those classic TG trips. And there were plenty of geniune interactions between the trio, which is the main part I will miss so much.
And is it kinda strange how boat-related stuff are some of the best parts in a car show?
The ending, besides what I mentioned in the complaining part, was great.
It's sad to see it end, I watched them since childhood and I will miss those 3 together. Can't say I will miss Grand Tour, but I definitely hope they gonna make something together here and there, maybe on YouTube. Maybe a podcast? Would love to just have them discuss smth, no script, just their amazing chemistry.
But for now at least I can enjoy their individual content and rewatch the old stuff. Despite all the complaining above, I will forever have a lot of respect for those 3 guys.
While it’s been known the original cars have been found for ages, I do genuinely believe Jeremy and James didn’t know they were going to be right there on their route. The production team obviously organised them to be - it’d be far too coincidental otherwise - but I honestly don’t think they were told.

As you mentioned, TGT suffered from the worst parts of late TG in terms of scripting and the ‘acting’ from all three when it came to scripted moments. The reaction from both of them was too visceral for it to have been fake, I think.
While it’s been known the original cars have been found for ages, I do genuinely believe Jeremy and James didn’t know they were going to be right there on their route. The production team obviously organised them to be - it’d be far too coincidental otherwise - but I honestly don’t think they were told.

As you mentioned, TGT suffered from the worst parts of late TG in terms of scripting and the ‘acting’ from all three when it came to scripted moments. The reaction from both of them was too visceral for it to have been fake, I think.
Yeah, can be the case, true. I think there was some acting involved anyway, in terms of how they made it seem like the cars were just there. Maybe the crew did initially surprise them with those, because their reaction indeed seemed very geniune, but then they acted it out as if the cars just happened to be there, instead of being put there by the crew?
I suspect Jeremy and/or James would’ve asked between cuts how they found them and got there, since even in the heat of the moment they would’ve probably figured it’d been set up for them.
It's sad to see it end, I watched them since childhood and I will miss those 3 together. Can't say I will miss Grand Tour, but I definitely hope they gonna make something together here and there, maybe on YouTube. Maybe a podcast? Would love to just have them discuss smth, no script, just their amazing chemistry.
But for now at least I can enjoy their individual content and rewatch the old stuff. Despite all the complaining above, I will forever have a lot of respect for those 3 guys.
I am yet to watch the final episode, but I completely agree with everything you have said here. Really glad to have had peak Top Gear through my teen years and some of the older features will always get a rewatch.

Grand Tour had a handful of moments, but it never consistently delivered for me, so I am not at all upset to see it go. Exactly as you have said though, it would be great to see the trio maybe looking back at some of their older work though.
Ended up watching it while off grid on a trip (had to download it prior to getting off grid) and I loved it.

There was the scene where they over dramatically got rid of the back up car over the cliff and I was like - really? But then it played out as a spoof of what they have done before as a kind of homage to some of the ridiculously (not set up of course) stuff they have done before.

But after that it was pure TG/TGT at it best with the heavy undertone of farewell. And to think I have been watching these three for 41% of my life (not excluding Clarkson on the original TG of the 90s either). Makes me feel old..
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